Thursday, June 30, 2016

A guide to alcohol and drugs influence at workplace

In recent years, there are increasing numbers of people who turn up work under the influence of alcohol and drugs. According to a survey conducted by the Health and Safety Executive in 1994, 90% of personnel directors from top UK organisations stated that alcohol consumption was a problem for their organisation. 18% of large company directors reported illegal drug use by their employees in 2004, a survey through the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and the Reward Group 2004.

The impact of an employee under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the work place could be:

? Poor discipline and violent behaviour

? Safety endangered for everyone at the workplace

? Effect on employee relations and team morale

? Poor performance and loss of efficiency

? Lateness and absenteeism

? Unpleasant effects on company image and customer relations.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, it’s the responsibilty of company directors to take into account, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees. A director could be prosecuted if he deliberately allowed an employee under the influence of drugs and/or excessive alcohol to continue working whilst placing the employee or others at risk. Likewise, employees are also responsible to take sensible care of themselves and others who could be affected by what they perform. Eg: If you’re working in a transport industry, The Transport and Works Act 1992 makes it a criminal offence for certain employees to be unfit through drink and/or drugs while working on railways, buses, tramways and other guided transport systems. The operators of the transport system would also be guilty of an offence unless they had shown all due diligence in trying to prevent such an offence being committed.

How to Deal with the Situation?

First of all, an employer should investigate whether the incident happen was a one-off, occurs on a regular basis or he/she has underlying medical conditions (eg: depression, stress). Research has shown that many employees tend to use drugs/alcohol to cope with their work-related stress.

If your employee has such medical conditions, provide a doctor consultation and confidential support through her/his problem. This could help stop the behavior.

Before a fair dismissal takes place, the employer is expected to observe the whole situation, and offer support. Care needs to be taken before taking disciplinary action.

Without any proof or reasonable grounds, employers cannot simply report an employee for a suspected criminal offence. Such action could result in an employee claiming constructive or unfair dismissal.

To prevent such situation happen, directors can introduce a policy of random drug and alcohol testing and conduct pre-employment testing for illegal drugs and alcohol misuse.

To verify whether you have the adequate alcohol and drug policy, seek advice from a specialist employment lawyer. Visit Find A Solicitor to get the nearest experienced employment specialist solicitor.

If you would like additional information or help, you may want to contact the organizations below:

Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)

Brandon House,

180 Borough High Street

London SE1 1LW

Helpline: 08457 47 47 47

ACAS can provide advice to employers and employees on the employment and industrial relations implications of policies on alcohol at work.

Alcohol Concerns

First Floor

8 Shelton Street

London WC2H 9JR

Tel: 020 7395 4000

Alcohol Concern can put you in touch with local alcohol advisory services, in particular those that are members of the Federation of Workplace Alcohol Advisory Services (FEDWAAS).

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monitoring your fitness progress don t guess- measure

Mass Gaining program is incomplete without the timely measurements to monitor Your Progress. The only way to know if your mass or fat loss program is successful is by monitoring your measurements, weight and body fat levels.

'One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.' - Admiral Grace Hopper, U. S. Navy

Depending on the program, I recommend that everyone take their body fat levels every 1-2 weeks.

There's a lot that these readings reveal to a trained eye! For example, I was recently on a fat loss diet, and I did not lose any weight for three weeks. At first I thought that I needed to drop my calories further because the current levels were not working for me. I did not want to do this because as a hard-gainer, dropping my calories too low can result in too much muscle loss. So, before I committed to a more drastic diet, I checked my body fat records.

Was I in for a shock! According to my body fat calculations I was actually getting leaner. Even though my weight did not change during that three-week period, my body fat levels went down 3%! Since I did not lose any weight during that time, the fat must have been replaced by muscle (an added benefit, but this does not happen most of the time). I would have never known this by simply looking in the mirror.

Another example is last year when I was on a mass cycle. I was eating a tremendous amount of calories and gaining weight like crazy. I stopped the diet once I began to notice that my fat gains were larger than my muscle gains. I would never have noticed this if I had not closely monitored my body fat levels.

I expect to gain some fat on a mass diet, but I always want to gain more muscle than fat. If I had not kept track of my body fat levels, I would have gained too much fat.


There are many methods of measuring your body fat and some are quite expensive. While many consider underwater weighing to be the most accurate, no method is 100% precise -- they all have some margin of error. It's not important to know the exact number -- what's important is to use the same method each time you take your measurements so you can have a consistent record of your progress. I just use an inexpensive skinfold caliper. They cost anywhere from $29-$80 and are simple to use.

A good caliper is essential. Without it, you won't know how exactly your body is responding to your diet and training routine. You may also want to consider using a tracking software like The Composition Tracker at comptracker. com ... It will help you analyze your data and tell you if you are actually building more muscle and losing more fat!

Just looking in the mirror and guessing is not acceptable!

If you want to start getting great results, you must develop the habit of accurately tracking your progress. If you don't, you will continue to go in circles. This may seem like a 'hassle', but nothing worth having is ever easy to attain.

Monday, June 27, 2016

5 great tips to handle stress

Stress has always been a part of our lives. In this hectic time, people lead an increasingly stressful life. Experts state that a little stress can be good; it keeps you sharp and ready to move forward, and is sometimes vital for achieving optimum performance. However, medical research has determined that prolonged stress is very bad for the body, and can block the body's natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself. Over 90% of disease is caused by stress. Stress is both a physical and psychological response. It can lead to chronic disease, obesity, insomnia, deteriorating relationships, depression, and more.

Stress is such a powerful and harmful force that it is vital that you learn effective stress management techniques to live a successful, happy, and healthy life. We must remember that we will always come across inevitable factors that cause pressure and anxiety on us. What we do not know is that it is not really the problems that are difficult to deal with, but our attitude towards them. So basically, the cause of stress is your attitude toward these things. What, then, is an effective way to deal with stressors?

Below are 5 great tips to handle stress.

1. Identify what makes you stressful and uneasy. Making a list of your stressful experiences is useful. Immediately deal with the issues that you can change, for instance waking up earlier for work in the morning, not leaving things till the last minute, and delegating tasks in case you are taking responsibility for everything. Forget about the issues that you cannot influence like being stuck in a traffic jam or not getting into the elevator because there is no room for you.

2. Calm down. A few minutes break would do you good. Wash your face, breath slowly and deeply, and notice if there is tension in any part of your body and release it. You can also listen to relaxing music, or call a friend. Releasing your inner feelings to a friend is healthy option.

3. It will pass and it will be over before you know it. Remind yourself that the stressful event will end sooner or later can make you see the positive sides of things. At the same time, calm down your emotions and think of what is the best thing to do rather than take your energy away from what needs to be done.

4. Know yourself. Ask yourself: What triggers your anxiety? If for example it is your job, then maybe it’s time for you to reconsider whether it would be best to find a less stressful job. You can also make your job more tolerable by allowing yourself to get that needed vacation or leave.

5. Learn to use your relaxation response. Just as we all have within us the stress response, we also have an opposite response, which is the relaxation response. A person should elicit that on a regular basis. The relaxation response involves two steps. Repetition, the repetition can be a word, a sound, an expression, or a repetitive movement. The second step is to ignore other thoughts that come to your mind while you're doing the repetition, and come back to the repetition. The technique should be used once or twice a day for about 15 minutes. Sit quietly and choose a suitable repetition, like a prayer, the sound Om, or the word love, or calm. Or you can do a repetitive exercise, for instance yoga, jogging, Reiki. Additional repetitive activities are knitting or handicraft. When you incorporate this into your everyday life, you become calmer and better able to handle the stressors. Practice makes perfect and the more you practice relax your mind, the easier it gets.

The true causes of stress are not the problems or negative experiences that you encounter in your life; but your attitude toward them. So, the trick is to change your attitude and to develop a relaxed state, because you cannot be stressed and relaxed at the same time. It is important to understand that what we focus on, we energize. The more you continue to think about the factors that cause your stress, the more energy you give it. So it is vital to let go and focus on relaxation instead. Consequently, you're less likely to be upset by a stressor, and thus less likely to have its harmful effect occur. Eventually, it is your choice. You could either continue to react in the same stressful way, or you could choose to improve your life by changing your attitude and becoming relaxed. There’s no other way around it.

One way links are given and accepted with love and are for ever. grab them

Unlike Reciprocal Links, One-Way Links also known as Inbound Links are obtained by you or in fact given to you with Love and for ever. Yes, they have come to stay. One-Way Link is a link pointing to your website from another site. You do not have to link back to that website. In other words you need not reciprocate. One-Way Links play a vital role in increasing your Link Popularity.

Link Popularity is a measure of the number of sites of quality and relevance that point to your website. The more number of such sites, the higher will your page rank be.

Search Engines consider One-Way Links superior to Reciprocal Links because the website that links to your site without getting a link back, endorses the fact that yours is a website of quality.

Webmasters are known to adopt various methods to artificially increase the Link Popularity of their websites, such as purchasing of high PR links. Search Engines have now become aware of this and hence major Search Engines appear to be devaluing sites that solely depend on reciprocal links.

