Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Women and divorce

By Janine A. Barbera Esq. of Law Offices of Barbera & McElhone P. C. - Miller Place, NY

It has been said that Divorce is worse than Death. Death of a spouse is a painful wound that begins to heal after the funeral. A Divorce however, will take months or years to reach closure. Eventually these wounds will heal as well but the mourning period of the death of a marriage can linger on for many years thereafter.

Why is divorce different for women? Whether it was she or her spouse that initiated it, guilt will be a womanÂ’s initial emotion. Our traditional role as keeper of the household will force her to question everything she did or didnÂ’t do in the marriage and tend to blame herself for the failure of the relationship. The next emotion she will face is anger. Women tend to get angry only after they have finished feeling guilty. A womanÂ’s anger must be used constructively therefore; a counselor or trained psychologist is often the best person to consult with prior to or in conjunction with obtaining an attorney.

Continuing in their role as caregiver women will consider what is best for the children before she will think of what is best for her. In seeking out the best interests of her children, women think as mothers first and women second. Therefore it is imperative that women seeking divorce hire an advocate who understands her duel needs and looks out for all of her interests as woman and mother.

Divorce is a painful process but it must be remembered that it is also part of the game of life. All players have roles and perceptions are everything. A good attorney will be able to advise her client as to how the game is played and what she needs to do to insure a favorable outcome. A good attorney is an excellent negotiator and a strong advocate for her client. Good attorneys do not make their living litigating every case, but succeed instead by bringing cases to fair conclusions as expeditiously as possible.

In choosing an attorney a woman must feel completely comfortable with the attorney. She must have a sense of simpatico that cannot always be put in words and most importantly feel complete trust. The outcome of a divorce is usually a life-altering event. The agreement reached will rule for years and in the event there are children continue to bind the couple for many years thereafter. Interviewing potential attorneys is an important first step in the process. A good attorney will not shy away from tough questions nor will they guarantee success. As with all important decisions check the appropriate agencies such as the local Bar Association, and question the attorney about his or her accessibility. Finally make sure the attorney you are hiring is the attorney you will see in court. Many larger firms have associates who handle the case after the retainer is paid to the name partner. Ask to meet any attorney who may handle your case.

The Law Offices of Barbera & McElhone, P. C. handles Divorce and Family Law cases. Janine A. Barbera is an experience matrimonial attorney who will handle your case from the initial intake to its ultimate conclusion.

divorcelawli. com

Regulation table tennis accessories

Are you looking for table tennis clips? The internet is a great source of online stores where you could buy International Table Tennis Federation approved table tennis products and accessories. You can find in the internet a variety of clips like the Stiga Clipper Net and Post Set which packages quality table tennis nets and posts.

Another great set is the Dunlop Easyclip Table Tennis Net and Post Set. This set is an easy assembly set and can be quickly set up on the table. There are a lot of clippers, net and post sets that have easy to assemble features which makes them quite perfect for venues like in schools, sports centers, and table tennis clubs.

Other well known brands include the Donic clips, Tibhar, Joola, DHS, TMS and Andro. Most of these brand names offer other table tennis equipment aside from the nets, clips and posts. Joola for example have Anti-Topspin, Antispin Long Pips, Antispin Soft paddles.

Like what have been mentioned earlier, you can practically find everything online. Online sports stores offer great discounts and will give you a great choice of reputable brand names. Just browse the product catalogues of various online stores and chances are you'll get what you need.

Aside from table tennis clips and nets one needs tables that are regulation size. The ITTF sets that standard of a table to dimensions of 274 cm Ч 152.5 cm Ч 76 cm high. The playing area also set to an area 14m long by 7m wide and 5m high.

The ITTF finds it restrictive to allow players to play in an area less than that. The area would be too small and players will not be able to move freely. Tables are either painted green or dark blue, some tables are painted black.

The standard table tennis balls weigh only a mere 2.7 gram. The 40 mm diameter ball is basically hollow. Originally the size of the ball was 38 mm in diameter. The standard ball size was changed at the 2003 World Table Tennis Championship.

The regulation size table tennis ball is made of a high-bouncing hollow celluloid ball. The color of the balls is either white or orange depending on the color of the table.

Paddles or rackets are about 10 inches long. Paddles have a thin layer of rubber and a sort of sponge in between which allows players to give the ball ample speed and spin. Both sides of the paddle have the layer or rubber and sponge. Table tennis manufacturers have been creating various types of rubber material which will help maximize the athletes' playing capabilities.

The right combination of materials enhances playing performance. Aside from rubber, manufacturers are now using materials like kevlar, arylate, titanium, aluminum and aramid.

Another equally important aspect of the table tennis equipment and accessory is the grip of the shoe. Grip is important, if you slide too much the player is in danger of sliding all the way if the grip is too much the player's movement will be heavily restricted.

Sometimes, however, the floor is too slippery or too rough. That is why some athletes, the serious ones it seem, have several pairs of shoes to help them compensate varying floor conditions.

It would be best to get specific information on product reviews to ensure that what you will be buying is the thing that you really need.

Bass lures and other fishing products shopping

There are so many strategies that bass fishermen have to plan for, when fishing for bass. They have to make sure that they have enough bass lures and other fishing products shopping analysts say are crucial to being able to use as topwater lures while night fishing large mouth bass, and if they want to catch a world record trophy fish, they’d have to make sure that a Knuckle Head Baby Striper about 5 inches long was in their tackle box.

Some fishermen get quite confused when going bass lure and other fishing products shopping, because they do not know if the fish or biting or if they will be hiding in the lush grass all day. They feel that if they keep a Ribbonfish lure in their handy satchel, they will be able to rig it almost anyway they want, and with its true-to-life, the fisherman thinks he should be able to catch any fish he likes.

When other fishermen go bass lures and other fishing products shopping, they want the cutting edge in lure design in their tackles boxes. The first lure that they think about is the Yummee Fly’n Fish Unrigged model, cause they know that one lure will drive all the fish positively crazy. All wrongs will turn right with this lure in the water, and there is no fishing dock in sight.

These fishermen know that the Yummee will run right everytime, and with its frantic injured fish action, the fish have no other option than to see what the rackets all about. What they will see if a fish that is so lifelike that is on the top fleeing a predator, and its one of the best bass lures to buy when you go bass lures and other fishing products shopping.

These fishermen know that bass find loud paddling sounds in the water very irresistible, and when the fisherman uses a jitterbug lure, these bass are really going to be excited. When they go bass lures and other fishing products shopping, they want the best variety of lures with them when they are out on the water.

These fishermen know to keep lures in their tackle box from the Fred Arbogast line, because there is no better nighttime topwater bass lures in the world that they can use all of the time. When they go bass lures and other fishing products shopping, they know that buying 10 different sizes of Jitterbug lures in one package will save them money in the long run.

Some fishermen prefer to make their own lures, to project their own signature fishing line, and when they go bass lures and other fishing products shopping, they put a Fishing Lures Kit in the shopping cart. This French spinners kit will definitely give them a feel of satisfaction, and they know their grandson’s would truly enjoy putting all of the stainless steel shafts and brass body and beads together.

The most versatile lures that the fishermen could use would be the new Rooster Tail colors that they find on the Rooster Tail lure. When these fishermen go bass lures and other fishing products shopping, they know that the Rooster Tail lure will give them a better chance at finding not just bass, but steelhead, salmon and trout and other big game fish will on their catching list for their marvelous fishing day.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Sounds good to me - a bullied bully

All our lives we have lived under threat from government laws that supposedly are to be in our best interest. This government now needs to take an interest in a mightier force where we fear for our lives and confined to our homes because of the street Bully. A visit to the corner shop to fetch a pint of milk can lead to receiving a pint of blood in a casualty ward. If the government is to impose new laws in our best interest then that is to take action with a view on sentencing the Bully with an eye for eye attitude.

What is it going to take for the law to change and sort matters, how much more unnecessary blood spillage from innocent victims in hospital wired up to a machine acting as proxy for his/her last breath.

Yobbos/bullies will carry on with their tirade of abuse using their fists feet and weapons on the defenceless because of the recognition received after conviction. The reward for crimes committed a warm bed, 3 hot meals, a wage at the end of the week and no rent to pay for the roof over their heads. This isn't punishment for a Bully who cripple/maim or kills.

Sever punishment levels have to be administered on the Bully before the next victim is left brain dead fighting for his/her life for reasons unknown to them selves. Bring back the ball/chain, hit them where it hurts take away the designer gear and replace with the arrow suit.

However changing the laws for a stronger approach on sentences for the evil doer (Bully) is not enough if we can not catch them. First and foremost we need more law and enforcement patrolling our streets, how do you catch a criminal if sitting behind a desk. This government needs to double the number in boys of blue and get them out there saving the day (or a life) instead of wasting time on which politician is sleeping with who.

I say a prayer as I write, for those who may have lost someone close who was victimised by a Bully or still are; do not suffer in silence, please get help.

The Bully has to be stopped and quick, a Bully does not work alone without accomplices, his gang so as to speak. Give him the gang alright, The Chain Gang, as I stated earlier an eye for an eye how about throwing in a tooth for tooth as well.

