Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Golf swing tips learn simple ways to swing a golf club and lower your score

The golf swing can be one of the most challenging things to learn and master. It requires commitment and effort on your part to put in the practice necessary to learn how to swing a golf club effectively. There are a few basic things you need to keep in mind in order to learn the golf swing and it is recommended that you take it slow and learn one thing at a time.

Once you feel comfortable with a particular aspect of the golf swing then move on to the next step. The golf swing can be broken down into the grip, stance, backswing, downswing and follow through. Let us look at each of these elements of the swing more closely.

- The Grip

There are basically three kinds of ways to grip the golf club. It is important to spend the time necessary to master your grip as this is a critical aspect of the golf swing. If your grip is incorrect it will affect your performance negatively even if everything else is fine.

The first kind of grip is the interlocking grip, this is where the index finger of the left hand and the small finger of your right hand interlock or hook each other. If you have short hands or your hands are very thick then this kind of grip may be the best for you.

The next kind is the overlapping grip. With this grip the little finger of the right hand will sit on top of the index finger of the left hand. You need strong wrists and arms to use this grip. Test each grip method and decide on the one that feels most comfortable to you.

The baseball grip is commonly used by most beginners. The index finger of the left hand and the little finger of the right hand do not overlap or interlock but they do make contact. This is basically as the name suggests the way you would grip a baseball bat.

- The Stance

The important point to remember with the stance is to keep your weight balanced and your feet position getting wider up to shoulder width as the club you are using gets longer. So for the driver you will want the most stability thus a wider stance with your legs shoulder width apart is ideal. Also the ball position should start at the center of your stance for a wedge and move up to the heel of your left foot for the driver.

- The Backswing

One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is that they rush their backswing. Make sure that you take a slow relaxed backswing. You are better off being too slow than too fast when it comes to the backswing. Also work on keeping your left arm as straight as possible throughout the backswing.

- The Downswing

An important key to the downswing is to keep your head in the same position or as close as possible to its original location throughout the downswing. Make sure that you do not try to use your right arm to try to generate power. Instead you should get the feeling that you are pulling the club with your left arm. The power will come from the leverage that is created between the angle between the club and you left arm. The longer you can hold this angle the more power you will create.

- The Follow Through

At impact make sure that your head is behind the ball and keep your head down and let it come up with your right shoulder. Keep in mind also that at no point in the golf swing should you feel like you need to add power or strain yourself. Stay relaxed and you will soon develop an effortless swing that is not only accurate but also generates a lot of power and distance.

Take some time to learn the fundamentals of the golf swing before you go out on the course. Spend a week or two practicing your grip, stance and basic swing movements. Once you are ready to trust your mechanics then you can head out on the course and focus on your targets. When you are on the course do your best to stay away from thinking about swing mechanics and just concentrate on your targets. Train your swing and then trust it, this is the best way to get lower golf scores.

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