Monday, October 31, 2016

Buying a medieval sword online

If you always wanted to own a medieval sword to hang on the wall, show to your friends, or bring with you to a Renaissance Festival this article will help you to make your sword buying much easier.

Sword buying can be a very confusing process. There are thousands of retailers, many different sword manufacturers, and a many different types of metals that swords are made from. If this is your first sword then you should make it a pleasurable experience by getting the sword that looks and feels right for you. If you stick with a reputable seller then the sword should be of a good quality that will give you many years of worry free enjoyment and maybe even start you on a sword collecting hobby.

The first decision you have to make is why you want a sword. This will greatly help you in choosing your first sword. There are two main reasons I will describe here. If you want a sword to hang on the wall as a display piece that you occasionally take down to show to friends then you should look for a sword that is made from stainless steel as it will require little or no maintenance. If your looking for a functional battle ready sword, make sure you realize these swords take care and maintanence as they are forged from high carbon steel that can rust over time when not taken care of properly.

If you want a sword to wear as part of a costume or as an accompaniment to Renaissance Festival and Role Playing events then you should get a sword that comes with a belt and scabbard. Again, because swords come in a tremendous variety of sizes, finding a scabbard can be a very difficult task.

Narrow your decision down to one of the three basic sword types.

Because there are thousands of different swords you should figure out which of the three main types of swords you want to get.

* Replicas of original swords – You may want to get a sword that is a replica of an authentic historical sword such as a Scottish claymore, medieval sword, or Spanish rapier.

* Movie Replicas: - You may want to get a sword that you have seen in a movie, such as the Lord of the Rings swords or Eragon movie swords that are very popular.

* Fantasy Swords – These swords can have a very different look, often times they have intricate handles and unique blade shapes and are primarily for display purposes.

So now you have narrowed you selection down to the use of the sword and the type of sword and you are ready to start looking at actually purchasing a sword. Here are some guidelines to help you make a good purchase.

It is recommended that you only purchase a new sword from a reputable retailer. Make sure they have at least a 14 day guarantee that if there are any problems with the sword you can just send it back and try another sword. When looking at online sword sites or weapons specialty sites there are a few things you should look for. Does the site have the hacker safe guaranteed logo? Does it have a clearly posted customer support telephone number you can call? And do the have a customer support section on there site or help section. These factors are important in feeling safe with your online purchase.

Swords have a two thousand year history and there are many manufacturers, sellers, collectors, and experts of swords. But when it comes down to buying a sword you should decide on the sword that is going to make you happy. Get a sword that looks and feels right for you and get it from an established and well-know retailer and you will have a sword that will bring you years of enjoyment and maybe even start you off on a new hobby.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Money making message boards

If you surf the Internet regularly then chances are you have seen the transformation most of the forums, bulletin boards and message boards have gone through. Such sites are becoming more and more popular with many people today, including children and adults. The amount of people joining these types of sites is incredible so it is only natural for someone to cash in on this. After all, the world seems to revolve around money.

Money making message boards is one of the most well known trends happening across all levels of forums. These types of message boards offer people so much more then just a place to post their thoughts. It is a place where people can get together as a virtual community and learn from each other. Many business-minded people are jumping on the bandwagon of the moneymaking message boards to cash in on the benefits.

If you are one of the moneymaking message board followers, you will need to abide by the proper netiquette. If you have ever talked with someone online, chances are, you are familiar with shouting online. Be careful not to use all caps when posting as this is considered as shouting online and really looks tacky. Make sure you double-check your work before posting, as you do not want to post something that has typos and incorrect grammar.

Poorly written posts can be very damaging to your site, especially if you are just starting out. So it is very beneficial to proof read everything. Make sure to never flame people (verbally attack). If you do not see eye-to-eye, politely speak your piece. There is never any reason you should be rude or attack another forum poster. Never entertain the notion that foul language is acceptable in these types of forums. It not only makes you look bad, but will kill your number of posters.

You do not want to offend potential customers, so it is a good idea to do some research to see what people are posting. If you know what they want, you can make the best out of your forum by covering topics your readers and posters want. Knowing the proper netiquette can help make a moneymaking message board become something great. It is helpful to have some sort of imagination when creating your posts to ensure that you will get the maximum number of posters possible.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hot as pancake items to sell on ebay

In so many instances, people would always want their food hot: hot coffee, hot-of-the-grill burgers and steaks etc.

That's why even on eBay people would rather go for those items that are selling like hot pancakes, so hot that they almost burn!

Basically, eBay categorize these items as "hot" whenever it obtains bids more than 30. Then after, eBay would classify them as "hot items". There are a lot of items that are already considered hot on eBay, though; things vary depending on what category these items fall. So, to know which things are considered hot items on eBay, here are some of them to give new customers an idea:

1. Domain names.

Because of the escalating development of the Internet these days, more and more people are getting "hooked-up" on the Net. That's why domain names sell like hot cakes on eBay. To-date, a domain name that has only three letters on it got 109 bids. That is really a hot number considering the usual number of bids that go around eBay.

2. Computers and other high-tech gadgets.

Still an information technology aftermath, more people go rage whenever they see computers, mobile phones, PDAs, laptop or notebooks, and digital camcorders are being sold on eBay. It seems that everybody just wants to be wired and hooked-up with the latest gadgets these days.

3. Jewelries.

And to think that most of the buyers are not just women. Jewelries especially if it has diamonds in it are so popular and in-demand. But people must consider when mulling over on this items - they are just too hot to handle.

4. Books.

Books also are also hot items on eBay these days especially those that fall on the interest of young adults like the Harry Potter series, The DaVinci Code, and those that are geared to give tips and tricks to businessmen and entrepreneurs.

5. Clothes.

Clothes sell hot too, and it's the fad that keep them reaching the top rank in the hot items category on eBay. And because brand names do matter nowadays, more people are vying on items that are branded. Some of these items also include perfumes and other garments.

These are just a few of the hot items being sold on eBay. This just goes to show that eBay is, indeed, the best place to get most from a bargain especially if the items are in-demand on eBay.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Do you have a good entrepreneur idea

Your entrepreneur idea is very important, as this will be the foundation of your entire business. Many people in their excitement of starting a new enterprise forget this critical first step. If you do not have a proper business concept, your whole project will ultimately collapse. Choose something you like such as a hobby or a skill you have and make this your business theme or concept.

There are very few topics you cannot form a business with, or around. It is most important to choose something that you love to do and are really interested in. This is because business is tough to do and, unless you can put your heart and soul into it, you cannot succeed.

Another entrepreneur idea is to use your own skills. This can be something like writing or design or any talent you may have. You can use this skill as a service and work either as a freelancer or set up your own service business.

Or you can set up a business using a skill you have learned from your life experiences. It can be something like just looking after your family or having a disabled member in the family. You may use this experience to have a consulting service or an advice column. You can also write a book about it.

A good entrepreneur idea is to write an eBook or have one written and sell it. It should be on a hot topic that many want to know about. Info books and videos about informative topics are always popular. You can make a website to promote these products, put in a payment system, and have it run completely on autopilot. This is one of the best ways to do a business. You can also join a membership site that offers products with resale rights and add these to your site. Make sure they are related to your product. Add to this, and you can make more info products and sell them to the same market or make new mini sites for each of your products.

Other ways to build your business are to use different business models like affiliate programs or network marketing. Affiliate programs are one of the easiest ways to build your business. You can start with them and earn a little money to launch your business or you can use them to supplement your main product.

As you can see, there are many ways to develop your business concept or entrepreneur idea, but one thing you should bear in mind is that you must try to specialize or form a niche market in your field. This is how to make real money on the Internet. Whatever be your business concept, you will need the secrets revealed in the free business plan from Quiet Achiever to discover the steps you will need to jumpstart your business.

I will stand by you even if

This is what John told me yesterday.