Good Reciprocal Links are often obtained by begging and are in some instances not permanent due to unethical practices of some webmasters. On the other hand One-Way Links have a different story to tell.

1. If your website has good content and valuable information, other webmasters will link to your site, because they Love and appreciate the contents of your site. You thus get a permanent One-Way Link more often with the same theme as that of your website.

2. I have posted about 550 articles in my website written by other webmasters, because I Love those articles and would like my visitors too, to appreciate and benefit from these articles. Similarly several hundreds of webmasters have published my articles in their Directories, Ezines, Newsletters and Websites for the same reason.

Writing expert articles of quality, that are informative and educative, sincerely from your heart is appreciated by the audience. The result is that your articles are often sought after and published by webmasters. Thus you are given a permanent One-Way Link with Love.

3. Listing in Web Directories is another great way of securing One-Way Links. In addition to well known Directories such as Yahoo Directory (charges a fee for guaranteed listing), The Open Project Directory (DMOZ), and Joe Ant Directory, there are several other Secondary Directories that Love to list your website without requesting a link back. A list of these Directories can be obtained by going into the Search Engines. By submitting your website to the relevant category in these directories you are assured of a high quality relevant One-Way Link that will be there for ever.

Furthermore there are several high PR Directories who Love to list your website but charge a fee for listing. Get listed and you are again assured of a quality relevant One Way Link for ever.

4. If you have purchased a product and like the product, write a good testimonial about the product and send it across to the webmaster or vendor concerned with your URL in it. He would be thankful to you and would Love to publish your testimonial, thereby giving you a One-Way Link.

In addition to these methods there are additional ways in obtaining one way links by posting relevant comments in Forums, Blogs and submitting Press Releases etc.

To increase their link popularity, webmasters endeavor to acquire as many quality reciprocal links or one way links. For reasons already indicated Webmasters Love one-way links and Search Engines appear to Love them even more.

The manner in which One-Way Links are obtained can be viewed from a different perspective altogether.

Webmasters Love your website and link it to theirs. They love your articles and post it in theirs. They love your product and write a glowing testimony. Directories love your quality website and list it. You love them in return for giving you a One-Way Link for ever. On the other hand in reciprocal links exchange or link trade as some term it the whole approach revolves around begging and bargaining.

The more number of relevant one way links you obtain, the greater and faster your chances of increasing your link popularity and climbing up the Page Rank ladder. The benefits of a high page rank are numerous. So the earlier you start to capitalize on these On-Way Links that are given for ever with love, the happier you are going to be.

Online music stores

When the music industry targeted the internet as a way of bringing music to people in all parts of the world, they probably did not consider the impact that this decision would have on so many lives. People now have the opportunity to listen to music any place they want to because online music stores sell music that can be downloaded to many listening devices.

An online music store offers customers the chance to hear live performances of their favorite artist or learn about struggling artists that are trying to kick start a career with their own brand of music. The categories of music have not changed one bit over the years, but the people that make the music become historical markers of a moment in music that might be repeated by someone else but never the same as the person who sang it originally.

People have the chance to track the history of one music artist and see how long it takes them to reach stardom. These figures will no doubt be used many times in content over the World Wide Web and serve to inspire other artists with a talent for music to try their hand at making a successful career out of something that they like to do. The fans are responsible for making a music artist a star because they are the ones that come to the internet to buy an album or a particular song off an album.

An online music store allows people to listen to music before they buy it. This is the same service that is offered in any reputable music store but the internet provides music customers with search engines that can be used to find different versions of the same song that are sung by singers from many nationalities. This truly differentiates the simplicity of buying music online to the music choices offered in a land-based music store.

Some people want to collect every album that an artist creates over the span of many years. An online music store allows customers to search for their favorite artist and get a copy of the word to every song ever written. To do this in a land-based music store might require the customer to pay additional fees. An online music store allows people to use their home computer to store files and create their own music libraries without incurring any additional fees.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How whiskey is made

Every country has a different approach to making whisky, which will be discussed in detail at the beginning of each chapter. However, all are basically variations on the following rules.

Whisky is made from a cereal; some (or all) of it malted, that has been ground into a rough flour then mashed by passing hot water through the flour to extract a sweet liquid. This is cooled, yeast is added and the mixture ferments, turning into a crude beer. This is then distilled in either a pot or a column still. Because alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, the alcohol vapours are released first. These are condensed into a clear, strong spirit which is then aged in oak casks.

Malt whisky is made exclusively from malted barley and is distilled twice (or occasionally three times) in pot stills. It is then aged in used oak casks for a minimum of three years. Grain whisky is made from either corn or wheat, with some malted barley. It is distilled in a column still to produce a lighter spirit with a high degree of alcohol, and aged in used casks for a minimum of three years. Blended scotch is a combination of grain and malt whisky.

Irish whiskey can be made in a number of styles. Pure pot still, using malted and/or unmalted barley; a mix of pot and column still, and all column still. It, too, must be aged in used casks for three years. American whiskey (bourbon) must be made from a minimum 51 per cent corn, to which can be added wheat, malted barley and rye. It is distilled in either a single column still, a column still with a second still called a 'doublet', or in pot stills. Tennessee whiskey must also be filtered through a bed of charcoal. All American produced whiskey must be aged in new charred-oak casks.

Canadian whisky is a blend of whiskies most commonly made in column stills from wheat, corn, barley and rye (either singly or combined), and must be aged for a minimum of three years in used oak casks. Canadian distillers are allowed to add up to 9.09 per cent of other mature spirits (Cognac, rum, bourbon, malt, sherry) to the final blend.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The 2500-year-old pythagorean theorem

Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher responsible for important developments in mathematics, astronomy and the theory of music. He left Samos because of the tyrant who ruled there and went to southern Italy about 532 BC. He founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton that had many followers.


Although the theorem now known as Pythagoras's theorem was known to the Babylonians 1000 years earlier he may have been the first to prove it.

It's the fact that


According to one legend, Pythagoras (c.580 B. C.-c.500 B. C.) discovered the theorem while waiting to see Polycrates, the tyrannical ruler of the city of Samos. Cooling his heels in a palace hall, Pythagoras spent the time pondering the floor's square tiling. He imagined how a diagonal line cutting across a square would divide the square into two right triangles. He noted that the area of a square erected over the diagonal is double the area of the square erected on an adjacent side. In other words, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the triangle's two legs. Pythagoras came to believe that the same relationship would hold when the legs have unequal lengths.

The theorem's history, however, is more complex than this legend would suggest. The use of the 3-4-5 triangle for constructing a right angle, for instance, goes back to much earlier times in Egypt, Babylon, and China. In his textbook The History of Mathematics, Roger Cooke of the University of Vermont describes how the Babylonians might have discovered the Pythagorean theorem more than 1,000 years before Pythagoras.

Basing his account on a passage in Plato's dialogue Meno, Cooke suggests that the discovery arose when someone, either for a practical purpose or perhaps just for fun, found it necessary to construct a square twice as large as a given square. Simply doubling a square's side actually quadruples the square's area. If you contemplate the quadrupled square for a while, you might think to join the midpoints of adjacent sides--in effect, drawing the diagonals of the four copies of the original square.

"Doing so creates a square in the center of the larger square surrounded by four copies of a right triangle whose hypotenuse equals the side of the center square; it also creates the two squares on the legs of that right triangle and two rectangles that together are equal in area to four copies of the triangle," Cooke writes. This construction adds up to the Pythagorean theorem.

"The Pythagorean theorem was an early example of an important fact rediscovered independently and often," Veljan remarks. Moreover, more than 400 different proofs of the theorem are known today


The famous Babylonian clay tablet known as Plimpton 322 goes a step further. Dating from the period between 1900 B. C. and 1600 B. C., the tablet has columns of numbers that apparently represent what are now called PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES.

The whole numbers a, b, and c are a Pythagorean triple if a and b are the lengths of two sides of a right triangle with hypotenuse c, so a2 + b2 = c2.

In general, for any number k, the corresponding Pythagorean triple is a = 2k + 1, b = 2k(k + 1), and c = b + 1. For example, when k = 1, a = 3, b = 4, and c = 5. When k = 2, a = 5, b = 12, and c = 13.

The Babylonians used a sexagesimal, or base 60, number system. The Plimpton tablet has several columns of numbers, written in cuneiform script. The following table shows the numbers in two of the columns written in decimal notation. One apparent error is corrected (4825 replaces 11521 in the second row).

119 169

3367 4825

4601 6649

12709 18541

65 97

319 481

2291 3541

799 1249

Mathematics historian Howard Eves has conjectured that each pair of numbers represents two of the three members of a Pythagorean triple, corresponding to one side and the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

The numbers also fit the following formula for finding Pythagorean triples: a = 2uv, b = u2 - v2, and c = u2 + v2, where u and v are relatively prime, one number is odd while the other is even, and u is greater than v. For example, when u = 12 and v = 5, b = 119 and c = 169 (as given in the first row of the table) and a must be 120.

