Monday, May 30, 2016

Sounds good to me - a bullied bully

All our lives we have lived under threat from government laws that supposedly are to be in our best interest. This government now needs to take an interest in a mightier force where we fear for our lives and confined to our homes because of the street Bully. A visit to the corner shop to fetch a pint of milk can lead to receiving a pint of blood in a casualty ward. If the government is to impose new laws in our best interest then that is to take action with a view on sentencing the Bully with an eye for eye attitude.

What is it going to take for the law to change and sort matters, how much more unnecessary blood spillage from innocent victims in hospital wired up to a machine acting as proxy for his/her last breath.

Yobbos/bullies will carry on with their tirade of abuse using their fists feet and weapons on the defenceless because of the recognition received after conviction. The reward for crimes committed a warm bed, 3 hot meals, a wage at the end of the week and no rent to pay for the roof over their heads. This isn't punishment for a Bully who cripple/maim or kills.

Sever punishment levels have to be administered on the Bully before the next victim is left brain dead fighting for his/her life for reasons unknown to them selves. Bring back the ball/chain, hit them where it hurts take away the designer gear and replace with the arrow suit.

However changing the laws for a stronger approach on sentences for the evil doer (Bully) is not enough if we can not catch them. First and foremost we need more law and enforcement patrolling our streets, how do you catch a criminal if sitting behind a desk. This government needs to double the number in boys of blue and get them out there saving the day (or a life) instead of wasting time on which politician is sleeping with who.

I say a prayer as I write, for those who may have lost someone close who was victimised by a Bully or still are; do not suffer in silence, please get help.

The Bully has to be stopped and quick, a Bully does not work alone without accomplices, his gang so as to speak. Give him the gang alright, The Chain Gang, as I stated earlier an eye for an eye how about throwing in a tooth for tooth as well.

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