Rule No 1: There are no rules.

Rule No 2: If there are rules break them.

Rule No 3: Before you break the rules make sure you ‘know’ all the rules.

I asked John” How many years does it take to ‘know’ all the rules. And he said ” As long as it should take…”

Think about it,

It has been 24 hours since we launched Spiritual Simplicity. We have had members from China, Singapore, Ghana, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa, UK, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The response has been phenomenal.

Here is a mail from Dorie Wallace of China:

“Hi Vish, I have just signed up as a member to your wonderful website. Wow! I logged on and was blown away at the abundance of videos, information, stories, books and articles! I have never seen such great value. I couldn’t' and didn’t want to stop reading and checking it all out. You and John have done an absolutely amazing job!!! I live in China and getting any kind of spiritual reading material that is written in English is not an easy thing to do. Now I don’t have to worry about it at all. Whatever I need I am sure I will find in the pages of your site. ” Ask and you shall receive.” I asked and now I am receiving. Thank you Universe and thank you John and Vish!”

Deepest regards Dorie

This is what Rosemay Margueritte from UK had to say

“Vish I’m so thrilled to join you and John on what I already feel will be a successful and exciting journey to spirituality and I am forever grateful and blessed to be a member of your website. Once again, thank you to John and yourself for your kindness and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.”

Much love and affection


One thing more, because of heavy spam our first mail did not go out to many people. In that mail we had a FAST ACTION BONUS for the first 50 people who signed up. Now that number has already been filled. But since a good number of people did not receive the first mail, John has advised me to have another FAST ACTION Bonus for you

So here is the deal:

The First 50 who order today will get two things valued at $344 in addition to everything mentioned in the site

1. 45 minute PRIVATE TELESEMINAR WITH JOHN AND ME where John will reveal information he has never ever spoken of earlier in public. I can guarantee you that it will be life changing. (Valued at $197 this is free only for the first 50 people who order today)

2. On June 2nd week, John will be releasing the Power Pause Videos. I do not know how much John is going charge for it. The book itself sells for $97 so I guess it would be atleast $147 . You will get the free download link for watching this video, once it is ready on June 2nd week (Valued at $147)

Now remember, you have to be quick as this message is going out to a huge list…

Here is your link to prosperity. Break all rules today spiritual-simplicity. com/

Bye for now

With Love and Affection


P. S. Remember Rule No 3: Before you break the rules, make sure you ‘know’ the rules. There is no one better than John to teach you this subtle skill. So go right ahead and make the decision of your life. You won’t regret it.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Pressure washer concrete cleaning equipment


Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment

Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment
By Lance Winslow

Cleaning concrete is tough and there is an easy way and a hard way. There is one thing you need to understand when you are pressure washer cleaning concrete; the concrete cannot always be made to look brand new again after it has been stained. You can always get stains lighter or bleached but completely removing it is very difficult, sometimes you get lucky, but if you are looking for perfection, chances are you will be underwhelmed. So when talking to customers let them know up front and explain this to them otherwise they will be asking for a job that just can't be done unless the entire concrete slab is ripped up and re-poured.

Let’s talk about equipment that is needed for this type of work. Remember safety is always important when working with a pressure washer. Some times there are chemicals involved in cleaning some stains. Thus, you should always use some type of eye protection. Also, when you are using chemicals you need to wear jeans to protect your legs. Chemicals made for concrete are very strong and should not be toyed with. Would a person rather work with dry feet or wet? It is recommended that you get rubber waders or some type of rubber boot. They will keep your feet from getting wet and keep them from getting burned by the 250 degree water.

Orange cones are also important to have for this job. These help make people visually aware that you are there if you are in a high traffic area or where there are a lot of contract workers at say a newly constructed house that needs the concrete cleaned. This makes everyone around you safe and you are helping prevent accidents. Of course you are going to need a Hydro-Twister for this job. You can technically do the job with a wand but it will take a lot more time and water, not to mention you can cause streaking if you are not using even strokes across the slab of concrete. Most of the new hot water pressure washers have an option of a hydro twister type unit but if you don't have one and or you need a second unit we recommend that you go to buy one. When buying a hydro twister buy the larger of the two. There my be only a 5 inch difference in surface coverage but it is well worth it when you are trying to save time without cutting corners. Especially if you are cleaning concrete at a construction site or a large retail type box store, there is a lot of concrete and the faster you clean it the more money you will make. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; WorldThinkTank. net/wttbbs

Article Source: EzineArticles. com/

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Found asbestos at work - what next

Asbestos starts life as a mineral found in certain rocks, mainly in South America. It is fibrous in nature and has fire retardant properties. Asbestos has been widely used as a building material for over 100 years. It can be found in cement pipes and sheets as a reinforcing agent. These asbestos cement products can be found in many schools, factories and homes. Asbestos was also used to make floor tiles and as insulation lagging on hot water pipes.

Over the past 20 -30 years researchers and medical opinion has united against any asbestos use at all. Asbestos containing materials let asbestos fibers off into the air. These fibers lodge in the lungs of people working and living in the building and cause a disease called asbestosis, or mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer of the lung. It only takes one asbestos fiber in the lung to cause asbestosis. Asbestos workers are the people most affected by asbestosis and mesothelioma. People who worked in construction and ship building in the 1950s and 1960s are also commonly affected.

The detection and removal of asbestos from buildings is a specialized task, which must only be carried out by licensed contractors.

The untrained individual may have suspicions whether or not asbestos is present in a material, but laboratory analysis is the only way to be certain. This is expensive, and many employers will have to be cajoled into having an asbestos survey carried out.

If asbestos is found then the removal is very expensive. Employers sometimes employ non-specialists to rip out the offending material, before even testing for asbestos. The old floor tiles or pipes can then just be dumped, without the extra expense of taking it to a licensed asbestos disposal site. While all this is happening, if asbestos is present, the air in the building is full of tiny asbestos fibers, all getting into the lungs of people working there.

There are regulations governing what kind of bags can be used to dispose of asbestos waste and where those bags are taken. All workers must be fully protected from asbestos fibers while working. The affected parts of the building will be sealed while the work is in progress.

Asbestos has been replaced as a building material, and as a filler or reinforcing agent, by glass fiber and rock wool. Both materials have many of the properties asbestos has, but are generally considered less harmful.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Layman guide to cosmetic surgery

Every one wants to be beautiful. If they are already beautiful, they want to become more beautiful. Increasing demand for perfect beauty and the advancement of technology in medicine had given birth to cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is a surgical method which enhances your physical appearance. It can be done either to correct your appearance which has undergone damage after an accident, or to simply enhance your facial and physical features, which tend to deteriorate with age.

Who uses Cosmetic surgery?

Just about anyone who wants to improve his/her look goes for cosmetic surgery. It is not limited to women. According to a survey 11% of men also opt for cosmetic surgery. It can be a painful and an expensive procedure. It is not covered under your insurance policy. Hence cosmetic surgery is considered to be the domain of the rich and famous.

Where can I get it done?

Check your local listings or ask your family physician for links to a good and reputed plastic or cosmetic surgeon. Always make sure that the surgeon is certified by either The American board of plastic surgery, or the American board of cosmetic surgery.

What do I need to go through?

Every one is scared of surgery. More so if it is done on your face area. Ask the doctor about the pros and cons involved in the procedure. Ask him his experience in the field. Every cosmetic surgery may have certain risks involved. It is always good to be clear about the entire procedure before you start.

Ask the doctor how long you need to be away from work, will it be painful, and about the best and worst case scenarios post cosmetic surgery. He may have an album displaying pictures of previous patients if they have given him permission to use it. Check the before and after pictures to give you a brief idea about how you may look post cosmetic surgery.

What it does not do?

Remember, getting a facelift or a nose job done does not change the person within you. You are still the same person from inside.