It's straightforward to extend the Pythagorean formula to right triangles in three and higher dimensions. For example, for a rectangular box that is a units long, b units wide, and c units high, the diagonal d obeys the following relationship: d2 = a2 + b2 + c2. Moreover, you can look for analogous relationships for triangles on the surface of a sphere, on the hyperbolic plane, and in other spaces.

Generalizing the Pythagorean equation for triangles with integer sides to powers greater than 2 leads to Fermat's last theorem and the so-called ABC conjecture.


In number theory, straightforward, reasonable questions are remarkably easy to ask; yet many of these questions are surprisingly difficult or even impossible to answer.

Fermat's last theorem, for instance, involves an equation of the form x^n + y^n = z^n. More than 300 years ago, Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) conjectured that the equation has no solution if x, y, and z are all positive integers and n is a whole number greater than 2. Andrew J. Wiles of Princeton University finally proved Fermat's conjecture in 1994.

In order to prove the theorem, Wiles had to draw on and extend several ideas at the core of modern mathematics. In particular, he tackled the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture, which provides links between the branches of mathematics known as algebraic geometry and complex analysis.

That conjecture dates back to 1955, when the late Yutaka Taniyama published it in Japanese as a research problem. Goro Shimura of Princeton and Andre Weil of the Institute for Advanced Study provided key insights in formulating the conjecture, which proposes a special kind of equivalence between the mathematics of objects called elliptic curves and the mathematics of certain motions in space.

The equation of Fermat's last theorem is one example of a type known as a Diophantine equation -- an algebraic expression of several variables whose solutions are required to be rational numbers (either whole numbers or fractions, which are ratios of whole numbers). These equations are named for the mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria, who discussed such problems in his book Arithmetica.

In fact, it was in the margin of a page of a Latin translation of Arithmetica that Fermat first set down the proposition that came to be known as Fermat's last theorem. He had studied the book closely, making marginal notes in his copy. After Fermat's death, his son published a new edition of Arithmetica that included the notes in an appendix.

Interestingly, the Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem was a by-product of his deep inroads into proving the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture. Now, the Wiles effort could help point the way to a general theory of three-variable Diophantine equations. Historically, mathematicians have always had to state and solve such problems on a case-by-case basis. An overarching theory would represent a tremendous advance.

The key element appears to be a problem termed the ABC conjecture, which was formulated in the mid-1980s by Joseph Oesterle of the University of Paris VI and David W. Maser of the Mathematics Institute of the University of Basel in Switzerland. That conjecture offers a new way of expressing Diophantine problems, in effect translating an infinite number of Diophantine equations (including the equation of Fermat's last theorem) into a single mathematical statement.

Like many problems in number theory, the ABC conjecture can be stated in relatively simple, understandable terms. It incorporates the concept of a square-free number: an integer that is not divisible by the square of any number. For instance, 15 and 17 are square free, but 16 and 18 are not.

The square-free part of an integer n is defined to be the largest square-free number that can be formed by multiplying the prime factors of n. That quantity is denoted sqp(n). Thus, for n = 15, the prime factors are 5 and 3, and 3 x 5 = 15, a square-free number. So sqp(15) = 15. On the other hand, for n = 16, the prime factors are all 2, which means that sqp(16) = 2. Similarly, sqp(17) = 17 and sqp(18) = 6.

In general, if n is square free, the square-free part of n is just n. Otherwise, sqp(n) represents what's left over after all the factors that create a square have been eliminated. In other words, sqp(n) is the product of the distinct prime numbers that divide n. So sqp(9) = sqp(3 x 3) = 3; sqp(1400) = sqp(2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 7) = 2 x 5 x 7 = 70.

With these preliminaries out of the way, mathematician Dorian Goldfeld of Columbia University describes the ABC conjecture in the following terms: The problem deals with pairs of numbers that have no factors in common. Suppose A and B are two such numbers and that C is their sum. For example, if A = 3 and B = 7, then C = 3 + 7 = 10. Now, consider the square-free part of the product A x B x C: sqp(ABC) = sqp(3 x 7 x 10) = 210.

For most choices of A and B, sqp(ABC) is greater than C, as in the example above. In other words, sqp(ABC)/C is larger than 1. Once in a while, however, that isn't true. For instance, if A is 1 and B is 8, then C = 1 + 8 = 9, sqp(ABC) = sqp(1 x 8 x 9) = sqp(1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3) = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6, and sqp(ABC)/C = 6/9 = 2/3. Similarly, if A is 3 and B is 125, the ratio is 15/64, and if A is 1 and B is 512, the ratio is 2/9.

Masser proved that the ratio sqp(ABC)/C can get arbitrarily small. In other words, if you name any number greater than zero, no matter how small, you can find integers A and B for which sqp(ABC)/C is smaller than that number.

In contrast, the ABC conjecture states that [sqp(ABC)]^n/C does reach a minimum value if n is any number greater than 1 -- even a number such as 1.0000000000001, which is just barely larger than 1. The tiny change in the expression makes a vast difference in its mathematical behavior.

Astonishingly, a proof of the ABC conjecture would provide a way of establishing Fermat's last theorem in less than a page of mathematical reasoning. Indeed, many famous conjectures and theorems in number theory would follow immediately from the ABC conjecture, sometimes in just a few lines.

"The ABC conjecture is amazingly simple compared to the deep questions in number theory," says Andrew J. Granville of the University of Georgia in Athens. "This strange conjecture turns out to be equivalent to all the main problems. It's at the center of everything that's been going on."

"Nowadays, if you're working on a problem in number theory, you often think about whether the problem follows from the ABC conjecture," he adds.

"The ABC conjecture is the most important unsolved problem in Diophantine analysis," Goldfeld writes in Math Horizons. "It is more than utilitarian; to mathematicians it is also a thing of beauty. Seeing so many Diophantine problems unexpectedly encapsulated into a single equation drives home the feeling that all the sub disciplines of mathematics are aspects of a single underlying unity, and that at its heart lie pure language and simple expressibility."

“Though more than 2,500 years old, Veljan concludes, "this 'folklore' theorem remains eternally youthful, as many people continue to find new interpretations, generalizations, analogues, proofs, and applications.”


October issue of Mathematics Magazine.2000

The History of Mathematics, Roger Cooke of the University of Vermont

Ahmed, A. 1999. Extension of Pythagorean triples. Mathematics Enrichment

Beardon, A. 1997. Pythagorean triples. Mathematics Enrichment.

Beardon, T., and B. Hardy. 1998. Picturing Pythagorean triples. Mathematics Enrichment

Veljan, D. 2000. The 2500-year-old Pythagorean theorem. Mathematics Magazine 73(October):260.

Article with full-diagrams available on:

flashpapers. com/main/research-papers/pythagorous-theorem. html

The three strangest reasons for procrastination

Have you ever wondered why you procrastinate? Procrastination is indeed a very strange behaviour and is a trap that all of us tend to fall into from time to time. On a conscious level you might want to do something or achieve something and although you know what you have to do, you still can’t seem to get yourself to actually do it. It’s almost like there is some ‘invisible force’ that prevents you from taking action and you can’t quite explain what it is - from a rational perspective at least.

Although it might appear that there is no logical explanation for this seemingly irrational behaviour, there are still reasons for procrastination. These reasons, however are not always that obvious. Human behaviour is not haphazard or coincidental - everything we do we do for a reason. In fact, everything we do, we do for a positive intent. Everything that you do is driven by your desire to improve your circumstances at some level of your consciousness. It is impossible for someone to do something that she believes will leave her worse off. For some people this might mean killing themselves, while for others it might mean climbing a mountain, while for others it might mean giving up a bad habit. It all varies according to our beliefs.

This is a very important concept to understand if you are to understand the reasons for procrastination. Although there are many reasons on the surface as to why you procrastinate, the underlying reason always boils down to one factor: FEAR. Fear is what shuts you down and prevents you from taking action. By design fear is there to ‘help’ you and whenever you fear something you will be compelled to prevent an encounter with whatever you fear.

Although fear is the underlying factor behind procrastination, we tend to see certain common fears amongst procrastinators. Here are the three most common reasons for procrastination and the fears that we subconsciously attach to them:

Fear #1: The Fear Of Failure

When you fear failure you are inclined to avoid participating in the first place. The common association is that ‘if I don’t do it, then I can’t fail and no one can judge me’. This is very prominent amongst procrastinators and they often hide behind the perfectionism frame. They will wait for things to be perfect until they take action, so they keep postponing tasks waiting for the ‘right time’ before they take action. Out of the fear of failing and looking bad, they would often spend vast amounts of time on a project without making any real progress because at a subconscious level they don’t ‘want to’ finish – a finished project will make them vulnerable for criticism and consequently failure. The result is that they always find ‘good reasons’ to postpone or even avoid the tasks all together.