Best home based business ideas where to find them

Finding the best home based business ideas is not always as easy as it may seem. So many people think that they can make big money online, but when it comes down to it they do not even know where to find an opportunity that suits their needs. Luckily, there are many places that you can search for internet business ideas. If you take the time to check all of the resources, you will have the perfect home based business idea available to you in no time at all.

So where are you going to look first? The hardest part of finding a solid home based business idea is to actually get started. Once you jump in and begin to seek out everything that is available the process should become pretty easy on you. So in order to get past this, your best bet is to head straight for the internet. The great thing about the internet is that you can find business ideas in a number of different places. Not only are there many websites devoted to home internet based business opportunities, but there are also many other ideas that are simply floating around. The bottom line is that the more you search online the better chance you will have of finding a business idea that is right for you.

As you are searching for a home based business you will want to keep an open mind. Although it would be very easy for you to get in a one track mind set, you will want to avoid this at all costs. Instead, you should go into the process of finding an internet business idea with no preconceived notions. This way, each idea that you come across will be seen objectively. In turn, you will be able to immediately rule out the home based business idea or take a closer look at it.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with reading magazines that are devoted to business and other topics along that line. Many people feel that the only way to find a home based business idea is to go online. As you already know, using the internet is a good option; but it is not the only one to consider. You need to also look into the many print publications that are devoted to the business world.

Overall, there are many places that you can find the best home based business ideas. Your goal should be to collect several, and then begin to pare them down as you move forward in the process. When you do this, you will end up choosing the perfect home based business idea for you. And choosing the perfect idea will greatly increase your chance of success!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Explore the camel trail in cornwall

Are you mad about cycling? Recent studies show that you are not alone. In fact, cycling is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, with Cornwall being named as one of the most idyllic places to experience a cycling holiday. So, why are so many people taking to two wheels?

The most obvious answer that springs to mind is that people are cycling to keep fit and help the environment. A closer look, however, reveals something else: an increase in cycleways and routes. Over the last decade people and charities alike have been working hard to ensure that Britain become a cycle-friendly nation. Not only providing cycle lanes that run alongside roads but also traffic free cycleways. One of the most well-loved cycleways which has come to life in the last few years is the Camel Trail in Cornwall.

The British countryside certainly doesn’t get much more breathtaking than the wonderful Cornish landscape and the Camel Trail presents the perfect place to begin an exploration of the fruits Cornwall has to offer. The Camel Trail is a well-loved cycleway, which spans a wonderful piece of Cornish countryside over a distance of 17 miles from Padstow to Poleys Bridge. With approximately 350,000 users per year the Camel Trail is loved by locals and holidaymakers alike as an idyllic way to appreciate Cornish beauty at its best. Established as a cycleway in 2001, this cycleway follows the path of a disused railway line which was built in 1834 and linked London to the south west part of the country.

Cyclists who are intending to use The Camel Trail will find that they are able to hire their bikes from a variety of cycle shops along the cycleway and throughout the general area; including Padstow, Wadebridge and Bodmin. From this wonderful cycleway you will be able to discover a whole host of wildlife and enjoy the wonderful scenes as they unroll before your eyes. Furthermore, if you choose The Camel Trail for your cycling holiday in Cornwall you will have the time to explore all the little villages and towns along the way.

Guanajuato living the way life really is

I am miffed. I am sitting in my casita (little house) in Guanajuato moaning and groaning about something over which I have no possible control. I feel like swooning to the bed and uttering vile curses, but, as my wife often reminds me, “What good would that do?”

I have written about this aspect of Mexican life before in my books and columns—that which is stinging like a bee in my bonnet right now. I am sitting in front of a computer right now whose internet DSL connection is deader than a doorknob. I am sitting in a casita with not one drop of drinking water left to soothe my burning thirst. Dead Internet and not a drop of water is what are tormenting me right now as I hack out these words. “But things happen” you say and you are right. Things happen. The only problem is that when they happen in Mexico they happen here like nowhere else upon the earth (except possibly in the rest of Latin America, Spain, and Italy)!

As I have lamented before, life in Mexico as an American expat is smooth sailing until something bad happens. Until something comes up that requires even a small level of cooperation and a modicum of efficiency, life here is pretty good. The climate is great, the food is fantastic, cost-of-living is low, and we are treated fairly well by our Mexican neighbors. Truly the stereotypical hospitality of Mexicans toward foreigners is well deserved and easy to encounter even as tourist. All goes well until something doesn’t.

Something is bad now.

Inexplicably, when the guys who deliver the bottled drinking water get it into their heads to stop coming around your street, you are at the mercy of God Himself for your water needs. Without committing a cultural insult and actually confronting them, you simply have no explanation for why they will suddenly decide it is your time to die from dehydration.

The way this works is that the companies who bottle the drinking water send their guys in bottled-water laden trucks to cruise the streets yelling a plaintiff cry, “Agua…Agua!” You have to run to the nearest window and scream this back at them. They follow the sound of your screeching until they make eye contact. They ask how many bottles you need and then haul your water into your house.

This process falls apart sometimes. For reasons I cannot begin to understand, they will suddenly stop coming to your house. They will offer you no explanation for trying to kill you by dehydration nor will any of your dying neighbors know why either. You can call the company’s phone number and they will promise vehemently to come running to your aid with life-sustaining water. However, once again a “TMO” (Typical Mexican Operation) takes place when you finally reach someone to order water:

"They will swear upon The Virgin of Guadalupe (the patron saint of Mexico) that water is on its way and, of course, this means that it will never show up. Water will never come."

Currently, we are at 10 phone calls and counting. Our record so far has been calling for 7 days before they showed up with some water.

The internet, when it crashed, took us 25 phone calls before getting someone who could tell us they tested the line and that the trouble was on “their end.” The person gave the usual vain promise to get it fixed…I am not holding my breath! I will have to go to an Internet cafй to file this story.

Let me share a story that happened to us on the way to watching The Da Vinci Code:

We got to the movie theater thirty minutes before the ticket office was to open. Four o’clock rolled around and no ticket seller materialized. We stood in line, with scores of others, for forty-five minutes until some janitor appeared to reveal that he had finally been able to reach the theater manager’s cell phone. She was at a party and told this poor schmuck that she was having too good of a time to get away, and if someone wanted to, they could come and get the keys to the ticket office and sell tickets. Otherwise, she told him to tell us, we would have to wait for a later showing when and if she returned.

Now, I would love like anything to tell you that this sort of thing is an isolated incident.

It is not.

In fact, I can imagine this happening everywhere in this city and perhaps this country. I can imagine this philosophy of “Quй Serб, Serб,” or “The sun will come out tomorrow,” dominating everything that has anything to do with anything in this country! I cannot intellectually offer any other explanation for how life functions here. This sort of worldview dominates all aspects of life.

And, it is a different worldview: “Quй Serб, Serб, whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see…Quй Serб, Serб.”

Lest you think this the rantings of a “crazy Gringo” (a term which Mexicans have called me to my face), let me tell you of a conversation I’ve had with a few Mexicans.

I’ve spoken with educated Mexicans who have had dealings with other countries on an academic or business level. What they’ve told me is that Mexico could afford to adjust this “The future’s not ours to see” worldview to become more efficient in their academic and business dealings.

One friend, a veterinarian, is trying to go to the States to earn a Ph. D. When he called the school from which he graduated here in Mexico to get a transcript, he was told that they didn’t have time to send his transcript to an American university. They told him to try back next year. Can you imagine?

One of my wife’s former ESL students is a Master’s level chemist. In the course of her job, she is often required to call companies in Mexico as well as the rest of the world for supplies. She tells us that when she calls a Mexican company, the representative tells her he will “get back to her.” He never calls. Or, the person tells her any information whether it is correct or not—TMO! However, in dealing with American, German, or Japanese suppliers, she is called back within the hour and with all the information she needs.

In the incident at the movie theater, one of our fellow victims was a young man who obtained his Master’s degree from an American university. When the manager of the movie theater finally showed up, he read her the riot act for making all of us wait. He ended up getting us into the movie for free. He was not willing to accept this Mexican worldview of inefficiency and…well, rudeness.

What else am I to call it? Is that my culture coming through? Perhaps. But, answer my argument and do not attack me personally by calling me a “Crazy Gringo.” This practice is inefficient and rude, is it not?

Most Mexicans, not all, seem to tolerate a level of service not tolerated outside of Latin America.

Americans and Germans could afford to adopt a little of the Mexican worldview of “Whatever will be, will be.” We are too anal-retentive when it comes to time. We could afford to loosen up a bit. And, things over which we truly have no control, we need to say along with our Mexican brothers, “Ni Modo” (I can’t do anything about it)…but only over those things that we really and honestly cannot control.

Calling someone back when you say you will, showing up on time for an appointment or calling to cancel, coming with the water when you say you will, showing up with the keys to the movie theater ticket office, fixing my Internet, etc… are all things which can be controlled.