This week in betting a to z

Each week Doc's Sports will take a look at the sports betting world in an A-Z format.

A - Anderson, Derek. Be honest - could you have named Cleveland's backup QB before last Sunday? Anderson may have been an anonymous player on an anonymous team, but he announced himself when he entered the game in relief of the injured Charlie Frye. His team was down by 14, so he led two touchdown drives in the last nine minutes, and then set up the winning field goal in overtime with an impressive scramble. Quarterback controversy?

B - BCS. As a diehard Michigan fan, this is not my favorite topic these days. We got screwed, and nothing you can say will change my mind. On the plus side, the national title game just became very easy to handicap. Ohio State is a bargain at anything less than two touchdowns.

C - Cowboys. Tony Romo looked mortal for the first time, the offense struggled at times, and the Giants looked better on offense than they have in a while, yet Dallas still managed to win, and to cover if you shopped hard enough for the right line. The way they are playing right now, there are few teams in the NFC, if any, that will present much of a challenge in the playoffs.

D - Dallas Mavericks. They started 0-4, and it looked like they had troubles. But then they won 12 games in a row, and covered in 10 of the 12. Every team wishes that they had those kinds of troubles. No team in sports is hotter.

E - Eastern Washington Eagles. Remember the name Rodney Stuckey. The guard is averaging almost 28 points a game for the Eagles, helping his team go over (way, way over) in every game they have played so far.

F - Fresno State. The Bulldogs failed to cover this weekend. What else is new? During the team's dismal 4-8 season, they managed to cover the spread just once. They failed to cover as favorites six times, including four outright losses. The low point was a loss to Utah State as 25-point favorites.

G - Grossman, Rex. Just when you thought a guy couldn't get any worse. 6-of-19 for 34 yards and three interceptions is so bad it's almost unbelievable. That's a quarterback rating of 1.3. I think I could get a rating of at least 2, and I've never been mistaken for an athlete.

H - Hype. It was only one game, but Greg Oden lived up to it. The freshman superstar played his first game for Ohio State on Saturday. His hand was still in a brace, and he was obviously rusty, but he was an absolute beast. He scored, rebounded, and blocked shots at will. When he gets healthy and in playing shape then Ohio State should cruise to a Big Ten title.

I - Insignificant. That's what home field advantage was this Sunday in the NFL. Eight of 14 home teams lost outright, including three favorites. Overall, it was another week for the underdogs, with eight covering in the first 15 games (one of which was a push).

J - Jokes. Some things this week were so bad they were funny - Georgia Tech's offense, Chris Leak as an option quarterback, Mathias Kiwanuka's ball handling skills, the new NFL referee cold weather uniforms, Fox's BCS show.

K - Kansas Jayhawks. How is it possible that the same team can beat Florida and then lose to both Oral Roberts and DePaul over a two-week period? It seems like they are just setting themselves up for their standard first round tournament loss.

L - Lackadaisical. The effort put forth by the St. Louis Rams. They looked quite good at the beginning of the year, but they have totally disappeared in recent weeks. It's hard to imagine that they'll be worth a bet for the rest of the season.

M - Manning. It was a bad weekend to be a member of football's royal family. Both of their teams lost, and neither QB looked particularly swell. The two players have only covered once in eight tries over the last four weeks.

N - Nevada. The Wolf Pack have been a trendy pick on tournament brackets for a few years, and they look like they will be again this year. They are led by forward Nick Fazekas, averaging 22.6 points and 12.7 rebounds, and they are 4-1 ATS.

O - Oakland. How bad are the Raiders? Houston managed only 161 yards of total offense, including just 32 in the air, and they beat Oakland by nine points.

P - Prime time. What Jay Cutler isn't quite ready for. His first game wasn't a disaster, but he looked much more like a raw rookie than the savior he was supposed to be. He passed for 143 yards, but half of that came on one pass, and receiver Brandon Marshall did most the work, breaking three tackles on the way to the end zone. Cutler will get there, but he won't be worth betting my money on for a while.

Q - Quarles, Shelton. The only active NFL player with a last name starting with Q. He missed Tampa's game this week with a knee injury. There's nothing noteworthy to say. It's just really hard to come up with things that start with Q.

R - Red Zone. The Dolphins should spend their entire practice time this week working on punching the ball into the end zone. They had first downs inside the ten twice and came away with nothing either time. Nick Saban will be doing a lot of screaming.

S - Suicide. That's what Trojans' players must be contemplating after laying a gigantic egg in what should have been a simple, and absolutely crucial, game against UCLA. If they do kill themselves, Florida will send the biggest bouquet to the funeral.

T - Turkey Hangover. Of the six NFL teams that played their last game on Thanksgiving day, only one, Detroit, covered this week, and only Dallas won straight up. Maybe the extra few days of rest isn't a good thing. Will Cincinnati and Baltimore have the same problem next week?

U - Upsets. They're the norm in college basketball this season. Florida lost to Florida State. Kansas loses to everyone not in the top 25. Marquette lost to North Dakota State. There is some serious money to be made betting the underdog morning lines if you pick the right ones.

V - Vick, Michael. He had a 'good' day, and his team won by 10. I still can't make myself believe in a quarterback whose good days are 50 percent passing, 122 yards, and two touchdowns. It's not a wonder that trade rumors are popping up. If he gave Raiders' fans the finger he wouldn't make it out of the stadium alive.

W - Withdrawal. What I am likely to suffer from with no college football for the next two weekends. I only have to make it until Dec. 19 and the Poinsettia Bowl. I'm counting the seconds.

X - eXplosion. Reggie Bush had one of the offensive variety this week. He had two touchdowns in his career until now, and he got four on Sunday. Most impressive was his receiving impact, with well over 100 yards and a touchdown. When Marques Colston returns to the lineup, the Saints could be even more dangerous offensively than they already are.

Y - Young, Vince. Two weeks ago I thought this guy should have stayed in college for another year. Oops. Twice in a row he has led his team back from big deficits, and he has looked like a seasoned veteran doing it. Tennessee is already a good bet, and they are going to be a good team next year.

Z - Zero. The number of things that Tampa Bay fans have to feel good about after their team's game against Pittsburgh. Bruce Gradkowski was terrible, they couldn't run, they couldn't contain the pass rush. The Bucs had the look of a team ready to mail in the rest of the season.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A few tips for safe online shopping

More and more people turn to online shopping every day. The number of people shopping online is staggering. With this increase the instances of credit card fraud has also started to increase very rapidly. If someone steals your credit card nowadays, they can easily run up a large bill online shopping with fraudulent purchases. Before the days of the Internet, when someone stole your credit card, there was still a chance that someone would ask for identification before they would let you buy something. However the Internet takes that human interaction out of buying, so it is harder to stop people from making fraudulent purchases. Here are a few tips for safe online shopping.

The first tip that you should do when safely shopping online is to make sure that the web site you are shopping on is a reputable web site and that any payment screen is part of a secured site. You can tell if a web site is secured by looking in the bottom right hand corner of the browser for a padlock. If the lock is locked, then you are on a secure site. If the lock is not locked, then you are not on an unsecured site.

The next tip for safe online shopping you should make sure you do is to make your login information on your account confidential, and very strong. What I mean by strong is that your username should not just be your name, and your password needs to be something different than your birthday. A good password should be at least eight characters long with letters, numbers, different capitalizations, and also some special characters like a $. This will make it almost impossible for someone to “guess” your password when trying to login to your account.

The final tip for safe online shopping is to keep your antivirus up-to-date, and not to click on links that you are not sure about. Some of the worst viruses on the Internet today try to steal your personal information so someone else can use it to make fraudulent charges. If you keep your antivirus up-to-date, then you will have a smaller chance of getting any of these very harmful viruses.