Fear #2: The Fear Of Unpleasant Or Painful Experiences

If you believe that some action will lead to a painful or unpleasant experience then you will feel compelled not to do it. Your nervous system is designed to avoid painful experiences. The ironic thing is that we get to decide what we believe, and what will be ‘painful’ experiences. Unfortunately for most of us, our beliefs were ‘installed’ by default and we learned by association. Through experience we ‘learned’ by our results and we tend to use this limited information form (mostly) past experiences to make up future meanings and we start imagining potential consequences to the point where we actually believe them. If you believe that some action will lead to a painful or unpleasant experience, you will avoid it, regardless of whether your association is accurate or not. What you believe is what’s real for you and this is what you will act upon.

Fear #3: The Fear Of Missing Out

In the frenzy of modern living we all want to get a piece of the action. We simply cannot help it. Every day we get bombarded with numerous opportunities and it seems like the media’s sole mission is to get our attention. The challenge is that we don’t want to miss out – no one wants to be left behind and miss out on what everybody else is gaining from. The challenge with this is that we tend to take on way too much, to the point where we get overwhelmed. When you feel overwhelmed, the natural reaction is to shut down and the result is usually procrastination. When you overload yourself with too many things that you ‘have to do’ you simply cannot deal with all of it and procrastination comes to your ‘aid’. Like a breaker switch in an electric current, procrastination will kick in when the load becomes too heavy.

These three factors are by no means the only reasons for procrastination, but it is definitely some of the most common. An awareness of these fears in itself can help you to overcome procrastination. Realize that F. E.A. R is only an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real and most of your fears are only imaginary. You can break through your fears and take action. It is your ultimate power to direct and steer your life. Don’t allow procrastination and indecision to keep you immobilized. Keep moving forward. Keep taking action.

Google adsense profits mixed in with affiliate marketing

Are you a webmaster who needs funds to keep your website running? Or is your website the only way for you to earn income? Whichever you are, for as long as you are a webmaster or a web publisher and you need cash, affiliate marketing may work well for you. With affiliate marketing, you may get a lot of cash pouring into your bank account easily. And if your website is rich in great contents and you want to earn more profit, why not get into the Google Adsense program as well?

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Well, simply because affiliate marketing is the easiest and probably the best way to earn profits online, unless otherwise you are a businessman and would rather sell your own products online than advertise other businessman’s products on your site. But even online retailers can benefit from affiliate marketing programs, because affiliate marketing actually works for merchants as well as it works for the affiliates.

Affiliate marketing, simply said, is a relationship or agreement made between two websites, with one site being the merchant’s website and the other being the affiliate’s site. In the relationship, the affiliate agrees to let the merchant advertise his products on the affiliate’s site. The merchant, on the other hand, would agree to pay the affiliate in whatever method they have agreed into. This would generally mean easy income for the affiliate, as he would do nothing but place the retailer’s ad on his site. This would also be very beneficial for the merchant, as getting affiliates to advertise their products would be a lot more affordable than hiring an advertising firm to promote their products.

There are a variety of methods on how the merchant would compensate the affiliate for his services, and for the webmaster, these methods simply translates to the method by which he would earn easy cash. Among the more common methods of compensation are the pay-per-click method, the pay-per-lead method, and the pay-per-sale method. The pay-per-click method is the method most preferred by affiliates, for their site’s visitor would only have to visit the advertiser’s site for them to gain money. The other two methods, on the other hand, are better preferred by merchants, as they would only have to compensate you if your visitor becomes one of their registrants or if the visitor would actually buy their products.

Getting much profit on affiliate marketing programs, however, does not depend so much on the compensation method is it does on the traffic generated by your site. A website that can attract more visitors would generally have the greater chance of profiting in affiliate marketing programs.

What about Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is actually some sort of an affiliate marketing program. In Google Adsense, Google act as the intermediary between the affiliates and the merchants. The merchant, or the advertiser, would simply sign up with Google and provide the latter with text ads pertaining to their products. These ads, which is actually a link to the advertiser’s website, would then appear on Google searches as well as on the websites owned by the affiliates, or by those webmasters who have signed up with the Google Adsense program.

While one can find a lot of similarities between Google Adsense and other affiliate marketing programs, you can also see a lot of differences. In Google Adsense, all the webmaster has to do is place a code on his website and Google takes care of the rest. The ads that Google would place on your site would generally be relevant to the content of your site. This would be advantageous both for you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be actually interested with the products being advertised.

The Google Adsense program compensates the affiliate in a pay-per-click basis. The advertisers would pay Google a certain amount each time their ad on your site is clicked and Google would then forward this amount to you through checks, although only after Google have deducted their share of the amount. Google Adsense checks are usually delivered monthly. Also, the Google Adsense program provides webmasters with a tracking tool that allows you to monitor the earnings you actually get from a certain ad.

So, where do all of these lead us to?

Where else but to profits, profits and even more profits! Affiliate marketing programs and the Google Adsense program simply work, whether you are the merchant or the affiliate. For the merchant’s side, a lot of money can be saved if advertising effort is concentrated on affiliate marketing rather than on dealing with advertising firms. For the webmaster, you can easily gain a lot of profits just by doing what you do best, and that is by creating websites. And if you combine all your profits from both the Google Adsense program and other affiliate marketing programs, it would surely convert to a large amount of cash.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Indifference and decompensation in pathological narcissism

The narcissist lacks empathy. Consequently, he is not really interested in the lives, emotions, needs, preferences, and hopes of people around him. Even his nearest and dearest are, to him, mere instruments of gratification. They require his undivided attention only when they "malfunction" - when they become disobedient, independent, or critical. He loses all interest in them if they cannot be "fixed" (for instance, when they are terminally ill or develop a modicum of personal autonomy and independence).

Once he gives up on his erstwhile sources of supply, the narcissist proceeds to promptly and peremptorily devalue and discard them. This is often done by simply ignoring them - a facade of indifference that is known as the "silent treatment" and is, at heart, hostile and aggressive. Indifference is, therefore, a form of devaluation. People find the narcissist "cold", "inhuman", "heartless", "clueless", "robotic or machine-like".

Early on in life, the narcissist learns to disguise his socially-unacceptable indifference as benevolence, equanimity, cool-headedness, composure, or superiority. "It is not that I don't care about others" - he shrugs off his critics - "I am simply more level-headed, more resilient, more composed under pressure ... They mistake my equanimity for apathy."

The narcissist tries to convince people that he is compassionate. His profound lack of interest in his spouse's life, vocation, interests, hobbies, and whereabouts he cloaks as benevolent altruism. "I give her all the freedom she can wish for!" - he protests - "I don't spy on her, follow her, or nag her with endless questions. I don't bother her. I let her lead her life the way she sees fit and don't interfere in her affairs!". He makes a virtue out of his emotional truancy.

All very commendable but when taken to extremes such benign neglect turns malignant and signifies the voidance of true love and attachment. The narcissist's emotional (and, often, physical) absence from all his relationships is a form of aggression and a defense against his own thoroughly repressed feelings.

In rare moments of self-awareness, the narcissist realizes that without his input - even in the form of feigned emotions - people will abandon him. He then swings from cruel aloofness to maudlin and grandiose gestures intended to demonstrate the "larger than life" nature of his sentiments. This bizarre pendulum only proves the narcissist's inadequacy at maintaining adult relationships. It convinces no one and repels many.

The narcissist's guarded detachment is a sad reaction to his unfortunate formative years. Pathological narcissism is thought to be the result of a prolonged period of severe abuse by primary caregivers, peers, or authority figures. In this sense, pathological narcissism is, therefore, a reaction to trauma. Narcissism is a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that got ossified and fixated and mutated into a personality disorder.

All narcissists are traumatized and all of them suffer from a variety of post-traumatic symptoms: abandonment anxiety,

reckless behaviors, anxiety and mood disorders, somatoform disorders, and so on. But the presenting signs of narcissism rarely indicate post-trauma. This is because pathological narcissism is an efficient coping (defense) mechanism. The narcissist presents to the world a facade of invincibility, equanimity, superiority, skilfulness, cool-headedness, invulnerability, and, in short: indifference.

This front is penetrated only in times of great crises that threaten the narcissist's ability to obtain narcissistic supply. The narcissist then "falls apart" in a process of disintegration known as decompensation. The dynamic forces which render him paralyzed and fake - his vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and fears - are starkly exposed as his defenses crumble and become dysfunctional. The narcissist's extreme dependence on his social milieu for the regulation of his sense of self-worth are painfully and pitifully evident as he is reduced to begging and cajoling.

At such times, the narcissist acts out self-destructively and anti-socially. His mask of superior equanimity is pierced by displays of impotent rage, self-loathing, self-pity, and crass attempts at manipulation of his friends, family, and colleagues. His ostensible benevolence and caring evaporate. He feels caged and threatened and he reacts as any animal would do - by striking back at his perceived tormentors, at his hitherto "nearest" and "dearest".

Current gas prices how can i get cheap gas

Will we ever see the days of cheap gas again? With everything happening in our world it is very doubtful that we will ever see the return of low fuel prices. What can we do to save on fuel and help our budgets out?