Can they not?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Debt settlement works

If you don't get out of loan, then you will be stuck in a debt trap. That is taking a debt to repay another debt. There fore it's very important that you go in for debt settlement. If you don't then you can land up in bankruptcy. All your collateral and the security can be taken away from you. The things that you have worked hard for can be just taken away from you. Since the credit and the lending agencies have the power do to do. To prevent yourself from landing in such a situation, you should settle your debts as soon as possible

This cycle will continue and soon you will be forced to sell your household things or take your baby's milk money just to repay the debt, thus debt settlement becomes very necessary. Added to this is the social insult and loss of face that you may encounter within your friends and family circle. Lenders have strongmen and have the tact to recover money. Therefore you may find them knocking at your door

Repay debts or you may find that you have no financial investments on which you can bank upon. Future financial investments are required to help you in the years when you may not have a steady stream of income or when you have retired. At that point of time you will make sure that debt settlement is done so that investments and the income from these investments are required to make sure that all your bills are paid. Credit reports become positive once there is debt settlement. Therefore if need be, you can also take more debts in the future. You become a good customer to whom the lending institutions are ready to give loans at less than market interest rates too, and that's great.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Steel shelving a work of the master class

The sleek lines of modern furnishings tend to dominate the look of contemporary interiors today. In most modern houses, an astonishing range and variety is available. The spectrum includes an array of lines, shines, and rigid classic designs.

Who would have thought that an ordinary steel bar could create such brilliant masterpiece?

This is, indeed, the art of contemporary organization, one that is commonly know to the industry as steel shelving.

Steel shelving is, basically, a choice of shelving matter. The other type is wood shelving. Though, both were made to provide the same function – a modern way of organizing things.

Steel shelving is generally composed of dazzling with minor details of steel. The steel is treated with either a powder coating or a paint coating. This treatment is made to protect the item from scratches and the possible accumulation of rust.

Unlike its typical counterpart, steel shelving offers versatility and affordability all at the same time. In most cases, steel shelvings come in do-it-yourself kits to accommodate various sizes of closets, and purchase of additional individual components is possible.

Basically, steel shelving can be mounted either as static or mobile shelving.

Static shelving is more affordable than mobile shelving. This type of installation is best for small offices where there is no added space to change its location.

On the other hand, mobile shelving is installed with wheels at the base of the structure. Because of this feature, the shelving can be easily transported. It renders mobility and ease of managing the place used for storing the items.

Conversely, the main function of steel shelving is commonly focused on industrial settings. It provides ideal storage for most offices and warehouses.

As an industrial tool, steel shelving has different kinds. These are:

1. Closed Steel Shelving

Closed steel shelving has a metal back and edge plates as supplementary to the primary open part. Closed steel shelving is manufactured through an innovative fabrication line that starts with plane steel blank and finishes with a comprehensive shelf.

The additional accessories are flanges, for additional potency.


1. Ideal for most offices.

2. Perfect when you need a key control.

3. It is firm and hard-wearing.

4. It provides sanitation because it has enclosed units.

5. It has three post styles that can fit any conditions.

2. Combo Open and Closed Steel Shelving

This type of steel shelving provides flexibility of compatible elements for all closed and open steel shelving products. This is because there is a preference on connecting using bolts and nuts, instead of clips as used in wire shelving.


1. It is convenient.

2. It is more flexible to construct.

3. It has a wide array of uses.

3. Open Steel Shelving

This is the most common type of steel shelving. Because of its open design, open steel shelving is considered as an all-purpose type of compartment.


1. It provides easier safe keeping and stacking due to its open design.

2. It provides steadiness because of its side and end bend support.

3. Perfect for big items

4. It can be modified to 1 and Ѕ inch increments.

5. It can fit any conditions because of its three post styles.

6. It is best for movable and “high-rise” storerooms.

4. Bin Unit Shelving

This type of steel shelving is used whenever miniature storage containers are required.


1. It is best for separating boxes and other items, especially in a warehouse.

2. It can be modified to 1” increments.

3. It is available in different bin settings.

On its entirety, the great thing about steel shelving is that it maximizes the space in your office or any industrial structures.

Usually, the most wasted area in a storage room is the space between the top shelf and the ceiling. With steel shelving, you can store more items on the top of the shelves. Plus, this extra space can be utilized for excess items and other stuffs that need support.

Indeed, steel shelving is the modern way of keeping things organized and managed. It provides ease of work flow because people can easily spot the things they need.

With steel shelving, you can be assured of wise storage solutions that present the handiness of customisable storage compartments.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Understanding critical illness cover

One of the many forms of insurance that you can take out to give you financial peace of mind in the event that something should happen to you is critical life insurance. This type of cover will pay out a lump sum should you be diagnosed with one of the illnesses outlined within the policy.

Critical illness insurance will pay out if you are diagnosed as having a pre-determined critical illness, there are a range of around serious illnesses which are now included in a policy such as this, but of course this will vary from company to company and the policy which is on offer, so you should always ensure you understand what your particular policy covers.

However the majority of policies do cover certain conditions which are classed as core or foundation conditions and these include cancer, heart attack, kidney failure, a major organ transplant, coronary heart by pass, multiple sclerosis and a stroke. However not all illnesses are covered and in fact recently, new rulings have been set out by the Association of British Insurers regarding which conditions can be claimed on.

Due to this it is imperative that you understand conditions which are excluded from critical insurance policies. For example, conditions such as non-evasive skin cancer and prostrate cancer which isn't considered to be advanced is excluded from within a policy. Of course these are just a few examples and there are many more.

Even conditions such as heart attack has to be clearly outlined, for example there has to be evidence that there are pains in the area of the chest, along with changes to an E. C.G scan for example. If the heart problem is thought to be caused by angina then in some cases this is also excluded from the policy.

Critical illness insurance benefits everyone, those who are married and have dependant children as well as those who are single. Critical illness cover can be used to pay off the mortgage or for private medical treatment which can be more beneficial than having life cover which will only pay out if you die.

Critical insurance cover can be taken out from between the ages of 17 and 70 and can be taken out for a pre-determined amount of time, such as to go alongside the term of your mortgage. From taking out the cover there will normally be a period of time in which you cannot make a claim, for the majority of policies this is usually a period of 3 months.

Choosing the right type of critical insurance can be a problem as currently there are over 200 different versions of critical insurance cover, so understanding the type of cover you need is essential. Understanding the level of cover is also essential as some policies seem to cover just about anything, when in fact there are a lot of hidden exclusions, while a high price is charged for the product.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to enjoy the online casino affiliate programs

An affiliate program establishes a partnership between a marketing entity (you) and an online business company that compensates you for any sales generated as a result of your marketing efforts.

Affiliate programs provide an easy and profitable way to generate income from your Website visitors without investments.

The first major company who's offer affiliate partnership is awa:

Affiliated Web Attractions is an association of top online gaming and entertainment sites that promotes a philosophy of operational excellence, a commitment to ethical standards set by the Online Gaming Alliance, plus support and distribution of cutting-edge Grand Virtual technology.

Affiliated Web Attractions is the largest and most recognized alliance in the international gaming market. Because of the success of our sites with players and our commitment to excellence with partners, we pay out many millions of dollars to our partners every year.

The second one is Casino Pays, one of the most prestigious affiliate programs in the online casino industry today. Casino Pays is to create a successful partnership between them and affiliates. Utilizing the latest technological developments in the e-gaming field, they bring you the finest affiliate service available.

In the affiliate industry, customer service is the key to a prosperous relationship; this is why they place a great emphasis on their customer support. Casino Pays support team is available 24/7 with the knowledge and the tools to provide you with the total solution to maximize your income and optimize your site's traffic.

Casino Pays consider product excellence and reliability, attentiveness to detail and an overall concern for quality of service to be central to gaining customer faith and satisfaction. With a constantly growing variety of online casinos, bingo, and poker, our brands are known for their high player values and outstanding conversion rates.

More great affiliates:

Rewards Affiliates, Casino Partners, Wager Share, Gambling Federation, BrightShare, Focal Click, 888.com, Refer Back, All Star Affiliates, 400 Affiliates, Affiliate Lounge, 32 Red Affiliates, Lucky Traffic, Best Casino Partner.

Just partnership with them and they will give you all the matketing material necessary to promote your site.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Affordable consumer electronics and goods for the small business

As a small business owner, you probably know what a hassle it can be to shop for electronics and other business goods. You need products that are dependable, affordable, and easy to use. Computers, office equipment, mo bile phones, and many other business necessities are available both online and off-line, so you have many options to consider.

Tips for In-Store Buying

When shopping for electronics or computers at a local store, compare brand names, features and pricing carefully. Sometimes a low price means sacrificing the quality or features you really need. For instance, if you're planning to buy a computer desk, consider the design of the desk and all its features. Does it have drawers or shelves to make organization easy? Does it have a pullout keyboard or a desktop keyboard? Also, consider the size of the desk and the quality of its materials (steel, solid wood or particle board).

When buying a computer, consider brand name, size of the hard drive and memory, as well as any pre-installed software it may contain. Avoid buying computers that have "advertising" menu bars pre-installed on the Windows screen. These tend to hang up often and are not worth the hassle although they are usually lower in price. Look for reputable brand names such as Dell, Pentium, Acer, and Compaq. Dependable laptops are available from these companies: Dell, Averatec, Compaq, HP Pavillion, Acer, Gateway, and IBM.

Avoid rebate offers. Rebates are often more trouble than they're worth, and your name might get added to hundreds of mailing lists! Instead, shop around for a great value up front to get the PC or laptop that will meet your needs.