How not to lose 10000 dollars in the casinos

For the last several years one Saturday of each month some friends and I would get in the car and drive to Atlantic City for a night of gambling, and it has always been one of the best days of the month.

We have never really been big gamblers we usually just stayed with the slots or the roulette table, until six months ago when someone decided we should learn to play poker because that’s where you can win lots of money fast.

So we all started playing poker in a weekly Friday night game together till we were good enough to play in the casinos. For practice I would play Online Poker in some free multiplayer poker rooms and eventually I felt confident enough to join an online casino poker room for real money.

At first I was losing hand after hand but the more hands I played the better of an understanding I was getting for the game, and every night I started making less and less mistakes and I actually started to win a few hands.
After about 2 or 3 months of this we decided it was time and we all drove to the casino to play some Poker.

We did ok for first timers, no one got rich but no one came home broke either. We decided that instead of our monthly trips we should start going every Saturday, and soon we would be leaving every Friday after work and coming back late Sunday night

Last month we decided to join this small tournament, the buy inn was only a few hundred each and the prize was 10,000 dollars, so we all decided to go for it and to try to start making real money playing poker, and in the end it paid off, I am still not sure how but I won the poker tournament and the 10,000 dollars grand prize.

Before the tournament we had all agreed that if one of us won it we would go out and have a big party with the money, but I had a much better idea

I decided that I could turn this money into a much larger amount and since it was easy to win the first time it should be easy to do it again.

Now from my personal experience I know that the Roulette table is a great way to double your money fast, there were many nights id have 20 dollars in my poker before leaving the casino and I would manage to double it on one spin of the roulette wheel, and now I had ten thousand dollars and could walk away with twenty thousand in just minutes.

So against the advice of all my friends I looked for a roulette table where the same color had won three times in a row. Once I finally found a roulette table that had come up red 3 times in a row it I place all my winnings on black and what luck it came out red again and I nearly passed out on the casino floor.

Ever since that night I have not won anything I have played. The best piece of advice I can give anyone out there is to not let winning go to your head. If you are up in the casino, go home and enjoy the money. It is important to remember that gambling in a casino or an online casino is supposed to be fun and relaxing and if it is not go read a book or something.

World cup 2006 preview - iran

Outright Odds: 750/1

Group D Winners: 14/1

Iran’s last appearance in the World Cup, back in 1998, produced a shock 2-1 victory over the United States, in what could have been described as a very diplomatic result. After qualifying emphatically for this year’s tournament, including a 2-1 home victory over Japan, Iran will be expected to more than merely make up the numbers.

Iran won nine out of their 11 matches and qualified with a match to spare, although were pipped to the top spot by Japan, who beat them in the return fixture in the final round of fixtures.

Their efforts did not go unnoticed and they ranked at an all-time high of 15 in June 2005, ahead of fellow qualifiers Ukraine and Sweden and European champions Greece. To give you some idea of their position in the world game, they were rated just one place below Italy.

Iran are blessed with a plethora of attacking talent. Veteran striker and captain Ali Daei is the most prolific ever in international football with over 100 goals to his name and he topped the Asian scoring charts with nine qualifying goals. He will be 37 in Germany and this will surely be his last major finals.

Hamburg’s Mehdi Mahdavika, who netted the decisive goal against the United States eight years ago and Bayern Munich’s Ali Karimi, who was crowned 2004 Asian Footballer of the Year will be recognisable to the domestic audience. Mahdavika has emerged as Iran’s major attacking force in Daei’s twighlight years and has been given license to support the attack rather than being restricted to his traditional spot on the right wing.

Striker Vahid Hashemian is another player with Bundesliga experience, plying his trade for Hannover 96 following a transfer from Bayern Munich, as does midfielder Fereydoon Zandi who plays for Kaiserslautern.

Iran are lead by Croatian coach Branko Ivankovic who has successfully rebuilt the side which failed to qualify for the 2002 finals after losing to the Republic of Ireland in the play-offs.

While the victory over the United States sticks in the memory, it is the country’s only victory in six attempts at the finals and overall the squad lacks experience at the highest level, especially in defence. While Ivankovic has turned Iran’s fortunes around, they will need more than good morale to see them through a tough qualifying group and their final match against Angola could be their only chance of success.

Recommended Bet:

Despite their improvement, it is unlikely Iran will get anything from their matches against Mexico and Portugal but their attacking prowess could yield a final match victory against Angola at odds-against.

Iran to beat Angola @ 6/4

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How to get around excuses for not exercising

Over the years, there have been people making up plenty of excuses to avoid exercising. Some of these excuses are creative, some are ridicules, but most are in a group of common excuses used everyday to justify not having to make the effort to improve their health and well being.

How many people do you know who were going to start exercising and start getting in shape and they were going to start this coming week, but that was two weeks ago and they still haven’t started yet? What excuse did they have this time? Maybe this has happened so many times, you stopped counting. Maybe this has even happened to you more times than you can remember. Well, what’s stopping you?

Here are some of the most common excuses used by people to not exercise, and the ways that you can get around those excuses if they have plagued you and are stopping you from partaking in a healthier lifestyle.

By far and away, the most common excuse used today is; “I don’t have the time to exercise”. The old perception that you have to exercise for 1 to 2 hours a day is just nonsense. A good, solid exercise routine doesn’t have to last for more than 20 to 30 minutes a day to be very effective. If you can’t find up to 30 minutes a day to exercise, then how do you manage to find up to 2 hours or more a day to watch TV?

Another popular excuse used often is; “I can’t afford to pay for a gym membership or for home equipment”. The fact is, you can get in better shape and lose weight without ever setting foot in a gym. Walking and or jogging around your neighborhood or in the local park don’t cost a dime and will give you all of the benefits of a cardio workout at the gym. Doing callisthenic exercises such as crunches and pushups and so on at home also cost nothing. Home fitness equipment can also be purchased that will give you a good resistance workout for under $50.00 such as resistance tubing bands and an exercise ball.

“I don’t know how to exercise or what exercises to do” is an excuse that gets used from time to time, but there are several ways to learn how to exercise right and what exercises to do. Using the services of a qualified, certified personal trainer is the best way to get you going in the fight direction. If affordability is an issue with a trainer, there are workout videos and books that you can buy to help you out, you can even find loads of exercise books at your local library that you can check out free of charge.

Another excuse that seems to be fairly common is; “I’m too old and/or out of shape to start exercising”. This excuse is really only valid if your doctor has told you that you should not exercise for some medical reason. If you are very out of shape or you are a senior citizen, then you may just have to start out slowly. Even starting out with only 5 minutes a day of exercise and slowly increasing as you go is much better than doing no exercise at all.

Last but not least and by far my favorite excuse is; “I hate anything to do with exercise”. This one always gives me a laugh. Most people who really think they hate exercise do so because they are stuck with the image that exercise is a series of boring, grunt and groan exercises involving heavy weights, or jogging far enough to complete the Boston marathon. The old adage of “no pain, no gain” is still embedded in the minds of many people, and who wants to have to go through pain every day to get in better shape? Exercise is really all about getting active and getting your body moving. Even playing in a softball league or hiking on a trail or bicycle riding is good exercise. Just find activities that you like to do and you will find that exercise can be fun.

Ok, no more excuses. The time is now. Making the time to spend even 30 minutes a day to get active, get in some exercise, and get yourself more healthy and fit will by far be the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. Think of how much more you can enjoy doing the things you like to do when you are in better condition and better yet, think about how much more you can enjoy your children as they grow up and how much more you can enjoy your grandchildren later in life.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Using online video can help increase your business profits

Marketing is a business necessity wherein tools and technology innovations are utilized to increase a business’ profitability. The relatively new online video technology is one technology example that can be harnessed to increase profits and even possibly lower marketing costs.

Now that video can be attached to almost any web page, the possibilities of using video as a marketing technique (in the same manner of television) is slowly but surely gaining ground.