Here are some basic tips to improve gas mileage or save fuel in general. Some of these are obvious, but you may not have thought of some of the items on this list:


•Buy a more fuel efficient car or hybrid

•Plan trips depending on the errands you need to run and develop a route

•Consider buying a motorcycle

•Ride a bike or walk to the local store

•Make sure maintenance on your car is up to date

•Keep tires inflated at proper levels

•Use fuel saving products on your car

•Limit air conditioner use in the summer as it reduces MPG efficiency

The main idea here is to think of every little thing you can do to save on gas prices, and combine the ideas together. Collectively, you can possibly save hundreds or thousands of dollars a year of you develop a plan and stick to it.

The other plan of action, and this is a long term one, is to lessen your dependence on gas and fuel overall. Carpooling is probably the easiest and most effective way to reduce your fuel costs immediately. This may not be practical for some people but for spouses or co-workers that live and work in similar locations it is ideal. Let’s face it…we may not see cheap gas return for a long time, if ever.

Homeowners insurance quotes

What do you like the most about your home - the bright, sun-filled kitchen, the shiny wood floors or the comfortable bedrooms?

Or is it the fact that your home probably makes up maybe the biggest part - of your total net worth?

Either way, you have to protect what you have, using homeowner's insurance.

Although there were reports a few years ago of higher prices and limited availability for homeowners insurance, the market has opened up again, according to J. Robert Hunter, insurance director for the Consumer Federation of America. Premiums are expected to rise by no more than the inflation rate this year, he said.

"The market remains a competitive one where homeowners' insurance shoppers can be selective," said Marshall McKnight, a spokesman for the state Department of Banking and Insurance.

Here are several ways to save on home insurance:

Shop around. While many homeowners believe that all insurance companies charge the same, that's an expensive mistake. Use a service such as ours to compare rate quotes from different companies if YOUR area. To get started, just use the form on the right.

"You can go from one company to another and pay twice as much," said Hunter.

And don't just call an agent and expect him to do the shopping for you, Hunter advised, because agents don't represent all companies and might not get you the best deal.

Insure for "replacement cost" rather than "actual cash value." After all, if your belongings are destroyed, do you want the insurance company to send you enough to buy a new couch - or do you want a $50 check for the actual value of your 11-year-old couch?

Make sure you are covered for at least 80 percent of the cost of replacing your home. If you're not, it could hurt you even if your home does not need to be completely replaced.

Let's say your home would cost $200,000 to replace and you're insured for only $100,000, half of the replacement cost. If you have a $10,000 loss, you would get only half of that amount, or $5,000.

Of course, knowing how much it would cost to replace your home is not always easy. For example, I know how much I paid for my home, and how much I could probably sell it for, but I don't have a clue how much it would cost to rebuild if it burned down.

The state Department of Banking and Insurance and the Insurance Council of New Jersey recommend that homeowners in this situation should consult their insurer, who will be able to estimate the cost of rebuilding based on the size and location of the home.

Think twice before calling your insurance company with small claims for minor home damage. There have been reports of homeowners facing much higher premiums after putting in only two claims. So if it's a loss you can handle, take care of it yourself.

And, in that vein, consider a higher deductible.

"If you're not going to file a small claim, it's no use paying a premium to be covered for an amount you wouldn't file for," Hunter said.

"Every dollar you give to an insurance company, on average you only get back 60 cents," Hunter said. The rest goes to the insurance company's profit and overhead. So if you can self-insure for smaller losses, you should.

About 20 years ago, Hunter raised |the deductibles on both his car and |home policies, and banked the money he saved on premiums in a special account. Over the years, he used that account to pay for about $2,000 to $3,000 in losses, mostly auto-related. He still has $4,000 - money that the insurance company |could have had.

"Nowadays, most insurance companies recommend a deductible of at least $500. If you can afford to raise your deductible to $1,000, you may save as much as 25 percent," according to the Insurance Information Institute, an industry group.

Make sure your home insurance policy includes enough liability insurance, in case someone is injured on your property.

Consider buying your home and auto insurance policies from the same insurer. Some companies will take 5 to 15 percent off your premium if you buy two or more policies from them.

You can get discounts if you install smoke detectors, deadbolt locks or burglar alarms.

Keep your credit history clean. Insurance companies are increasingly checking credit reports to set their rates.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Who s the father dna paternity testing

There is an urban legend that over thirty percent of all children are not born of their appointed father; instead, they are the products of adultery. Because of this long-standing myth, the idea of a paternity test has been a persistent one in the minds of the public. Here, we will explain what a paternity test actually is and answer questions on how it works to prove who fathered the child.

Why A Paternity Test:

Some question why this test is called a 'paternity'. The answer is quite simple: unless the mother was impregnated through an egg donation, it's obvious that she is the mother. The father, however, can be anyone--that is why children are tested against his DNA and not hers.

How Does A Paternity Test Work:

Though there are other methods, DNA testing is the easiest--and most effective--way to test a child for paternity.

DNA is unique for each individual but, when sexual reproduction occurs, an embryo is created. That embryo is formed by taking genetic material from both parents to create a new string of DNA.

To prove who is the father, one only has to look at the child's DNA pattern. In it, you will find evidence of the father's unique traits. Certain sequences will be available, and these will prove whose traits passed on.

Is A Paternity Test Accurate:

Yes. Unless the case involves a twin brother, DNA should easily be able to tell who fathered the child. The test is accurate.

Is A Paternity Test Necessary:

This is the gray area of the subject. A father's right to know if a child is his is not questioned; what is questioned, however, is the effects on the child. Often, cases of fathers seeking parental rights to children who have with their mothers and another man who they view as their father surface. These cases are long, drawn-out battles of basic parental rights versus basic child welfare. The father may argue that, since it was he who actually created the child, he should have the right to be present in his or her life. Others would argue, however, that a child in a stable home should not be forced to have two fathers and, therefore, two lives.

It is this heated debate that has divided many, and left the rest uncertain. Each case is different and must be examined as unique, which makes setting precedent almost impossible.

To have a paternity test is to open up a great deal of consequences--not only for the child, but for the parents. It is not a simple matter, or one that should be decided too quickly. These tests may be taken without consent, but there is a law in the UK that is demanding that no test be given without the express knowledge of all involved. This is to protect families.

A paternity test is an effective way to discover who fathered a child, but it can also be an effective way to cause a child grief. It should be approached with caution.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

For sale by owner misconceptions

With the rising popularity of selling homes by owner, have risen some misconceptions that should be straightened out to clarify the process. The first thing that we should look at is how financing works in the FSBO world. One thing that occurs more often than it should is when buyers think that "for sale by owner" means that the owner is also offering financing. Most of the time this is not the case. This error is usually seen when people with little or damaged credit feel that it is in their best interest to avoid mortgage brokers & realtors. This is a huge mistake as individuals such as mortgage brokers are experienced and trained to deal with these individuals and to help them repair their credit and obtain a favorable mortgage.

Its a good idea to seek out a mortgage company that is experienced, even specializes in the financing of FSBO sales. These companies differ from most mortgage companies in that their services are more comprehensive than most. They have expanded their offerings to include many things not usually covered by traditional mortgage companies such as closing contracts, title issues and inspections. The closing of a home contract is one of the more confusing aspects of the purchase process and should be handled by a trained professional. Also take into account that most mortgage companies rely on realtors to bring them the bulk of their business, therefore they are ill-equipped to provide educated FSBO financing. This is why its good to find a FSBO specialist mortgage company when dealing with someone who is selling their home themselves.

Another misconception deals with the fact that the buyer is saving money by dealing with an FSBO situation. The truth is that usually the seller is the one trying to save money on agent commissions. If they have subtracted the price of the agent from their asking price, it is possible to save some cash. But this is hardly ever the case. Most FSBO sellers are listing their homes at market value as if an agent was selling the home. Then they attempt to do everything themselves and pocket the cash that would normally go to the agent.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Is your credit card good enough

Your credit card speaks for you and what your spending ability is. How much can you spend and how much have you already used up from your credit limit? All this can be found out using this rectangular piece of plastic. Certain stores have a facility wherein they use a voice authentication system with a touch-tone phone. The most common system though is the magstripe-card swipe terminal where you swipe the card at the terminal through a system of Electronic Data Capture – EDC. There is also the option of using your credit card at virtual terminals on the Internet, where you can make your purchase online and pay for it online as well.

When you are at a store and you make a purchase, the cashier at the counter swipes your credit card on the magstripe reader and the EDC software dials a certain telephone number, which is normally an organization that will give them the go-ahead signal on a purchase request. This company is given the name of the store, the credit card number, the expiry date and the credit card limit and all this within seconds of swiping it. Once done, you sign on the bill and voila! The purchase is yours.

The power of owning a credit card is just that. Choose, swipe and sign and it is all done. Your signature at the back of the credit card is used to verify your authenticity or if it is a photo credit card then it of course has your photograph to ensure that it is not misused. Now, though there is an innovative application, which uses the highest form of cryptography. The smart card as it is called has a microprocessor in the credit card. This way, the user of the credit card will have to identify him every time he uses the card just as you would at an ATM dispensing center.