Refurbished Products

With refurbished electronics or computers, find a reputable company that has a good standing with the Better Business Bureau. Some companies will advertise refurbished items, but will not follow through with a guarantee. Before buying a refurbished item, check for a guarantee and do a little research on the company to find out if other customers were satisfied with the products and service. If buying refurbished computers online, use the search engines to find out as much information as you can about the company.

Buying Electronics and Computers Online

Shop around online for great bargains on brand name electronics and computers. If you're pressed for time, there are discount home electronics online superstores that carry almost everything you'll need for your small business. Some of the products you might find include cables, office equipment, TV and video accessories, scanners, GPS, power protection products, mobile phones, digital recorders, formatted diskettes, CDs, and more.

Online electronics stores for small business can offer you better prices because they have few overhead costs when operating on the Web. You can usually expect to save up to 20% on items.

You'll find shopping online to be a great time-saver because you can shop from your home or office without visiting busy stores.

Use these tips to find electronics, computers and other products for your small business at great prices without sacrificing quality.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Article submissions your key to traffic success

Webmasters every day are trying to get as much traffic driven to their own websites as possible. Some methods that they are using to attain high levels of traffic include search engine optimized web pages, purchased links, directory submissions, and of course pay per click campaigns, otherwise known as PPC. PPC campaigns take within Overture’s system or Google Adwords.

But what if there was a way to grow organic link backs for a minimal cost to you, the webmaster? Relevant link backs are showing to be the new holy grail in a time where search engines are devaluing purchased links and links of a general nature. But how does one gain these relevant link backs?

Two options: you can either approach websites within your niche and ask for a link to your site to be placed on theirs, or you can have them come to you, without requiring any kind of reciprocal link. One way links are much more powerful than reciprocal links.

Of course you would rather have webmasters come to you. Time is money! To effectuate this, use a good article submission program that allows your article (which contains a bio box with your link back - very important!) to be submitted to general and specific knowledge website article database directories. The reason being is that webmasters who are looking for new content to add to their websites go to these article directories and use new content submitted by people like yourself.

This is why it would benefit you to submit unique articles to article directories to be picked up by webmasters within your niche. When they add your article to their site, with bio box in tact, you gain the benefit of having your website link on their webpage. Thus, the organic link back is born!

Fixed rate mortgages the ups and downs

As the title of this article would suggest, I am going to take you on a journey through the ups and downs on fixed rate mortgages. When buying a house, especially the first one, I think that it is literally the most terrifying experience that I have been through, and I have combat experience as a military veteran. For those of you who find yourselves still anticipating the purchase of your first home, let me give you a brief rundown of what it is and what it isn’t. What it isn’t will be the easies to tell you about. It isn’t like going to the store and buying what you want by swiping your card. It isn’t even like buying a new car, although the new car buying experience is a little bit closer. It is like looking at dozens of houses that you hate in order to find one that you like, only to learn that it is $10,000 more than you wanted to spend. So you make an offer and wait to see if the seller takes the offer or sends back a counter-offer. Once the game of offer/counter-offer is through you set up a closing date. At the closing you sit down and sign enough papers to make Leo Tolstoy quake in his boots. Once that hour devouring procedure is done, the house is yours and you are in debt for 30 years. Sounds appealing doesn’t it? Well, actually, it really is. But, before you get to the point where you can sign all those papers, you have to decide on what kind of loan will be best for you. There are a couple of different options and, in this first installment, I will discuss the fixed rate mortgage.

Overview of a Fixed Rate Mortgage

As the name would suggest, the fixed rate mortgage is a loan that has constant payments. By constant I don’t mean that they will be due every month (although they will), rather I refer to the fact that they do not change. If you get a fixed rate mortgage and the payments are $900 per month, they will remain at $900 for the duration of your loan. Nothing changes, it is set in stone, and you can set your clock by it, $900 a month for 30 years.

Benefits of a Fixed Rate Mortgage.

There are a number of benefits to having a fixed rate mortgage. I would like to discuss two of them, the planning power that it gives, and the financial liberty that you can take from it. Let’s start with the planning power.

Planning Power

To take on the responsibility of a $150,000, $200,000, or even $1million dollar debt is, as a mentioned before, very scary. But, to know that all you will ever be required to pay is $900 a month (or whatever your payments end up being. I don’t in any way want to insinuate that all mortgage payments are going to be $900 if you get a fixed rate.) is a very comforting piece of knowledge. You can plan your budget around that amount and make sure that you can always afford it. It really helps things out to have that amount set in stone. The next thing that most people get out of a fixed rate mortgage is financial liberty.

Financial Liberty

What I mean by that would be best communicated in the description of a hypothetical scenario. Picture a young couple, just out of college, just married, and brand new at the jobs in their respective careers. They decide to take out a loan and buy a house. They, because of the salary restrictions that they are working with, can only comfortably afford $500 a month. They know that this won’t get them the house that really want so they decide to stretch a lot financially and get a house that will run them $800 a month. After two years they both get promotions and their bills get easier to pay. After another two years they both move into management and get more promotions. Suddenly they find themselves in a position where they can actually comfortable afford to make $900 a month payments, and later on they can make $1000 a month payments, but they don’t have to. All they are required to do is $800. Every amount of money that they pay over $800 in a month goes towards paying off the principle and this gets their house paid off much faster. When the house is paid off, there is $800 a month that is no longer being tied up in living expenses. You see, in a fixed rate, 30-year mortgage, it will take 22 years to pay half of the principle because so much of that money is going towards the interest. If you consistently pay more each month than the minimum payment you can pay off a 30-year mortgage in 20 years easily.

Final Synopsis

For the young, first time homebuyer with a solid income, a fixed rate mortgage is a pretty good option. It allows, as was earlier stated, predictability and the possibility for earlier financial liberation. For the older first time homebuyer this is the best option. The ability to pay off a mortgage in less than 30 years is something that becomes very important as retirement approaches. For the buyers that are on a much tighter, less predictable budget, this may not be the best option. In that case there are other mortgages that would be better suited for their needs. But, as with all mortgage and real estate decision, sit down with a professional who can assess your individual needs and come up with a plan that is right for you.

Friday, May 20, 2016

They found a fortune on the internet

It’s exciting when people burdened with debt find a solution.

Bill and Shona (real names changed for privacy) were up to their ears in financial problems when they decided on an unusual strategy. They would give each other $100 to find a solution to their situation.

Bill immediately went online and set to work. He found a gambling casino and started to invest.

Shona retreated to the kitchen, took out the pad and pencil she used for making her shopping lists and started in on some serious thinking.

First she asked herself: “How much do I need to make?”

She calculated repayments on their mortgage, loans and credit cards and then added living expenses, a bit for treats and some for savings and wrote the figure down.

Then her questions went something like this:

“How am I going to get that money?”

She answered: “By selling something?”


She thought for some time and couldn’t find a quick answser, so she wrote down a question mark and moved on.

“Who would buy anything from me?”

Again she had to think hard, but then she had a moment of inspiration: “How about, people like me? If I can find a solution to one of the problems we all share, they’ll buy it from me.”

Then she went back to her: “What am I going to sell?” question and wrote: “a way to get out of debt.”

Bill wouldn’t give up time on the computer until he’d lost all of his $100. Then he went out one night for a drink with the boys and Shone got her chance on the computer.

Using Google she found a lady who sold a book on ‘how to get out of debt’. She could earn twenty dollars commission for every book she sold.

She bought the book and read it from cover to cover. Then she set out to do everything that the book recommended. In no time at all she’d lost the feeling of helplessness which had been her constant companion and replaced it with the feeling that she was in charge of her situation. She began to feel really happy.

Now she had to start selling the book and earning her $20 commissions.

Once again she did a search on the Internet and found a free course which would teach her how to build a simple web site and attract visitors.

She enrolled for the course and immediately set to work. The way each step was explained was so clear that it made it easy to do the things she’d always feared would be difficult. In less than a week she’d built her first web site and got it ‘on air’.

Eleven days after that she received an e-mail saying: “SALE NOTIFICATION on (date) you made $19.90.” She stared at the screen in disbelief for several moments before letting out a whoop of excitement and joy.

The next day another “SALE NOTIFICATION” e-mail arrived. She shouted for Bill to come and see.

“Look, I’ve made another sale,” she exclaimed excitedly. “And, do you know what, I’ve only spent a third of my budget and I’ve got all that money back already.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Caribbean stud poker intro

It seems like only yesterday when this fun game started appearing in Casinos in the United States. As you might expect from the name, Caribbean Stud Poker got its illustrious start in the Caribbean. It eventually worked its way onto cruise ships and one day the game finally docked on U. S. shores.

This exciting game is now offered in just about every casino, both online and in the real world. It's usually considered a party game, because, like Blackjack, everyone is playing against the dealer.

Caribbean Stud Poker is played on a Blackjack-style table and seats multiple players. If you're playing the game online, you might be the only one playing-some online casinos are offering multi-player games now.

The layout for the game has three main betting areas. First, there's the Ante spot, which is where your initial wager goes. Next there's the Bet spot, which is why you bet to stay in the game-more on this later. Finally, there's the progressive jackpot wager slot. When you drop $1 into this slot, you're entered into the progressive jackpot.