- Research on the phenomenon of communication retention show that people remember only 10% of what they have read and 20% of what they hear; however, people remember more than 50% of what they see and hear at the same time – just like watching a movie.

- Marketing analysts report that companies that currently use on-demand video, video e-mail or streaming video podcasts have reported sales increases of close to 25%, sometime more. The increase in client response is attributed to the fact that multimedia rich content is a better catalyst to move and/or persuade clients towards buying a product or service because they can see its benefits in action.

- As far as online viewers are concerned, video builds credibility and trust. It is very similar to having a live person communicating to the end-user/client the benefits of doing business with somebody that they can see and listen as opposed to something that they read online. Customer rapport, trust and a mutually fruitful business relationship is much more easily established and achieved.

- Sending personnel to various locations at the same time to set up a product demonstration invariably entails a long list of additional expenses. Doing the same using online video, streaming video or on-demand video obviously lowers the costs significantly. Lower product marketing costs results into more profits for the company.

- Cost of savings is not limited to product marketing costs. Video can also be used to set up conferencing and training methods, locally and internationally. Live conferencing and training can be easily set up and synchronized between two or more groups of people, regardless if they are at different time zones, at the same time.

The above are only a few of the dollar related reasons why the emerging technology of online videos is fast becoming an effective marketing and

a dreadful superstition grips america

A terrible superstition holds people around the world in its grip. Ministers of religion, lawyers, architects, men renowned as brilliant scientists, physicians (particularly, physicians), University professors, middle class people, working class people, people of all nationalities, are its victims.

I was one for 43 years. I really and truly thought that what my doctor said was gospel and never questioned him.

What is this superstition? It is that health may be obtained and maintained and diseases “cured” by drugs, medicines and remedies. They have not taken the pains to investigate, in an unprejudiced manner, this absurd and dreadful belief.

So what we have is physician, nurses and drug stores (by the way we do not have “drug stores” any more. They call themselves “Pharmacies” I just checked the phone book.) Other medical specialists all engaging in these false hopes.

Frightful suffering and bereavement are the common lot of mankind, except for the few who have released themselves from this superstition.

I consider myself lined up with Natural Hygienists and Naturopathic doctors and we feel it is simply amazing that the simple facts of which we have can be ignored so generally. And that people offer themselves as sacrifices to this great superstition.

When a theory of health is presented of the ways and means to “Cure” something or they are going to “find a cure, so give us more money” these stories are heralded as a great triumph of “science”

Yet the first principles of science are violated right in the beginning and in the entirety of such a theory.

If an articles is written which lays down in simple words the rules of health, means by which diseases can be obviated and recovery from diseases can take place, very few orthodox journals of high circulation will print it.

An example is in 1980 when after suffering for 43 years with arthritis and in weeks I was free of the debilitating disease; I took my book to the Regional meeting of the Arthritis Foundation. I was so thrilled to think that with this book they could fulfill their promise that if we send them more money they will find a cure.

What a disaster. My husband dropped me off at the hotel entrance and went to park the car. When he got to the entrance he found two uniformed guards walking me out. Bodily.

We were stunned. They told me they did not want that sort of book at their meeting.

Since then I have over 310,000 copies around the world and get calls and emails daily thanking me for changing their lives.

So it is mainly to people, like myself, who believe as natural hygienists believe, to spread the word. In 1980 there were about 6500 hundred doctors who were telling their patients that what I am saying here is true. Two of them are named in my book “I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”. Today in 2006 there are thousands more.

To us it is amazingly simple.

Eat the truly good food, breathe good air, drink pure water, exercise, maintain optimistic and pleasant thoughts, and therefore enjoy fantastic health. Give our cells the proper nutrition and our immune systems will become as God gave us in the first place. Our immune system will then rebuild our body and we will enjoy the freedom of no illnesses.

There are now millions who are beginning to rebel against what we might almost call the atrocities suffered as a consequence of this superstition.

Many who are ill and are being subjected to the remedies and poisons that are administered to them. Drugs in large containers have the skull and crossbones on them but when we get the little bottles as “prescriptions it is not there.

My mother was told in the 30’s to use an aluminum type product as a cheap deodorant. She did and I believe it was a contributing factor in the way she changed in later years. Aluminum is causing Alzheimer’s.

While drugs may get immediate temporary relief, you will feel and know that the disease is becoming more and more serious.

I do not have final figures but look around. In the early years of 1900 it was almost unknown to have heart troubles. They did not spend time on it in medical schools. All the major diseases of today, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, the list goes on and none were minor. In 1960 one in 20 had arthritis. Now it is 1 in 3

Same with cancer. Now children are commonly getting it. Heart troubles are killing us faster than ever. I will try to find these figures.

The Untied States is way down in the world as a healthy nation. Have you ever known of so many people with so many health issues? Baby boomers are filling our hospitals with more sickness.

I take my son to the VA hospital due to his Vietnam days and see people his age in terrible condition. Amputees from diabetes, overweight everywhere.

I have felt since 1980 that I have a duty to tell people the other side. I have done lectures and TV and radio. I now do this newsletter. I get people asking me to unsubscribe them due to my teachings.

My phone rings daily with people calling, crying, telling me of the 5, 6, 8 different drugs they are taking. Although they call them prescriptions. I ask each and every one of them to get the hand out from their “Pharmacy” of every drug they are taking and read them to the last page.

Then have a good talk with their doctors.

What do I preach in just one paragraph?

Give your body what it needs in minerals, vitamins and enzymes and exercise, drink pure water, let no negative thoughts or people into their lives and feed our cells to let our immune system take over the job that God meant it to do.

Which is to be in a state of health.

If our immune system is not getting the proper nutrition we are in trouble.

Will this happen overnight? No, You cannot stop taking the drugs you are on without the consent and help of your doctor. Too many side effects can occur.

You did not get in the condition you are in overnight. You will not get into a state of health over night. But start now and by summer or sooner you will not know yourself.

Start promoting healthy cellular replication, get strong muscles, have clear breathing, increased energy levels and have body fitness.

Get supplements that are advanced Nutraceutical supplements. Make an impact on your health today. Feel the results and get VIBRANT HEALTH.

Take heed of what the Bible teaches of food. Mainly moderation in all things.

Stop this insane habit of all cooked foods and foods pre-made. We have gotten into the habit of fast is better. Fast is not better. It costs more in dollars when you buy it and cost thousands in medical bills later on.

Print this in your sub consigns mind. “I am the one responsible for what I eat and drink and do. I am the one who can make changes so I may live, play and have a happy, illness free life”.

If you help yourself to this attitude you will be doing your doctor a big favor. He is overworked and struggling to help.

Stop looking for a magic bullet. There is NONE.

I getup every morning thankful for my health. And my state of mind and for the love of my family. I look forward to each day with joy.

I look at problems as they come up as just a problem that needs a solution.

I work on the solution. If I cannot fix it or change it I have a mental box that I put these things in and I lock it.

I allow nothing negative into my space. If a negative thought pops in I chase it our.

Can you do this? Of course. Let me know how this changes your life.

I am here to help You, help Yourself enjoy a Healthier and Happier Life Style.

Best of Health,

Margie "The Arthritis Lady"

Monday, October 10, 2016

Creative tips for success with your home business

There are many things that you can do with your home business that will help you find success. There are also lots of things that you could do which will not bring you to success but which might hurt your chances of being in business for very long. The things that you do are much more important, so focus on the positive things that you can do to make sure you have a business for a long time to come.

First of all, in order to have success it is important that you always feel like you are running a business. Set office hours for yourself, and make sure you stick to them. However, you should also make sure that you dress each day as if you are going to work. Even if you aren’t dressing as formal as you would be if you went to work, if you get up and get dressed each day you will feel more like you are going to work, and a more positive attitude is a great way to get things done when it comes to your home business. Remember that when you are running a home business you want to be sure you are giving everyone the chance to see what you have and what you can do, so you should always have a portfolio ready to send to customers of your previous work and what you can do for them.