With a smart card, you will have to verify the card and the card will verify the user as well. This will ensure complete authenticity. Once the card and the card reader establish mutual confirmation, then the transaction is carried out in such a manner wherein no one, including the store cashier or the card owner himself can do anything at all about getting any information about the credit card purchase. This is a totally fraud-proof system. Apart from a PIN the user will know nothing else.

Smart cards first came into being in France in 1984. It is in fact replacing the regular plastic cards that we use in the United States now and Visa and MasterCard are very much in the league of changing the way we use credit cards now on. The smart card enables you to use it as a debit card as well as a credit card. You could also use it as a reloadable account, where you can spend from a certain stored account.

So this way, its enhanced memory enables you to use it in many ways much more advanced than the magnetic stripe cards that we have been hitherto using. This way, you need own only a single card instead of stuffing your wallet with a number of credit cards. The smart card today is not so widely accepted over various countries and establishments, though it is expected to take over the world soon.

Going in for the goodnight kiss

Nobody wants to be rejected. So how do you know when it's alright to go in for the first goodnight kiss? Well that's a very difficult call to make since every woman/man is different. As a male, I will tackle this topic from the perspective of the man.

Body language is a great way to tell if they're into you. Lets begin by looking at some of the things women do that show they're interested during the conversation:

Playing with and/or twirling hair (this is a tough one and can be confused with a simple case of OCD)

Raising their shoulders straight up and leaning towards you

Hands are open with her palms facing up and outwards

Lots of giggling

You know she's what?

It's time to go in for a kiss. Since she's in to you, there will be many opportunities throughout the night to make your move. If you wait until the last minute and hesitate (at the door or end of the date), you pretty much lost your chance. So be on the safe side and try to do it about midway through the date.

What if you're not sure?

Just go for it! What's the worst that can happen...they say no? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose; you'll probably never see them again anyways.

Here are three different approaches to the goodnight kiss:

Silent: Making eye contact and then leaning in about 90% of the way

Polite: Asking them if it's alright to give them a kiss

Brave: Telling them that they have nice lips and asking if you could kiss them

What happens if you chicken out?

Nothing. Opportunities come and really comes down to the person and how they choose to handle the situation. Some people can care less, while others take it harder. But the worst is when you regret not going in for the kiss when you know you should have. It happens to us all...we meet someone we really hit it off with or maybe a friend we always had the biggest crush on but never the nerve to let them know. Before you know it they're gone; it's like clockwork, they either meet someone or move across the country. And in the end all you're left with are those two dreaded words, what if?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lady drivers can make savings on their car insurance

Unfortunately your sex can make a huge difference to the amount of car insurance that you pay. Women drivers while having been the brunt of many jokes, particularity from male drivers, can in fact get cheaper car insurance than men.

Statistics have shown that women are indeed safer drivers than men, this is because women have been proven to make less claims than men do on their insurance. They also usually go for much less flashier cars than men choose, instead going for the more reserved and what is classed as the safer car.

There are many online companies now taking advantage of this fact and as such are offering deals specifically aimed at the women driver. Lady drivers can now search online for companies aimed at them and by doing so they can make huge savings on the amount of premiums they pay for car insurance.

However, there are other factors that determine how cheap you get your car insurance, regardless of your sex. The best, cheapest and quickest way to look for your car insurance is by doing so online. By looking online for your car insurance you are able to get instant quotes from many companies which ensures that you choose the cheapest deal possible.

Policy features and benefits and the cost of car insurance does vary from company to company and all policies have exclusions hidden within them so it is essential that you understand just what is included in the quote.

Other factors which are taken into account include the area in which you live. Depending on your postcode you can be charged a higher premium for your car insurance. While there isn't much you can do to change this you can make sure you have the best security features installed on your car, by doing so you can help to reduce the premium.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Improve the quality of your franchise business with multi-unit and multi-concept franchises

Multi-unit and multi-concept franchising both provide opportunities for fast, efficient growth. Franchising is an obvious consideration for individuals who naturally have that entrepreneurial spirit. You might be wondering what is means to have an entrepreneurial spirit.

Are you self-motivated? Do you dream of building a business with your two hands? Do you struggle as an employee, constantly feeling like you could improve the company if someone would hand over the reins? If one or more of these questions provokes an affirmative answer, you are an entrepreneur who is ready to find a track into the business world, possibly with a business franchise.

Most importantly, you do not need a college degree or years of experience to take advantage of this increasingly emergent business prospect. And, with the right information, you can successfully operate more than one franchise business.

What is Multi-Unit and Multi-Concept franchising?

Multi-unit franchising occurs when a franchisee operates multiple stores from one franchisor within a specific area. This type of franchising is popular, for instance, in the food industry. Entrepreneurs seeking a restaurant franchise will find a bounty of options. Similarly, multi-concept franchising involves more than one brand and works best if the concepts are related. For example, children’s hair care and family portrait studios are two concepts related enough to create synergy for each another.

Challenges of Multi-Unit and Multi-Concept franchises

As with any rewarding investment, there are a few challenges to take into account when considering a multi-unit or multi-concept franchise. First and foremost, choosing a good location is vital. Consider the surrounding area of a potential outlet. Going back to the restaurant franchise example, you might ask, are there plenty of retail businesses nearby? Obviously, an eatery would do well if located near a shopping center or strip mall where guests may be inclined to take a food break.

Another challenge common to first-time franchisers is micromanaging. Certainly, you have a vested interest in how each store functions but much of the responsibility should be placed on an infrastructure of managers you hire.

These individuals are responsible for the everyday operations of their stores and should be trusted to run these businesses as you would if you were working there each day. Hire managers to serve as an extension of you. They should believe in the franchise, working toward its success and most importantly, its growth. This is where you meet the first advantage of a multi-unit franchise business. If managers see the potential for growth, they consider themselves as being on a career path. The benefit for you here is that you are much more likely to have a dedicated management team for the long term.

Also, allowing each manager to assume responsibility of store operations allows him/her to put personal touches on that particular location. This gives the store the “feel” of a small business franchise, something most customers appreciate.

Of course, staffing is always problematic, but you can improve it by treating your managers and their staff members well. Again, growth potential encourages employees to stay with your franchise because they see a career path. They are also far less likely to seek employment elsewhere if they feel that their services are valued and their opinions respected. Many multi-unit and multi-concept franchisees meet with their managers regularly. Some even set up voluntary focus groups for subordinate employees to give them a chance to express any concerns.

Advantages of Multi-Unit and Multi-Concept franchise businesses

With the challenges come advantages that make multi-unit and multi-concept franchising worthwhile. One key advantage is that the risk is absorbed by several units or brands. With multiple stores, you do not have all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.

For example, if a local government suddenly plans road construction near one of your stores, sales will inevitably dip. Fortunately, your remaining outlets will not suffer. In fact, some of the business may simply be diverted to one of your other locations. Moreover, with a multi-concept franchise, you can spread the risk over several brands. If you operate a realty franchise, for instance, and the housing market experiences a low, it is unlikely that all stores and all brands will experience down time in the same period.

Furthermore, you will have access to more cash flow. Many multi-unit franchisees, for example, use the cash flow from other units to expand with additional units. And, the financial benefits do not stop there. You also have the option of reducing overhead costs by spreading them over several outlets, also gaining economies of scale.

In short, with multi-unit and multi-concept franchising, more capital becomes available. Meanwhile, franchisees running a single-unit are immersed in the details of managing a small business franchise.

Additionally, multi-unit franchises provide efficiency because of their potential for shared labor. Many employees are willing to take shifts at other locations, if needed; thus, the costs of hiring and training new personnel decrease. You also save money in other areas such as internal warehousing, distribution and advertising costs. If you operate a multi-concept franchise, you are far more likely to acquire special location and lease considerations from landlords. Most landlords prefer to work with multi-concept franchisees because they can subdivide larger areas. Your benefit is that they provide accommodation for all of your brands.

Building an Infrastructure for your franchise

First, consider any skills you may have. As mentioned, the most important attribute of a successful franchisee is an entrepreneurial spirit. However, if you have a degree in accounting, you may want to consider what you have to offer as you plan the infrastructure.

When planning your infrastructure, which should be designed to umbrella all units and brands, it is important to bear in mind how many staff members you will need to launch verses the number you will need to grow.

Starting with a large infrastructure will help the launch go much more smoothly. Otherwise, you may end up with a few people scrambling to meet the demands of a new business franchise.

However, there are significant downfalls to this method. For instance, having too many people in your infrastructure can lead to a breakdown of communication. Also, once all units and brands are up and running, you may find the costs of maintaining a large infrastructure to be too high and cutting back on personnel can reduce morale among remaining employees. Of course, the best way to solve this dilemma is to carefully plan and build the infrastructure slowly.

Choosing the best franchise opportunities

It is important to remember that there are many franchises for sale in today’s marketplace. Still, not all franchisors are equipped to support multiple units. This does not necessarily mean the franchisor is unsuccessful. Instead, it may simply mean that there is limited demand for a particular brand in your area. Or, the structure of the store might simply be geared toward a single-unit franchisee. This explains why it is always best to thoroughly research a franchisor before any agreements are made.