Quick Game Play

In other articles, I'll go over the game play and strategy in more detail, but for now, let's run through the general game play of Caribbean Stud Poker.

Before the hand is played, you must enter a wager. The lowest betting limit I've ever seen in the real world is $5. You might find limits lower online. So, let's imagine that you placed $5 on the Ante spot.

Next, you need to decide if you want to be entered into the progressive jackpot. If so, put $1 into the slot. You can't be entered into the jackpot after the hand is dealt.

After all players have made these two moves, the hand is dealt. You'll be given five cards. This game doesn't have many big decisions. Unlike video poker, there are no draw cards, so these are the only five cards you'll get. At this point, you need to decide if you think your hand will beat the dealer's hand or not.

You can choose to fold now and lose your Ante wager, or you can stay in the hand and place a Bet wager. This new wager is equal to two times the Ante wager. So, if you made a $5 wager to start the hand, your Bet wager would be $10.

After all players have decided, the deal flips over his or her hand and bets are either taken or paid. At this time, any progressive winners are paid.

Time to Learn More

This article was just a quick intro to Caribbean Stud Poker. In other articles, I'll go further into detail about playing the game, including progressive payouts, game decisions, playing strategy and more.

For now, I hope I've wetted your appetite for this fun game.

Insecurity destroyed thousands. are you a victim

Fact: Thousands wallow in depression because of insecurity.

When you ignore the positive feelings tied with accomplishment, it's easy to slide back into negative self-talk and sabotage your success. In this insecured state, you may find it tough to focus on or permit yourself to enjoy feelings of accomplishment as feelings of self-judgment then emerge. Talking to yourself in a dark way reinforces habitual, unhealthy behavior. A sentiment such as, “Why forge ahead if I never get anywhere?" reflects a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. The self-chastisement involved in focusing on past failures, rather than past triumphs, keeps you in the shadows of uncertainty where there's no opportunity for flying high.

When your self-confidence and sense of security are deficient, you may impose a retreat on yourself to escape taking challenges or risks. When a highly successful event does happen, you may conceive that it's sheer luck. Self-talk and beliefs such as “My effort has no effect on the outcome,'' may stem from previously programmed ideas that you received from deprecating others.

Feelings of insecurity and a lack of self-confidence can persuade you to try to control external events, including others. When you're busy attempting to control external events, you may not be in command of yourself. For example, trying to control the way someone feels toward you tan be very overwhelming. You can't command the feelings of others, but you can be in command of the way you respond and behave toward them.

Endeavoring to impact everything or everyone around you, rather than managing your own feelings and behaviors, undermines your self-growth and awareness. It fosters more insecurity. The point is not to focus on halting others on their road to triumph, but to focus on your own personal growth and accomplishment. Work at understanding and appreciating your competencies (e. g. integrity, perseverance, sound judgment, forthrightness) that are always on tap within you. Focus on developing your strengths to become enthusiastic and enervated. When you empower your mind and body to develop your personal strengths and resources, you enliven and consolidate your commitment to fly high.

Insecurity is self-destruction. Why stab yourself, or anyone else? Criticizing yourself unjustly undermines your growth and accomplishment Blaming and judging yourself because you're not able to lead other people's thoughts and feelings is self-sabotaging. Undermining the success of others erects barriers to warm relations, making it more difficult to appreciate situations that offer positive growth and opportunity. The feelings of triumph generated between two or more people far outweigh the sentiments created by insecurity and judging yourself.

Stop undermining yourself or others. Focus on your own road to success. Devote your time and energy to developing healthy thoughts and emotions. Take responsibility for your actions and move confidently toward your new opportunities. Fling insecurity out the window!

Anti-insecurity Tip 1: Be grateful for what you have.

Anti-insecurity Tip 2: Word everything in the positive. If I said "Don't be negative, I'm weakening myself"

Anti-insecurity Tip 3: With every rising, ask yourself "What great things can I do today. Do the same every hour on the hour!

God speed!

A stay at old san juan in puerto rico

One of the most used departure ports for cruise ships in the Caribbean is San Juan in Puerto Rico. We decided to arrive a day early to San Juan in order to see some sights before our cruise ship departure. San Juan, known as 'La Ciudad Amurallada' (the walled city), was founded in 1521 and is the oldest city under the US flag. During the 16th century, the Spanish used it as a point of departure for expeditions to the New World. Fortifications in the Old San Juan section of the city repulsed numerous attacks from the English and the Dutch during those years. Today, Old San Juan is a charming seven square block commercial and residential area with cobblestone streets.

The cruise ship terminal is actually located near the south side of Old San Juan so instead of booking a hotel in the beach resort area of San Juan, we decided to book one right in the old section for close proximity to the terminal as well as the local sights. The $17 US taxi ride from San Juan's airport to Old San Juan was about half an hour. During the ride, I was impressed by how developed the city was compared to many other cities I've visited in the Caribbean. The beach high-rise hotels along the north side of San Juan were visible from the highway. Our stay for the night was at the Hotel Milano which is right on Calle Fortaleza, which is one of the major commercial streets in Old San Juan. The hotel was clean and comfortable but not luxurious which was okay with us as the price was very affordable. Its quality was probably comparable to a Travelodge or Days Inn. A very pleasant surprise was the free continental breakfast at the hotel's rooftop restaurant. It gave a nice view of the neighborhood from the top.

We spent the day and evening walking the many cobblestone streets and alleys in the area. There are over 400 restored colonial buildings from the 16th and 17th century here. There were also several plaza squares and parks. One of the nicest services offered in Old San Juan is a free shuttle bus which covers two different routes through the district. There was a bus stop about 1/2 block away from our hotel which was very convenient. Riding on the shuttle buses through both routes gave us a good overview of Old San Juan. We were able to stop off at several points of interest including the huge El Morro fort. After our visits to each attraction, we just had to

wait for the next bus to come by to continue our tour. In the evening, we did get lost while walking since many of the streets look very similar. But with our map, we eventually found our way back to the street where the Hotel Milano was. We decided to dine at one of the nearby restaurants for authentic Puerto Rican cuisine and were not disappointed. My lady especially adored the two different plantains we ordered.

When it was time to go to the cruise ship terminal, we just took a short five minute ride from our hotel. Our short stay in Old San Juan was definitely worthwhile and hassle free. A stay in Old San Juan is highly recommended for those who will be taking a Caribbean cruise with San Juan as the departure point. The only disappointment I had with San Juan was that I was hoping to do some scuba diving in the area but from the reports I read, the waters off the city are quite murky with limited marine life to see. This is likely the result of San Juan being such a busy port. The decent scuba diving sites are about 2 hours east of San Juan. So perhaps in a return trip to Puerto Rico, I will plan to make a trip to the east part of the island.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Do you want to sell your rehab fast

That’s an obvious question – we all do! So what is the trick? So much time and money is spent on systems updates, roofs, and structural issues, that many times there’s nothing left for what really makes the sale: what your potential buyers see. And more importantly, what they fall in love with.

People don’t walk into your house, and say, “Wow, they have all new electric. Let's buy.” That’s just a core expectation. The trick to selling houses fast is to seduce your customers to fall in love when they walk through. It has to feel like a home to them.

The two most inexpensive yet surefire ways we have found to create this atmosphere is through color and through decorating.

A tastefully decorated house really stands out from the others. New house builders learned this a long time ago. Why do you suppose they hire interior decorators? But they have the advantage of creating one masterpiece to sell many. Rehabbers don’t have that luxury. But we discovered that a house can be “staged” to feel like a lived in home. Staging is the art of artistically placing dйcor items around the house. Perhaps a colorful place setting on the kitchen counter along with open coffee beans for aroma, and an open recipe book turned to a colorful picture. Bathrooms dressed up with beautiful towels, sweet smelling soaps, and window treatments as shower curtains. Finally, fireplace mantels decorated as if the family was already living there.

But even staging doesn’t create the ambience you need. It is the warmth that comes from color. You may have heard to use a white-on-white color scheme to remain neutral and not turn anyone off. The truth is – no one is turned ON either. Buyers aren’t attracted to all white houses. At best, there’s no emotion. With the use of contemporary designer colors, however, these same people fall in love with the home. That’s the emotion that sells. When they love, they buy. And they fall in love with houses that are brought to life with full color.

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Must do things on a florida holiday

A Florida holiday is like no other - Florida revels in its role as the world’s favourite playground. Yet its never-ending beaches, easy going lifestyle and world-famous theme parks only tell part of the Sunshine State’s story.

The Keys are testimony to its enduring love affair with the sea; the Everglades is a fascinating wilderness left pretty much as nature intended; and the vibrant Latino culture of Miami has transformed it into one of America’s most fashionable cities.

For white knuckle rides and breakfasts with Goofy, Orlando Florida is the place for you, with Walt Disney World’s four different theme parks, Universal Studios and Universal’s Islands of Adventure providing endless hours of fun.

Those looking for endless white sand beaches, meanwhile, should focus on the Gulf (or West) Coast and resort of Naples. Less sophisticated and more slow-paced than the East Cost of Florida, attractions include waterways flanked by stunning millionaires’ homes, world-class golf courses and the chance to spot wild dolphins playing in the ocean.