There are other things that you can do to enhance your home business experience. First of all, try to come up with a fun and unique blog that you can write on a regular basis that has something to do with your business. People like to read the thoughts of someone they are doing business for. Remember thought that you have to keep in mind that you are writing for your business, so try to stay professional. Maintain a professional attitude no matter what you are doing, even if it is fun.

There are some other things that you can do to make sure your home business has a great chance of being successful. For one, try your best to always have a good attitude. Remember that you are in charge of your business, and whatever attitude you have is going to carry over into your business as a whole. That means that you should try very hard to make sure you are able to do all of the appropriate things to create a good situation in which you have a good attitude. This will truly enhance your business, and it will give your customers something to smile about as well.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Going with the flow

Flow state, that mysterious mental zone where time and the outside world seem to disappear, is one of the keys to peak performance. Frankly, your ability to harness the limits of your intelligence, creativity, education, or talents will be largely determined by your capacity to remain in flow while under stress.

Those who cannot suffer “stage fright,” “writer’s block” “flop sweat” and numerous other labels for the same phenomenon—inability to access the deepest wells of confidence and performance in the actual arena.

The key to unlocking this particular inner vault is to look at the phenomenon of flow itself, separate from any specific usage or application.

We all experience the “flow” phenomenon. The last moments before we fall asleep or the first after awakening (also known as the “hypnogogic state”) have this quality. Ever gotten on the freeway, lost yourself in thought, and only snapped out of it when your exit appeared? Flow. Gone running, dancing, or walking and found time dissolving, so that an hour felt like mere minutes? Flow. One exceptionally powerful “flow moment” would be the last few seconds leading up to orgasm, when it feels like the barriers between you and your lover are melting away.

All of these moments share something in common: they all deal with the dissolution of the subject-object relationship. The painter melts into the canvas. The writer disappears into the book, the reader into the magazine, the lover into the beloved, the martial artist into the flow of throw and punch. We stop being aware of “ourselves” and begin to sense a connection between all the disparate parts of the activity, as if we are simultaneously stepping back for a wider view, and sinking inwards to a place of almost impossible intimacy.

It is a path to genius. One might take the position that the ability to hold flow under stress is the single greatest key of all high-performing human beings in any arena of life. What is talent, separate from the focus required to manifest it?

There are many disciplines that address flow: meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, prayer, etc. And there are tools that work terrifically well for familiarizing you with this state: sixty beat per minute Largo rhythm string music (Vivaldi is great!), hot baths, incense, massage, etc. Distance running or rhythmic walking, dance, gardening or cooking (for some people), playing music, painting, and numerous other activities touch this space. Just look for the moments when time vanishes.

One core technique, used worldwide in thousands of disciplines, is breath control. This is key because breathing is the only physiological process both voluntary and autonomic, and is thus a key to the unconscious mind. Learning to breathe slowly and deeply even under stress will de-inhibit the flow response, allowing you to access your deeper wisdom and creativity even when a project is due by noon, or the baby is screaming in the next room.

To take advantage of this fact,

1) Learn to breathe deep in your belly. Lay on your back, and put a book on your tummy. As you inhale, it should rise. Exhale, it should fall. Your chest should move as little as possible.

2) Five times a day, at every hour divisible by three (9, 12, 3, 6, 9) concentrate on your breathing for sixty seconds. Learn to do this while driving, sitting in meetings, standing in elevators, or walking down the street.

3) Place (or catch) yourself under moderate stress, and practice this breathing. For instance, in the middle of an exercise class, while public speaking, in the middle of an argument, while caught in bad traffic, while experiencing an anxiety attack. Learn to breathe calmly and deeply in such situations, and you re-pattern your nervous system’s threat response, enabling you to calm yourself to enter flow.

There are certainly other methods, but this one, modification of breathing, has worked for thousands of year and hundreds of millions of people. It will work for you, as well.

Don t ignore the need for energy conservation

Unless you don't have a television, the internet or access to a newspaper, then it is likely that you have heard a lot about the need for energy conservation in the past months and years. I have heard so much about the energy crisis in our land and I am convinced that every citizen of the West cannot ignore the fact that there is a need for energy conservation on the individual level and on the corporate and national level.

One of the first things you can do to better understand your role in energy conservation on a personal level is to become informed. I am convinced that you cannot effectively be part of the solution to a problem unless you know the truth about the problem. So inform yourself. Get to a local library or bookstore and see what materials you can read. Talk with friends who are informed on the needs for energy conservation and see what the people in your area are doing to help the situation. Learn the truth of the most prominent problems then look for ways to involve yourself.

One of the biggest myths that people deal with regarding the energy conservation crisis is that the problem is so big that individual people, families or even cities cannot do much to help solve the problems. And while it is true that there is an abundance of problems facing the world, it is never a better solution to sit out of problems simply because they seem hard to fix. The best way to combat that lie is to become proactive in a couple of small ways. Think about how you can do small things to help solve the need for energy conservation.

If everyone in the West would take small steps then we would go a long way in seeing the problems solved as we each commit to energy conservation methods. So rally your friends and neighbors and see what all of you can do together. Get kids involved from a young age and teach them to be passionate about contributing to the health of our society in positive ways. Explain to them the important role that each person and each family has in energy conservation.

If you are lacking motivation for this, just think about your children and the kind of life that you want them to lead. All of the time and energy you put into energy conservation will be worth it for the sake of your children.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Tobacco warning even non-smokers are at risk

Smoking or puffing a cigarette is a vice that literally enslaves millions of people around the world. It is amazing how a small roll of finely cut tobacco, enclosed in a thin, paper wrapper could cause so much addiction. More than just an addiction, smoking is a very serious health risk. In fact, the World Health Organization says that smoking is responsible for at least five million deaths each year. The WHO also estimates that at least 650 million people (the estimated total number of smokers around the world today) will eventually die due to tobacco-related diseases. The said agency also released strong warnings about smoking during pregnancy. Pregnant women who smoke are at high risk of giving birth to premature or underweight babies. Some birth defects have been attributed to cigarette use. Smokers have been found to be overwhelmingly more prone to heart disease and respiratory problems compared with non-smokers.

In another study, the American Cancer Society pointed out that about 3,000 non-smoking adults die each year of lung cancer because of the effects of second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar. The smoke exhaled by smokers are involuntarily inhaled by non-smokers. The second-hand smoke actually lingers in the air for several hours where a smoker puffed a cigarette. Second-hand smoke, also known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is now considered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a cause of cancer, a classification that has long been made by various health and medical associations. Second-hand smoke contains formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide --- all of which are toxic or carcinogenic. Cited below are some of the facts and important information about the risks of smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke:

l One in two lifetime smokers will die as a result of cigarette use;

l The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette can increase blood pressure and heart rate;

l Smoking is a leading cause of stroke and heart attack;

l The tar coats your lungs like a soot in a chimney and causes cancer;

l It is a slow way to die. You may get emphysema, bronchitis, and other cardio-pulmonary diseases; and

l Smokers are more prone to lung cancer, head and neck cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, and even breast cancer.

Quitting smoking is a difficult undertaking that demands discipline and commitment. Some can quit “cold turkey” while other need professional help and medication. Nicotine replacements in the form of patches have also been released in the market to help smokers who want to stop their habit.

While smoking is, in reality, an addition --- there is help available. Quitting this vice is a life-and-death issue. Getting rid of tobacco will not only help decrease health risks, it would also help spare non-smokers from the dangers of second-hand smoke.

Us casino history

The casino in the United States has a long and often illustrious history. Gambling plays a part in American history from the beginning of the colonies, in the lore of the Wild West, in the history of the underground bars during prohibition, and more. Laws concerning gambling have changed over time, with growing prohibitions against gambling followed by a relaxing of laws.