If you are considering a multi-concept franchise business, remember to carefully review the franchise agreements. Make sure your definition of a competing business matches that of each of your franchisors.

Most importantly, keep in mind that there are plenty of opportunities at your disposal. It is imperative that you research each prospect before investing your valuable time and money.

Dog fleas can cause more than itching

Simple facts about dog fleas:

Fleas are probably the most successful creatures on the planet in terms of reproduction. There are over 2,400 species and they are difficult to control for a variety of reasons: One female flea will produce 25,000 offspring in one month. An unfed adult can live for several months. The chemicals used to eradicate adult dog fleas have no effect on the eggs. Fleas are very good at mutating to resist new pesticides.

Fleas are a menace to dogs! They cause allergic dermatitis, tapeworms, and anemia. Most of the eggs are not laid on the dog but in the dog's bedding, in the rug, and on the furniture. It is extremely difficult to eradicate fleas completely. The most you can hope for is to control them and to keep your dog reasonably comfortable during the warm, moist flea season.

The best way to control dog fleas is to remove them from your dog and your house. Take him to a groomer for the day and have him bathed with veterinarian-approved flea shampoo. Spraying or dipping him with a residual pesticide has little or no lasting effect. While he is out of the house, hire a company that uses a non-toxic product to spray the carpets and the furniture. These companies usually guarantee a flea-free home for one year.

Some dogs are bothered more by the use of pesticides than they are by fleas. Flea collars, sprays, powders, and shampoos are all loaded with pesticides. Beware! If your dog is into serious scratching, your veterinarian can prescribe medication for the itching. It is also very important that you discus with your veterinarian which products you should use on your pet to rid him (or her) of dog fleas. There are a lot of products on the market that claim to get rid of fleas; not all of them work and some could be harmful to your dog.

From this point on, it is important for you to vacuum the carpets, furniture, and your dog's bedding everyday. Place the cut-off end of a flea collar, or a moth crystal, into your vacuum cleaner bag to kill any vacuumed adult fleas. Vacuum the dog if he will let you! Groom him daily with a flea comb. Do not be surprised if you occasionally find a flea on him. He will bring them in from outside. Remember, you cannot get rid of them, only control them.

How to monetize your authority site using contextual ads and affiliate programs

Authority sites employ the geniuses of the best of webmasters to Monetize websites. With increased competition getting the king's share of web traffic on Internet space it is imperative that you know the right ways to monetize your authority sites. Popular websites seek innovative and user friendly approach towards generating fast flow of website traffic. Latest softwares and Internet marketing tools help to monetize authority sites. In e-biz, every detail of the authority website counts. The content infrastructure, web design and copywriting of the text add to the value of authority sites.

Monetizing Authority Sites Using Affiliate Programs

Authority sites get quick popularity with massive traffic generation from the affiliate programs. The affiliate programs run numerous social networking and B2B or B2C operations, promoting the steady flow of traffic from one website to the next. Some of the highest commissions paid by affiliate programs range within 20% to 60% of the total traffic. The most rewarding affiliate programs are the ones with life commission packages. These are ones with longest running membership and have built in database. Every time a new product is launched the data can be used for promotion.

Some of the most sorted techniques to Monetize authority site are by establishing links. A 2-tier affiliate network with multi-income facility would be extremely popular among the visitors. The authority sites would collect multi commission based on the flow of traffic. The first income is from sales via visitors and latter during the reference via visitors. The website would earn commission from both the sales and further sales generated through references. The referral links add the number of visitors along with the income from the multiple commissions.

Moreover, e-newsletters, link baits, and link exchange programmes published on affiliate website help to increase income. Choose an effective affiliate program with theme that matches to the products and services on the authority site. A percentage of the revenue would be based on the traffic generated from the affiliate site. Use an e-mail auto-responder that acts as round the clock newsletter for authority site and post a link on the affiliate sites.

Monetizing Authority Sites Using Contextual Ads

Contextual Ads on authority sites are user friendly as well as owner friendly. It turns out to one of most practical tools of advertising online. Search for the theme based websites related to the services and products displayed on the authority site.

Maximize the concentration of keywords for easy listing during scanning by the search engines. Some of ways to Monetize authority sites by contextual ads is to pay attention to key areas. Page match, automated topic suggestion, topic based bidding for ads, site targeting should be focus areas while building contextual ads for authority site.

Mentioning the link topic on the links and not the link ads would drive in more visitors interested to the product. Contextual ads are frequently displayed real-time, these targeted at highly specialized consumers on the Feeds.

The latest buzz in contextual advertising is a sure shot technique to Monetize authority site. These techniques involve categorization along with keyword bids. They refer to one another for generating a larger response. Effective URLs accompanied with real time indexing establishes new real time range. Cost - Per - Click has a different meaning for Monetizing authority sites.

Have an in-built auto bid system for evaluating CPC by the visitors. Overall, the optimization of contextual ads is the root to success for Monetizing authority sites.

Enlarging your bosoms with surgery an overview

One of the more popular plastic surgery procedures involves breast enlargements. Let us take a closer look at the type of procedures available.

Enlargements are often thought to be the most popular form of plastic surgery. In truth, it is the third most popular procedure and covers more option than most people consider at first blush.

The procedure is technically known as augmentation mammaplasty. It involves the placement of an implant into both breasts for the purpose of enlarging and shaping the breasts. The earliest form of this procedure was undertaken in the 1860s in Germany with fatty tissue from the body used to perform the enhancement. As time passed, silicone implants became the implant of choice, leading to one of the most contentious debates in medical science. Ultimately, the silicone implants were banned in 1992 by the Federal Drug Administration. Improved design and further medical research has led to the reintroduction of some silicone implants and the FDA is considering approving further models.

There are several techniques used in enhancements and you should discuss the best option with your plastic physician. Nonetheless, the options are sub-glandular where the implant is placed in the body of the breast, sub-muscular for small chested individuals where the implant is placed below the musculature, and sub-fascial where the implant is placed between the muscle and outer fascial. The specific procedure is dependent upon the pre-existing conditions each person has.

A second issue that you need to keep in mind is the type of incursion technique. Specifically, where will the surgeon create an incursion in the body to put the implants? The axillary approach involves creating an incision in the arm pit and bringing the implant in from the side. Peri-Areolar involves an incision around the lower half of the nipple, in a semi-circle format. The Infra-mammary approach involves an actual incision into the lower flesh area. The incursion technique should be discussed carefully with your surgeon, particularly as it pertains to scarring issues. Incisions result in scars, and even tiny ones have to be taken into account.

The decision to have enlargement surgery necessarily involves a lot of choices. Make sure to fully discuss the options, risks and benefits with your physician to determine if the surgery is appropriate for you and the best option to get a result you are happy with in the future.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Carmen media - three new casino games raise the stakes at belle rock entertainment

• European Roulette Gold Series

This roulette game is far and away the best of its type on the Internet. Player screens that offer razor sharp visual quality, crystal clear ambient sounds that set the mood, and little details like Bet Timers and easy to use control buttons, come together to give players the authentic roulette table experience. European Roulette Gold Series is the difference between trying to recreate the excitement of the casino, and wondering why you ever bothered going to the casino in the first place.

• Double Joker 100 Play Power Poker

You could argue that multi-play Power Poker is the bread and butter of online casinos in that everybody has to have it. Of course, if that’s the case, then Double Joker 100 Play Power Poker is the strawberry jam, giving players the ability to play up to 100 hands of video poker at a time. Sitting down to play Double Joker 100 is a test of your wits, concentration, and endurance. For the person with the right mix of all three, it could also be one of the most lucrative seats around.

• Avalon Video Slot

Avalon is a 5 reel, 20 Payline video slot that holds many secrets and treasures for those bold enough to find them. With free spins, mystery multipliers, Scatter and two Wild opportunities as well as a Gamble feature where the intrepid can double of quadruple their wins, the possible payout is $105,000. That’s enough to make Avalon Video Slot an epic in its own right.

“As established industry leaders we’re in a position to push the envelope with our games, expanding and refining our core offerings so that our customers can experience the best possible gambling experience,” said Tim Johnson, Chairman of Carmen Media Group, owner of Belle Rock Entertainment.

About Belle Rock Entertainment

Belle Rock Entertainment is a group of online casinos and poker rooms. It is owned by Carmen Media Group Limited( carmenmedia. com) based in Gibraltar and is one of the most experienced and trusted online gaming operators in the world. Over the past 10 years, the various brands within Belle Rock Entertainment have become synonymous with exciting entertainment, the most advanced games and the biggest promotions. All of the Belle Rock Entertainment’s online casinos carry the eCogra Players’ Seal of Approval which testifies to fair play and responsible gaming, as well as secure and timely payouts. The group’s major brands include River Belle The Gaming Club, Jackpot City and Lucky Nugget .