On the East Coast of Florida in affluent Palm Beach you’ll find the ritzy summer homes of some of America’s most respected families, the designer boutiques of Worth Avenue and the manicured greens of countless golf courses.

Miami is much less pristine and far more cutting edge. A fast paced, high energy city on the water, its hotels, spas, restaurants and shopping malls all vie with each other for ‘number one’ status, those in South Beach often winning the race. Very Cuban, very exciting and very 24 hour, where else are the restaurants owned by world famous superstars?

Whatever part of Florida you choose to holiday in, make the most of it splash out! Stay in a luxury villa like a superstar – drink cocktails by your own private pool, and enjoy the Florida sun.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Craigslist has everything you could ever want

One of the best ways to sell stuff, market items, promote a business, find employment, and find home rentals is by searching on Craigslist. Craigslist is a terrific medium in trying to do all these things. Millions of people use Craigslist on a daily basis and thousands of people post a wide range of things everyday. Say Starbucks is the mecca of coffee, Craigslist is the mecca of all the things I listed above.

First off, if you are trying to sell something, post it on Craigslist for super results. Countless civilians look on Craigslist for all different kinds of random things all the time. In addition, Craigslist is a free service so you get the most money possible when you sell something. You usually have to pay a fee to advertise something you want to sell in like a newspaper or some add thing. Not with Craigslist though. The more people who see your product for sale, the more likelihood you will sell it fast. Using Craigslist gives your item for sale the maximum exposure it deserves and it will sell wicked quick.

Maybe your fancy is in marketing. Marketing something is the best way to sell products. Clever word use and emotional writing is the greatest way to grab peopleґs attention. You need people to grab though when marketing. Craigslist is a wonderful source in subjecting you to a wide abundance of individuals. When more people see your marketing strategy, the better your sales will be. More people you market, the better opportunities you have to make money.

Letґs say you are trying to promote your business. Posting your company on Craigslist is a great way in doing this. If you add your company to the “Service” part of Craigslist, people are bound to see it. It is up to you to type quality information about your business and promote it properly in order to attract customers.

Most people donґt own their own business, so what if you are a individual seeking employment? Craigslist lists hundreds of jobs everyday in different locations just for people like you looking for work. They have career type jobs and just normal jobs. It is a great place to find work because employers know lots of people browse Craigslist everyday. This gives them exposure to all kinds of people looking for work. It is a tubular idea if you are looking for work.

Everyone needs a roof over their heads to live a normal life. Countless agencies and private people list rentals available everyday in a wide scope of prices. Craigslist has tons of apartments, duplexes, condos, townhomes, and homes listed all the time your area. If you are looking for a place to live, check out Craigslist because they have lots of stuff.

In conclusion, Craigslist is like Wal-Mart, it has everything. If you want to do any of the stuff listed in this article above, go to Craigslist and be completely satisfied. You wonґt be let down.

Refinance home equity line of credit - options for paying off a line of credit

Refinancing a home equity line of credit can save you from rising interest rates. They can also help you develop a payment schedule that fits your budget needs. And if you consolidate your home equity loan with your first mortgage, you can save even more on rates.

Options For Paying Off Your Line Of Credit

A home equity line of credit with its open terms and rates, makes it an ideal candidate to refinance. The easiest option for refinancing is to roll over the loan to a second mortgage. You can choose fixed or adjustable rates and terms. Closing costs will also be minimal. The other choice is to combine your home loans into one mortgage. This will qualify you for lower rates than if you just apply for a second mortgage. However, if you already have a low rate mortgage, you could lose out on closing costs and interest charges. If you are thinking about doing a total mortgage refi, it’s best to compare numbers on your financing options. Factor in how long you have left on your original loan, future interest charges, and possible savings.

Be Choosing With Your Lender

Your current lender will automatically strive for your business, but take the time to look at other offers. The best way to make comparisons is to ask for loan quotes. These loan estimates should be based on preliminary information supplied by you. Don’t allow lenders to access credit report; unless you want to see your score go down. With loan quote numbers, look at the fine print. Compare the APR for overall loan costs, but also look at the closing costs and rates separately. If you don’t plan on keeping your home or loan for more than seven years, you don’t want to pay a lot at closing, even for a small reduction in rates. You won’t recoup the cost in such a short time.

Don’t Delay Refinancing

Once you find a favorable loan offer, start the application process to secure the rate quoted. With online applications, your loan can be processed in less than two weeks with paperwork complete through the mail.

Instant approval credit cards are they credit builders

Many people today have heard about the "instant approval" credit cards, but may not understand exactly what they are. Instant approval is the method used by banks and credit card companies to take your application and instantly make a decision based on data they get from your online credit report. It is different from traditional credit card applications because you are either approved or rejected as soon as your application is submitted.

Instant approval is a method that is different from instant decision. When a bank makes an instant decision, this means that a certain period of time is given to the credit card company to decide if an applicant is approved. They will typically do a detailed background check, and it may take days or weeks for them to decide if applicants are approved. Many people may have also heard of the term "instant credit."

Instant credit means that in addition to being approved immediately, you are also given a temporary credit card that allows you to make online purchases. Instant credit isn't used much by the banks today due to the many fraudulent charges that were made after they begin offering it. Instant approval gives banks a reasonable amount of time to determine if an applicant is a good candidate.

Instant approval applications are just as secure as traditional applications that are sent through the mail. If you apply for instant approval credit cards online, make sure you go through banks and credit card companies that offer the highest level of internet data encryption. In most circumstances, using secure online instant approval services are much safer than sending applications through the mail. If your application is approved, you can expect to receive your card in about a week. The delivery time will vary depending on the company you use.

In most cases, instant approval means that the bank will give you a temporary approval based on your online credit information that will keep you occupied while they do more detailed research. The banks will do additional research to make sure your online data is accurate. While many people who apply for instant approval credit cards think they will immediately be issued a card, this is not always the case.

It is also important to make sure you have decent credit before applying for an instant approval credit card. Most decisions are made based on the FICO score, and if you are declined you credit score could be lowered even more.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Search engines and web directories

After you have built a website and optimized it by tuning its meta tags to the best, it is the time to get it submitted to major search engines and directories. So, that your site gets indexed by the search engines and the directories. There are lot of confusions in submission to search engines and web directories. Here, I would try to clear this confusion. A close study of search engines and web directory will sure help to solve this confusion.

search engines

When you submit your website to a search engine, it reads your site meta tags, looks their relationship with the contents, indexes you website and assigns a rank to your site according to the algorithm it follows. Here, you should understand that by submitting your site to a search engine does not mean that you will start getting high traffics just after its submission. This simply means that now the search engine knows about your site and its pages and would place you in its SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) according to your rank in its index.

You must have read very often about the offers for submitting your site to thousands of search engines for a fee, no matter small or big. No doubt that there are really thousand of search engines on the web but most searches are routed through a few major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, alltheweb etc. If you submit to these search engines alone, it is really enough to get noticed in the search engine world. I am giving their site submission URLs and little info about their strategies.


google. com/addurl/?continue=/addurl.

They ask you to submit your top level page and have pretty easy to understand instructions for submission. Google updates its index normally once a month.


submit. search. yahoo. com/.

They have two options free and paid. Free listing takes about 30 to 45 days. However paid listing assures a quick listing of your site.


search. msn. com/docs/submit. aspx.

MSN in routine picks new websites having good inbound links. So if you have good inbound links, your site will be picked for listing in MSN even if you don't submit your site to them.


You can not submit to AOL directly but if your site is indexed by Google, AOL will most likely include your site in its index too.

Web Directories

Web directories are different with respect to search engines. A search engine uses its algorithm to index and rank a website through its regular crawling process whereas a web directory is defined into several categories and subcategories where it contains the websites submitted. In this way a web directory is considered an expert index of sites. Here you select a category and subcategory for your site and submit your site to it. Visitors come to brows a specific category in a directory as per their interest. This ensures that your presence in a specific category will attract a targeted visitor. Most of the search engines use these directories to update their data. This also increases your chance of getting high rank with search engines.

These directories can be classified into free directories and paid directories. Normally, free directories take comparatively more time to list the submitted sites. Whereas the paid directories list the submitted sites instantly. Some good free directories are DMOZ, Yahoo!, World Wide Index, AbiLogic, Gimpsy, JoeAnt. However, good paid directories can be named as Arielis, BOTW, BlueFind, Microsoft bCentral, and GoGuides.

Before submitting your site review your site thoroughly and make sure that your site has no broken or dead links. Write a suitable description of your site to put into the description field of submission form. Search thoroughly the categories and subcategories before selecting the category for your site. They normally offer you to suggest one if you don't find a suitable one.

No doubt, submitting your site to major search engines and good rank directories help increasing the traffic and good placement in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). Submission to good directories is something which ensures this goal.

Getting out of the rough

During the 1972 British Open at Muirfield, Scotland, Tony Jacklin and Lee Trevino attacked the 9th hole from the tee. Jacklin went for the carry over the left-hand fairway bunker, while Trevino played more conservatively down the right side. Both finished in the rough, but within iron distance of the green. Two amazing shots followed, both landing about 20 yards (18 m) short of but running onto the green. Both players then holed their putts for eagles.