Attitudes toward gambling varied in the early American colonies. Puritan-founded colonies, not surprisingly, disapproved most strongly of all forms of dice, cards and gaming. Colonies founded by the English were quite tolerant of gambling, and it was treated as an innocent pastime. By the early 1800’s, gambling, and even gaming houses, or casinos, had evolved in the newly founded United States. New Orleans, in particular, was a center for gambling, and casinos and saloons in New Orleans evolved games we still link with the old west, including poker and blackjack.

During the California gold rush, gambling was both legal and widespread, as government offices regulated and licensed the saloon and the casino. Faro, bluff, and dice games were popular. While New Orleans had been the gambling capital of America forty years earlier, San Francisco replaced it as the main site for gambling and casinos due to the free flowing gold of the California gold rush.

During the period between the late 1850's and early 1900's, California progressively criminalized gambling. It remained legal in Nevada until 1910; however, the casino never reached the glory in Nevada that it had in San Francisco. Gambling was also criminalized elsewhere in the country during this period. Needless to say, gambling did continue, but it was a phenomenon kept behind closed doors. During the era when gambling was widely illegal, casinos remained in operation in speakeasies, private clubs, and more.

Gambling once again began to be legalized in 1931, starting with Nevada. During the 1930's, some 21 states legalized racetrack gambling. Gambling continued in Nevada, and with low stakes bingo elsewhere. Casinos began to spring up in Atlantic City, NJ in the late 70's. In 1987, the Supreme Court made a fundamental decision allowing gambling on Native American reservations, and in the years since, casino gambling has spread throughout the country with modern and thriving casinos in many states. Riverboat casinos began to spring up on major rivers in many states during the same period, bringing gambling full circle to its early roots with riverboat gamblers on the mighty Mississippi in the early 1800's.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Broken trust

BROKEN TRUST......ever been there?

BROKEN TRUST......ever spent sleepless nights because of it?

BROKEN TRUST......ever felt your stomach eat itself through the lining?

BROKEN TRUST......ever been so confused with what is real and what is not ?

BROKEN TRUST......ever feel like your entire world has just turned upside down?

BROKEN TRUST......ever feel like dieing?

If you have been there so to speak, then you know what it means to suffer from a trust betrayal, or BROKEN TRUST. For lack of a better word. It just plain SUX!

I want to say that we need to experience a broken trust in order to really be able to feel an unbroken trust, but this is not so. There are some experiences in life that no one deserves and dealing with a BROKEN TRUST is certainly one of the top ten.

Some people go through their lives never experiencing the feelings of betrayal or deception or a BROKEN TRUST. For them life is always good and on an even keel. They cannot even imagine what others, that have had even one of those experiences, is feeling or trying to explain.

Have you ever just been totally blinded by your affection with another that you over look every warning sign.? Have you caught a glimpse of a warning sign, and when confronting your partner about it, you believe them after some discussion, but still have a lingering feeling of doubt? Have you ever came upon warning signs that are as real as your hand and when you tried to question them about it, you were made to feel like you were doing something wrong even thinking that they had anything to do with it, yet in your guts you could not feel that you were wrong?

Have you ever brought solid issues up to your partner, because you just need to know, and all they do is get angry and accuse you of not trusting them?

In all these scenarios, the partner being confronted is either guilty, or not.

They could be guilty but with an honest excuse. They could be very good at playing the reverse the attack game, making you feel like you are the wrong doer in the end. Or they just plain pretend that they have no clue what you are talking about and ignore it altogether, again making you out to be the problem if you persist to question.

When you love someone, it does not mean that you should turn a blind eye and agree with their every thought or decision. You, as your own person have choices. If you feel threatened or betrayed, you have the right to clear up those feelings.

Just because you question your partner about an issue does so not mean that you lack TRUST or LOVE. Matters of the heart are very tricky to deal with. One can become very defensive and take any question as a personal attack. That is why emotional wars in any relationship are so draining and confusing.

No one wants to mistrust their partner, but what is one to do when certain signs keep coming up time and time again? Love is only so blind. Some people go through life succeeding in their game of denial or turning the tables to suit themselves. Those types are the hardest people to deal with in a relationship. Eventually you are always the one that ends up feeling hurt and accused of not trusting.. Not only hurt by what you feel is wrong but also, you feel defeated in what you feel and believe is right. Because of your love for your partner and the desire to keep things happy, you stay quiet and try to "Let it go". Then you find yourself mistrusting even more because you are forced to decide about things in your own mind, for fear of being wrong again. This is where a communication break down occurs between two people in a relationship. Once that happens, both parties are on separate roads going separate places and sometime never ever meeting on the same road again.

If you are any of these personalities listed above and you care about your partner, then you must not let communication fall to the way side. Also you must not take it as a personal attack, but more of a person crying for help. It is them that is suffering from a BROKEN TRUST and they are in need of your patience and understanding. They are not enjoying their torture at all. In some ways they are trying to share the pain with you. I know that sounds a bit confusing , but to be human is to be a confusion.

Life can be so good when we have no BROKEN TRUST issues to deal with. Also we need to respect one another and not add to the confusion of a "Normal" relationship by deceiving or belittling our partner. Relationships are at thier best when both partners are at peace and respect one another!

Some hurts cannot be repaired,

but at least they not need be endured alone!

Dorothy Lafrinere


Website - womensselfesteem. com

Weblog - justblogme. com/Dorothy

Forum - womenselfesteem.

email - dorothy@womensselfesteem. com

The region of granada andalucia spain

Home to the Alhambra Palace, built by the Moors, the city of Granada from whence the regions name is derived is a city of historic beauty. The Alhambra dominates the city and must be included as part of any visit here. The palace and its gardens were built under the rule of the Nasrid dynasty of caliphs. They created their vision of paradise on earth and in doing so built the magical building that still fills its visitors with awe today. The melding of stone and water, is an architectural masterpiece and provides a feeling of calm and coolness, especially in the mid summer sun.

The ancient Moorish quarter of the Albaicin, gives a feel of the Moorish influence and culture that dominated this city and is a wonderful place to relax as the sun sets over the Alhambra while enjoying a meal or drink in one of the many bars and restaurants.

South of the city, the land rises high up to the mountains of the Sierra Nevadas, Spain’s highest mountain range and home in winter to ski resorts, as they are so close to the Mediterranean coast and at such a low latitude. In summer months the mountains offer many outdoor activities and the chance to explore and view some of the nature that lives at these altitudes. The mountains close proximity to the sea, lends itself to the talk that you can ski in the morning and swim in the Mediterranean in the afternoon, though you'd be pretty rushed getting it all in.

Las Alpujarras are the foothills to the Sierra Nevadas and are home to small whitewashed villages tending their crop of chestnut and walnut trees and herds of goats. Hams are one of the local specialities and this can be bought at villages markets like the one in Orgiva, the main town of the region.

Further south and the land becomes more fertile as you enter the Lecrin Valley, Valley of Happiness. The lands here are covered in groves of lemon, oranges, almonds and olive trees and many holiday rental properties can be found here to enjoy the regions beauty which overlooks the Mediterranean.

Arriving at the coast, the Costa Tropical, is a low rise coastline, preserving much of the beauty that its neighbour the Costa del Sol has lost. This coastline is ideal for more family orientated holidays.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Table pads - i think this covers everything

The term table pads refers to a number of different things, all of which are essentially table top pads that serve to cover and protect the surface of the table somehow. Normally table pads go beneath a table cloth, if there is one. There is some variety in table pads available, ranging from rigid-surfaced table top pads that fold up along hinges, to soft vinyl covers that simply sit over the top. The materials used can vary a fair bit, as do the intended purposes.