Baby boomers get a boost with an anti-aging supplement

There's little doubt that we Baby Boomers are in a bit of a quandary. We may not feel like we're getting older, but the mirror tells us otherwise. Some of us have retired, while others of us are looking forward to the day when we close our office door and walk out of the building for the last time. All of the evidence suggests that we'll live at least another quarter of a century after retirement, and most of us have plans for living life to the fullest. We'll be traveling, volunteering, and enjoying our grandchildren. We'll also follow our passions, which may lead us down a path of exploring new hobbies, starting a new business, or taking on a part-time job on our own terms. The linchpin to all of our dreams and aspirations, though, is our ability to stay healthy and fit. That's why an anti-aging supplement is high on the "must have" list of most Baby Boomers.

When it comes to stopping and reversing the signs of aging, an antioxidant formula is key. Anti-aging products that neglect antioxidants simply aren't worth our time or money. Why antioxidants products? To appreciate the importance of antioxidants, it's crucial to understand the underlying factors of the aging process. The primary component of aging is cell damage. As we get older, cell division gets off-track. Cells stop dividing because they have a certain lifespan, and can only divide for a certain number of times. After a cell stops dividing, it eventually dies. While cells sometimes die to make room for new cells, other times the dead cells are not replaced. So, for example, certain organs - the kidneys and liver, for example - simply lose cells over time.

But cell damage doesn't only occur because cells "wear out" over time. Indeed, damage is often the result of environmental factors, like excessive exposure to sunlight, smoking, air pollution, and so forth. When cells are damaged, oxygen molecules get off-kilter, creating what are called "free radicals." These free radicals careen around the body, damaging the cells in their path.

The challenge in combating free radical damage - a primary cause of cell damage and aging - is to provide your body with the soldiers it needs to battle free radicals and emerge victorious. These soldiers are antioxidants. While we can consume foods with antioxidant properties, we often need an anti-aging natural supplement to provide us with enough antioxidants to combat the effects of free radical damage.

When you're shopping for supplements, look for one that contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and herbs that have antioxidant properties. Because the aging process also involves a decline in human growth hormone and an increase in inflammation, make sure that the anti-aging supplement you choose has ingredients that will stimulate the body's growth hormones and that neutralizes inflammation.

With the right anti-aging natural supplement, Baby Boomers can help nature along to ensure that we enjoy all that retirement has to offer.

Orbital air sander

For any sanding or polishing jobs that require an excellent finish, on almost any surface, an orbital air sander is the tool that you need. Orbital sanders have quickly become the tool of choice for anyone wanting to either prepare a surface for painting, or alternatively, to get a superb finish afterwards.

An orbital air sander is a flexible and easy to use air tool, which is considered essential for professional auto body repair jobs, and is also the kind of equipment that every hobbyist will want to have in their toolkit in order to ensure that they can do a great job.

An orbital air sander features a sanding pad that moves in a random manner around a specific center point. It is this random movement that is the key to the success of the air tool. Rather than with traditional sanding devices such as a belt sander, where the tool leaves a mark on the surface and can lead to an uneven finish, with a random orbital air sander, the finish is even over a much wider area, meaning that the finish that you can expect is much better and smoother.

The combination of a circular and random action of the sanding disc on an orbital air sander means that it is able to sand in any direction, cover a larger area relatively quickly, and avoid concentrating too much sanding action on one area. This means that the finish will be more even than with a belt sander or even old style orbital devices that did not have a random aspect to their movement.

You can add different sanding discs to an orbital air sander to ensure that it is properly set up for a huge variety of different jobs. From heavy duty sanding paper for tough jobs through to buffing cloths in order to get a final polished finish at the end of the job. With most orbital air sanders, changing the disc takes just a few seconds, allowing you to get a variety of jobs done a lot quicker.

Perhaps the most immediately obvious application that an orbital air sander can be used for is in preparing an area of auto body for painting. You would start off with a fairly rough grade of abrasive paper in order to strip back the paint and leave bare metal. Within a couple of seconds, it is possible to change to a finer abrasive in order to smooth the metal out and get it ready for paint. After each coat of paint, an even finer abrasive can be used in order to get a great finish, before the disc on the orbital air sander is changed for the final time and replaced with a buffing cloth to get the perfect finish.

Pretty much every power tool manufacturer produces their own version of the orbital air sander, and they range in price from basic inexpensive models that are useful for anyone wanting to do small jobs around the house right up to high quality professional air tools that are designed for the professional auto body shop, and will provide reliable service for years.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Foreign student studying in the us getting a social security number

If you are a foreign student studying in the US, chances are that there are a lot of things that are unfamiliar to you. International students pay more than American students for tuition (sometimes almost double!) and so often have to get a job. If you are going to get a job, here are a few tips about getting a Social Security Number (SSN).

1. Try to work on-campus.

Working on campus is good for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps you get a better feel for the campus, which will make you more comfortable in a foreign place. Secondly, the campus often have a lot of support resources that can help you. But most importantly, if you work on campus (in a library, as a research assistant, or in whatever capacity you can find) the international students office of you school will write you a letter to take with you to get your social security number.

2. Why do I need a Social Security Number?

You need a Social Security Number (SSN) if you are getting paid in any way in the United States. This means that you will need a social security number even if you are receiving a scholarship. (Even that money is taxable, and trust me, they will be taxed). Don’t delay in your SSN application because sometimes employers won’t be able to give you your pay check until you have your number.

3. How long does it take?

It takes about four weeks to get a social security number, once you have gone to the government office. This means that you need to make sure that you begin your paperwork right away.

4. Where do I start?

The first step is to apply for jobs on campus (or off-campus). Once you have a printed job offer in your hand, then you can go to the office of international students. They will probably photocopy your job offer, your passport, and your visa. If you are not getting a job on campus, you will still need a written version of your job offer to take with you.

5. What should I bring?

Find out where the nearest SSN office is to you. When you go there, you will need quite a few things: a) Your Letter of Offer (from your job or scholarship), b) A letter from the office of international students (if you are applying for an on-campus job; this letter will say that you are currently enrolled and attending classes; you don’t need it for an off-campus job), c) your passport, d) your visa (F-1, J-1, etc), e) all other immigration papers that you have (this means bring in any forms that you can think of, such as your I-94 form; you can even consider brining your SEVIS fee form…it never hurts to bring too much).

When I went to get my SSN, they also asked to see my birth certificate, which is not on the list of mandatory items to bring. For a friend of mine, they asked to see her driver’s license. It is better to bring these just in case. You don’t want to be turned away or have to come back with more information.

There aren’t any forms to fill out for the SSN before you get there. A person at the office will help you fill out all of the forms that you need to.

Good luck!

I’m sure that you won’t have any problems finding a job, or getting your SSN. It’s a lot of paperwork, but in the end it’s worth it.

Housekeeping uniforms dresses skirts

Housekeeping is an interesting job or career where things are always changing, and even though you may work in a less than clean environment, you are required to always look clean and professional. Having appropriate housekeeping uniforms, dresses, or skirts for your cleaning tasks is a necessity that simply cannot be ignored. You are expected to look your best under less than ideal circumstances, and this mean having the highest quality you can afford.

There are a good many selections out there for you to choose from when it comes to your housekeeping uniforms. Many professionals enjoy the benefits of dresses or skirts designed to keep you clean and professional while you are cleaning. Of course, your exact workplace attire may depend on a boss, or you may be in charge of looking your best. This may be helpful in deciding exactly what you want to purchase and how much you want to spend.

Housecleaning uniforms, skirts, and dresses are all great addition to the professional’s choice of ensembles. What are some of the more popular styles?

The traditional housekeeping dress is usually a baby or light blue with white collars. Sometimes, a black color will be used as well depending on the region and personal preference. There is generally a white, up turned hem on the end of short sleeves. Finally a white tea apron finishes the complete ensemble. The length fall an inch or two believe the knee, and white no-slip shoes and even a white cap can be worn.

Edwards Garments Company is one popular industry specific designer specializing in work wear that ranges from chef coats to chef hats to separates to housecleaning uniforms. Edwards Garments Company has a reputation for providing a high quality, affordable solution to the professional man’s or woman’s wardrobe. Often, white is the color given most focus, but a variety of colors are offered to wet your appetite – so to speak.

Port Authority is a company popular for providing everything form hi-visibility work wear to ladies corporate polo shirts to housecleaning uniforms to kids apparel. Port Authority is an enormously popular industry leader with a wide range of designs and concentrations. If you are in the workforce, chances are good you have experienced the benefits of Port Authority work wear.

Finally, E. Magrath is a well known corporate apparel designer offering a high quality solution to both men and women when only the best will do. These exquisite examples offered by E. Magrath are second to none, and extremely fashionable making the perfect compliment to any wardrobe or ensemble.

No matter what corporate apparel designer you choose, E. Magrath, Port Authority, and Edwards Garment Company all offer perfectly wonderful solutions to a man or woman’s need for housekeeping uniforms. If you purchase each piece separately you can develop your own innovative look, and there are traditional favorites as well.

There is no doubt that you may need to get down and dirty in your workplace environment, and you know you need workplace apparel that can keep up with you and reduce the possibilities of staining or spotting. Staying professional is a necessity, and there are companies wanting to offer you more.