Hitting into the rough is the most common problem a golfer faces. Even golfing legends like Trevino and Jacklin find themselves in the rough more often than they’d like. But by making a few adjustments you can get yourself out of trouble and back onto the fairway without costing yourself strokes.

When a recreational golfer finds himself in the rough, he often lets the situation intimidate him. Instead of assessing the lie, like many golf instruction manuals suggest, he grabs a club and slashes away, hitting into the rough again or into more trouble. By the time he finishes, he’s hacked out an 8 on the scorecard.

Hitting from the rough—whether heavy and thick or light and fluffy—trips up many golfers—even those who’ve taken golf lessons. But learning how to can get out of the rough doesn’t take a lot of instruction. It just takes a bit of discretion and knowing what adjustments to make.

Thick Rough

Hitting into the thick rough is the more common scenario. The problem is the thickness of the grass. It grabs the hosel of your club and closes the clubface at impact, causing you to pull the ball left (for right handers). The grass also reduces club head speed and takes backspin off the ball. Heavy clumps of grass require almost brute force to get out of.

Choosing the right club is crucial, as most golf tips point out. You need a club with a sharp leading edge, like the shorter irons. The edge cuts through the thick grass, giving the best chance of catching the ball squarely. Try a lofted wood (5,7,9) or lofted iron (9 iron, pitching wedge). The loft gets you airborne quicker. If the ball is buried, try the 6 iron. And don’t try to hit a big hook or big slice. The deeper, thicker grass makes the ball go straight.

Ball position is also crucial: Too far forward means there’s too much grass to get through. Too far back means there’s not enough loft to get the ball airborne. Position the ball left of center (for right handers) with the longer clubs, and right of center with the shorter clubs.

In addition, do the following:

• Take a steeper angle of attack

• Keep your hands ahead of the club.

• Lean your weight forward

• Take a normal stance

• Aim your body slightly left

• Open your clubface

• Take a divot after the ball

Two other adjustments: set your wrists a fraction earlier than normal during takeaway and center your weight over the ball at the top of your back swing.

Light Fluffy Rough

Hitting from a light fluffy lie requires different adjustments, but it’s no less challenging. Like the thick rough, the real culprit is the grass.

With fluffy grass the ball sits up high, almost as if it were on a tee, so don’t take your normal swing. You need to avoid undercutting the ball, which prevents solid contact. Instead, try sweeping it off the “tee,” with the blade of your club barely touching the tips of the grass.

In addition, do the following:

• Choke down on the club

• Play the ball father forward

• Hover the club at address

• Restrict your back swing

• End with a balanced finish

Move your hands about an inch (2.5 cm) down the grip and position the ball farther forward in your stance, which encourages more of a sweeping motion through the swing.

Hovering the club permits you to catch the ball flush and guards against the ball moving at address. Choking down on the club restricts your backswing, but also hinge your wrists just a little earlier in your takeaway. Also, stop the club short of the horizontal position at the top of the backswing. Try to end with a balanced finish.

Hitting into the rough—whether it’s deep and thick or light and fluffy—doesn’t have to intimidate you. Just gather yourself and make the right adjustments and you’ll overcome the challenge. Also, stay within yourself. Don’t try to do too much. If the rough looks really challenging, punch it out onto the fairway.

The idea is to put yourself in position to hit the next shot, not cost yourself more strokes by hacking away. You may not land on the green with your next swing, but like Trevino and Jacklin, you might just hit a shot that leads to a surprising finish—and maybe a lower handicap.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Do pet stain removers work or are you being taken to the cleaners

Pet stains on carpet and other types of flooring can be nasty to get rid of and even nastier if you don't. How do I know? I sell pet stain remover but I always tell people the truth about the products they are buying. Many web sites on the internet give a 100% money back guarantee on pet stain removers but how can they possibly guarantee a product when they haven’t even seen the mess that the product has to clean up. From my experience with amazing internet cleaning chemicals including pet stain removers is that they usually don't work. Most pet stain remover websites bank on the fact that you either won't take the time to return the product or you'll give up on your pet stain problem and have a professional come in to finish the job. The truth about pet removal products is they sometimes work and they sometimes don't it all depends on the surface that your cleaning up and how bad the damage really is. At least once a day I email a customer back and tell them they need a professional (in some cases a demolition crew) to come in and first take a look at the actual problem and then decide if they can accomplish the task.

There are two different types of pet stain removers, volatile chemicals (chemicals that react with certain compounds) and enzyme products. Chemical products work by changing the chemical make up of urine. This is all great except for the fact that you’re using a chemical on your flooring or carpet and chances are you’re not going to get all the chemical out. These chemicals can remain in the dye pores and fibers of your carpets for many years or until the carpet is replaced. Enzymes work by eating the urine on the floor and then turn anaerobic and die. It seems really gross but you can't see it happening and enzymes are a part of nature unlike man made chemicals.

In my experience I have dealt with both types of concoctions and feel that enzymes do the best job. Enzymes smell better and won't harm your carpets and are more environmental and people friendly. When using either of these methods there is one truth that holds true and this is where the "sometimes they work and sometimes they don't" statement comes in. If the enzyme or chemical does not come in contact with the pet urine it will not work. If you’re pet stain problem is to the point that the wood or cement underneath the carpet has been saturated for an extended period of time it's time to call a construction crew. Your sub floors will have to be replaced and cement has to be sealed, this is the only way to get rid of cat urine odors once this much damage has been done. For some of my customers that I talk to it just seems like having flooring removed or cement sealed is too hard to swallow and there just has to be an easier and cheaper way to solve the problem. The truth is that once cat urine as seeped into a porous substance like wood or cement nothing can remove or neutralize it. When it gets damp or humid that smell will always come back and in some cases get worse over time.

For infrequent pet stains or pet accidents pet stain removers can work extremely well. These products can easily neutralize and eliminate pet stains on a carpets surface or already sealed flooring. Don't be fooled by amazing products and 100% guarantees because if they haven’t seen the problem the product is going to tackle they might be doing a good job at removing your money from your wallet and not the pet stain from your floor.

Hocus pocus the magic is focus

We are part of a very busy society. Just look at any job ad. "Multitasking" is not merely a desirable extra in an employee; for many employers it's a prerequisite. Next day delivery, ATMs, microwave ovens and TiVO help us to speed up certain things in life so we can move on to the next task. There always seems to be something to do. Boredom seems like a relic from a time period long gone.

But while automation and faster service have improved many facets of our lives, some things just cannot be rushed. Things like building relationships, cooking a decent pot roast or establishing an online business. Yes, establishing an online business cannot be rushed! It seems strange that when building a business online, you really need to slow down, since everything about the internet seems to be centered on speed. One of the main things that turn people off of starting their own online business is distraction. People try to take what works for them in the "real world," rushing from one task to the next, and of course, expecting the results to happen just as quickly.

No one would expect a traditional business to turn a profit in the first few weeks. Most would consider it a success if the business were to break even in its first year. Even though a person who is starting an online business is free from the usual things that can stifle a traditional business, the same commitment, dedication and focus is necessary. Now, focus usually isn't included in the list of things a person should be aware of when starting an online business. But it will be the one aspect that will make or break your business efforts. But of course focusing is easier said than done. With so many conflicting views and thousands of business opportunities, just getting started can be the most difficult task of all.

First things first, pick an opportunity that you are interested in. It doesn't have to be something that you are really passionate about. Anything from a mild curiosity to a casual interest is fine. So many books and programs go into detail about promoting something that is already your hobby. I don't know about you, but there's not a big demand online for some of my hobbies (I've checked). Try to pick something that interests you and is in demand.

Secondly, set a budget. This will help you focus on what is necessary for building your business and what would just be an impulse purchase. A good idea is to write down products or services that look interesting but not within your budget at the time. When more money starts coming in and you want to reinvest it in your business, you will already have a list of products to research that can possibly boost your income or free you up from mundane tasks associated with your business.

Thirdly, set aside a minimum amount of time each day to dedicate to your business. You might want to focus on marketing one day and writing articles for additional content the next. Setting a schedule and sticking to it will work wonders for your ability to focus and grow your business effectively.

Make sure to take time out for self development. This is something that many new online businesspeople have failed to do (present company included). Keep up your exercise routine (if you have one), make sure you take time to pray, meditate; attend church or whatever you do to recharge your spirit. Remember to spend time with friends and family. Most people want to start a home based business so they can have more time to spend with their family and friends. So spend time with them now so they will still be around when you have more free time to spend with them! Remember, it's not just about money; it's about improving your quality of life.

Remembering to apply these simple steps will help you to lessen the frustration that will come when establishing your online business. Also, keep in mind that determination and focus can make up for what you may lack in expertise!

Success is just over the horizon. Can't see it? Well then, focus!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Small business ecommerce web design

If your small business is venturing into ecommerce, you may be daunted by the technical wizardry you think is involved. But fear not: complete web store software packages will keep all the technical wizardry safely behind the screen, so you don't have to worry about it. All you have to do is choose a design, stock your store, and promote it. Here's how to do that.

Designing Your Online Store: Choosing a Template

When starting a brand-new online store for a small business, you're better off choosing a pre-existing design template rather than having a design done from scratch.

• Templates. If you’re not quite sure what kind of design you'd like, you can browse through the design templates included with most hosted online store programs.

• Themes. Some online store builders take the design template concept one step further, with "themes." Themes are essentially templates that include not only basic design elements but also text styles such as font faces and sizes. Themes also allow for slightly different pages across a website with a single unified design, without having to configure each page individually. For instance, a web store theme might include a product description page, a product category page, an "add to cart" page, and a checkout page. Just by choosing a single theme, you have all the pages in the shopping cart designed with a single, unified professional design, just like big, successful web stores.

• Theme builder. If you want to make changes to a theme–say a different font or a different color–some web store software packages make it easy with a "theme builder." With the theme builder, you can select values for features such as color and font. You can even choose to build a theme from scratch, though for most web stores this will be a case of re-inventing the wheel unnecessarily. You don't need to know anything about HTML; the interface is much like a word processing program.

• Professional design. Once you've created your store using templates or a theme builder, you can turn to a professional designer to make your site really special. Still, you may want to stick with the basic template or theme-builder site until you have a firm idea of how users are interacting with it and what elements are working. That way you'll have concrete requests to make of the designer.

Building Your Online Store: Inventory

The foundation of any online store is the products or services being sold. With most web store and shopping cart software packages, the functions for adding, removing, and pricing items are collectively called "inventory."

Even if you're selling intangibles such as downloadable software, you will use the inventory functions to specify how the items will be sold. There are options for setting the available quantity in stock to unlimited, or handling just about any kind of permutation of selling products or services online. Web store software makers have seen it all.

One of the great things about using a hosted web store software package is that if you do have trouble setting something up, you can get help quickly from customer service.

Adding New Web Pages to an Online Store

If you want to add new pages to your online store, the store creator software can help. If all you want is to add a new product, you only have to use the "add a product" feature, which is often listed under "inventory." However, if you want to add pages for sales copy, manuals, privacy policies, terms and conditions, the store creator interface is the way to do it. Most online store creators have a way of adding pages to a web store without having to use HTML; you simply type in your text in the form and upload any images.

Getting Your Store Found in Search Engines

In order for your online store to generate the most business possible, you’ll want to make sure that your store is easily searchable for Internet shoppers. Unfortunately, some web stores create pages using a dynamic script that search engines cannot index.

Often you can tell if a web store cannot be indexed by search engines by looking at the URL of an inside web page (the homepage, also called the index page or "front page," will usually be search-engine-index-able no matter what). If the URL is a long string of characters that is slightly different from one user to the next (say, when you open the page on your computer and someone else opens the page on another machine), that likely means the site is using "session IDs" which search engines have a notoriously difficult time interpreting. If the URL is something simpler, such as "domain. com/category-5/product-6.php", the page is much more likely to be search-engine friendly.

The best way to check whether a web store or shopping cart software produces "search-engine-friendly" pages is to check the documentation; software that's search-engine-friendly will usually say so.

Of course, as with any website, doing well in search engines still requires your site to have links pointing to it and some text on the pages. Just because search engines can index a page doesn't mean they'll return it for any searches.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

More british leave home to live overseas

Beth Collingz, Overseas Sales Director, PLC International Marketing Networks, for Pacific Concord Properties Inc’s Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines said a closer look at the figures released by the UK’s Office for National Statistic showed that of those who left last year 196000 were British citizens while 189000 were long term migrants who had been living in the UK for more than a year.

The surprising emigration figures begs the question why are people leaving in such numbers. Surprisingly it seems that one of the main reasons for the British to pack their bags is the British weather. Sun starved Brits have had a very wet summer and the grey skies which are meant to be blue have hardly appeared Collingz advises: Brits are familiar with the idea that we only have two seasons - the winter and July. It seems that this year, with the terrible weather we have experienced in July and throughout the summer, many people are not prepared to sit through a year-long winter.

Recent research from PLC’s UK client base found that favorable weather is a key reason consumers give for retiring to the Philippines. Some 60 per cent of buyers for our Lancaster Condotel units told us that the climate is one of the main attractions for retirement in the Philippines. Interest in Philippine property rose by 70 per cent year-on-year in June and by 60 per cent in July. People buy property abroad for many different reasons but a depressing British summer is enough to spur any overseas property buyer or investor into action commented Collingz. Fort those considering emigrating to the Philippines and to ensure you get the best possible start in your new home overseas you will want to begin with as much money as possible. One of the key ways of doing this is to carefully choose the method for the transfer of your assets into your new home and availability of local financing for property purchases is a key factor.

The Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines offers no-prequalification 12 year payment plans extended by the developer Pacific Concord Properties Inc. UK Tax Payers can also taking advantage of tax incentives and Investing their Self-Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] In Philippine Condotel Investment Real Estate for Rental Income and Retirement. Collingz explained that the Self Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] is a personal pension plan but with one very significant difference: administration is separate from investment content, giving the plan holder freedom to choose for himself and change the investments within it. The long-awaited rules on what savers can include in their personal pension plans were unveiled in April 2006 by HM Revenue & Customs.

The Guidance Notes confirm that the Self Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] allows holders to invest in hotels such as the Lancaster Brand of Condo Hotels in the Philippines. The only stipulation is that SIPP holders may not stay in their rooms. With more nights available for paying guests, this not surprisingly increases the room owners' returns. It is estimated there are now more than 70,000 plans holding over Ј14bn.

A year or so ago, few people in the UK realized that they could manage their Pension Plan portfolios themselves, and even fewer knew that they could invest their SIPP retirement money in homes in the sun which now prove to be among the most popular potential investments to include in a SIPP.

If you’re considering using your SIPP to invest in real estate, there are some excellent reasons that you should choose Philippine Condotel Investment real estate to drive your retirement portfolio into high profit margins. The Philippines is ideal for this type of investment because a SIPP can establish title to a property in a country whose legal framework recognizes trusts – and a SIPP is simply another form of trust. Investing in foreign real estate is neither as risky nor as tricky as a lot of people would have you believe. While land and housing prices in the U. K. have soared astronomically in the past decade, the world real estate market is a far different story.

It’s still possible to buy a preconstruction Condotel suite at Lancaster – The Atrium located in Metro Manila, Philippines, for less than GBP Ј25,000.00 Lancaster - The Atrium is a "Full Service" Condominium Hotel offering Studio, One, Two and Three Bedroom Suites for sale. To be completed and ready for turnover from December 2010, and will provide unit owners with premier residential condo units with the option of enrolling their units in the Lancaster Condotel Rental Pool and earn Rental Incomes [at current purchase levels] of some 8-14% ROI per annum as Owner Non-Residents when not using their units through Condotel Management. This makes Lancaster Suites one of the Hottest Investment Opportunities in the Philippines.

The beauty of holding property in the Philippines is the low cost of property taxes and maintenance. A GBP Ј25,000 Condotel suite may set you back GBP Ј100 in property taxes per year, and maintenance costs are similarly low. When you add in the tax-protected status of investments made in your IRA, and the 12-16% returns through rental income through the Condotel advantage, you have an incredible ROI on a purchase of Philippine Condotel investment real estate” enthused Collingz.

What’s the downside about owning Philippine Condotel Investment real estate as an SIPP investment? You cannot reside at your investment property as long as the SIPP is titled as the owner of the property. The self directed pension plan rules about benefiting personally from your investments are strict - you are not allowed to make use of any property owned by your SIPP, or you risk losing its tax-protected status and worse yet you could face penalties from HM Customs & Excise. You can, however, rent out your SIPP investment for steady income - putting the profits and cash flow into your SIPP, or sell your Philippine Real Estate Investment for immediate profit, as long as those profits remain inside the SIPP.

If you’re looking for an unusual and high earning investment for your SIPP, then take a serious look at owning Philippine Condotel investment real estate. It can help kick your SIPP earnings into high gear. With an impending slowdown of the UK. housing market and failing pension plans, many investors are turning to using their SIPP’s to invest in overseas properties and earn tax-free or tax-deferred income. This creates an outstanding opportunity for by offering self-directed pension plan vehicle to invest in the Lancaster Suites Atrium Tower preconstruction units.

With preconstruction property appreciating at some 20-30% per annum not only does the Real Estate Appreciation look good but the rental income is in excess of what many Pension Plans offer for the same or similar investment. Beth Collingz says that many new investors are looking to replace failed pension plans and other future saving schemes with a solid investment in Real Estate. “Clients are looking for investments that will give them an income for retirement as an alternative to traditional private pension plans that have failed. Most company pension plans are insufficient as are Government Pensions. Bank rates for Savings accounts are at record lows. Savvy investors are now looking for a more solid investment with potential for monthly income. Condotels in the Philippines fit the bill”.

This potential, high rates of rental returns from Condotel Investments, currently from 8% up to 14% per annum, opens up a huge market not traditionally looked at by Real Estate Agents and Brokers whom all so often run around looking for normal residential profile “buyers” without looking at the by far bigger picture of investments, investing and retirement. "We’re here to help our clients, educating our clients and advising them of emerging investment opportunities. Self-Invested Pension Plans and the Lancaster Suites Atrium Condotels, fit this bill exactly; adds Collingz.

Beth Collingz

PLC International Marketing Networks