The range of materials used includes simple cloth, vinyl or hard plastic, water-proofed weave (much like a mattress protector), soft felt, and wool for poker tables.

As well as serving as a surface protector it is possible to find certain themed table cover pads that serve to add some functionality to your table. For example, card game enthusiasts may be interested in felt poker table pads which go over the top of whatever table you're using and give the effect of a card table that you'd find in a casino. Avid card players are rewarded with a more convenient playing surface suited to the task and a more authentic feel.

There are smaller pads available called dining table pads, or place-mats, which are small cloth or vinyl table pads that sit on top of the table cloth or table surface, one at each position on the table. The purpose is simply to catch any drips or spills that may occur at the dining table and prevent the table cloth from being soiled, since it is easier to clean small dining room table pads than the whole table cloth each time there is a minor accident.

In addition to the ones mentioned you can find large, hard, table cover pads that fold up along hinges. These are particularly useful if you have a fine wooden table that you wish to prevent damage to the surface during day to day use so you have an undamaged surface to present guests with on special occasions. If a loss of authenticity concerns you, you may consider table top pads in a wooden veneer finish so as not to spoil the effect.

Due to their fairly simple construction, most table top pads start at about US$30 and reasonable quality dining table pads can be bought for as little as $5. The folding rigid table pads will cost more especially if they have a pattern like imitation wood veneer. You can get higher quality pads tailor made to your table if you're willing to pay more still. The most expensive of the table pads are usually the felt poker table pads which vary greatly in quality, but can cost as much as $200 or possibly even more if you have a large custom-order.

Trying to stop jack russell terrier from sleeping with us


My boyfriend has allowed his wonderful, very well-behaved Jack Russell, who is two years old, to sleep not just on but in his bed. We are trying to teach her to sleep in her bed which is on the floor by our bed but it's proving very difficult! She's managed to sleep there until about 4 AM, but then the whining starts and she ends up with us. It's not really a problem so much when we are at our house but we are planning to go on holiday and she will be staying with my parents and they really won't tolerate her sleeping in bed with them, nor the whining when she isn't allowed to, so we thought it best to nip the habit in the bud completely. We can get her to stay in her bed but we can't get her to actually sleep ... she just whines ... even if we take her for a hundred walks to tire her out. It's as if she HAS to be that close to us!


Dear Tiffany:

Put the dog in a crate. Not only will she be UNABLE to get onto your bed, but when she goes to your parent's house, you will be able to take the crate with her so she will have a familiar place to sleep at the different residence. By crating her at night, you're providing her with her own "den" since dogs derive more satisfaction from small places than we do. She will more than likely put up a fuss in being confined beyond her control, but it should go away after a few nights as she becomes more comfortable with the crate. Do not give her any attention while she is whining, as this will only reinforce the behavior. Some people go so far as to buy earplugs for those first nights.

Introduce the crate in a positive manner, with lots of treats and praise. Put her bed in it so it has her scent in it. Feed her in her crate so she gets the idea that no one will disturb her and the crate is a safe place. When you have to shut her in, give her a special "crate toy." Many people have had success with Kong toys stuffed with peanut butter or cheese/liver paste and freezing these.

The crate is also useful for confining the dog when it can't be supervised to keep it out of trouble (see the first article above). My book "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" goes more in-depth on the use of crates and other training devices, and can be found at: dogproblems. com/newvideos. htm

That's all for now, folks!


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Soccer goalkeeping drills

The goalkeeper’s job is certainly the toughest of all soccer players, since whereas a defender, midfielder or attacker can get off with a couple of mistakes every now and then, a goalkeeper’s mistakes are a lot more visible. To complicate things even further, modern goalkeepers have even more attributions than before: they need to coordinate the defense, they sometimes need to act as sweepers and they can fire off lethal counter attacks after a clean save.

For all these to happen of course, a goalkeeper will have to be thoroughly trained using specific soccer goalkeeping drills. Most commonly, such drills focus on soccer goalkeeping training skills such as mobility, flexibility, agility and reflexes rather than physical training. Let’s take a look at some popular soccer goalkeeping drills you could try out with your team.

- Soccer Goalkeeping Drills – 1 Versus 1

This is a very common drill, but nevertheless, it’s very effective since goalkeepers are bound to be caught in a 1 versus 1 situation with an opposing attacker in almost every match. Even more so, at amateur or youth levels, where defenses are less strict than they are with the pros, 1-on-1s are very common for goalkeepers, so you’ll need to train them well.

This soccer goalkeeper drill is simple to execute. Get an attacker around 20-30 yards from the goal and tell him to charge full speed towards the goal, with the ball at his feet and try to score. Your goalie will have to counter him of course. To mix things up a bit, you could have another player passing the ball in front of the attacker, which allows the goalkeeper to take an extra decision as to whether or not it’s a good idea to charge out of the goal, or stay put and wait for the attacker.

- Soccer Goalkeeping Drills – Automatic Fire

Have 8-10 players stand at around 20-30 yards from the goal, each with his own ball. At your signal, the attackers should, one by one, run forward and shoot the ball from a distance you specified beforehand. Your goalkeeper should be under a constant rain of shots, jumping from one post to the other to save the ball. It’s not really that important if he saves them or not, it’s important that he learns how to react quickly and get up from the floor fast and be ready for another shot.

To speed things up a bit, you could have another team of 8-10 players behind the goal, returning the balls back to the firing squad.

- Soccer Goalkeeping Drills – Ab Volley

This is one of the toughest soccer goalkeeping drills, but if done correctly, it’s a very efficient one. Here’s how it goes: your goalie should stay on his bottom, in the same position he would do ab crunches in. You or a teammate will have to throw the ball towards him and while he’s doing ab crunches, he will pass it back to you.

Coordinate your move so that you throw the ball as your goalie is lifting up from the crunch and try not to give him too many breathers. It’s an intense exercise, but results will soon follow, so make sure you encourage him not to quit!

Golf - the short - short game

Without doubt we have all hear the expression in golfing “Drive for show and putt for dough. Nothing could be truer. In golf as in life - all shots in the end count the same. A lost putt counts the same as the long drive.

How many times have you made a good long drive off the tee, another second shot just short of the green , and then for some reason the pitch to the green is either too short or too long ?. In the end you may well have ended up taking three putts to put the ball unto the cup.

Four shots have been made from the pitch shot to putting the ball in the cup, which are twice as many as it took to get from the tee to the near edge of the green. For a par four hole this means a double bogey. Have too many of these and your golfing score is more than ruined.

Contrary to this, if you can learn to pitch and chip the ball reasonably close to the flag stick, you stand a good change of dropping the golf ball for a par score. On the shorter par four holes and most of the par five holes, a well placed pitch shot, close to the flag stick, affords the golfing player an opportunity to birdie the hole.

One of the most certain ways to improve pitching ability is to practice the shot from various distances to the target. From such practice it is soon possible to learn the range for each club used, and get the idea as to the length of the backswing necessary for the needed distance.

The best first step is to always learn from the Pros. Why waste much time and effort afterwards unlearning bad habits picked up along the way. Proper form and technique in putting is everything. Next practice the stroke in your own backyard or on the driving range putting area until you can place the ball within easy putting distance of your target most of the time.

Pitching for about an hour at a time, it should not take long before you should be able to place most of your practice shots to within a six foot circle. Even though the grass surface near the circle may not be exactly the same as a putting green, easy adjustments can be made in your stroke to compensate.

All in all for all of your efforts to practice your short game you will improve your pitch and run shots greatly. Chip shots can also be practiced in this manner. When you place your ball within a six foot circle you will have only a three foot putt or even less to the golf cup.

The full hit backspin or the cut shots are more difficult, and perhaps should be tried at the practice range of the golf course. You may well damage your own lawn. These are valuable shots in hitting over trees, out of heavy rough or sand, or to pitch over a trap where there is little room for the ball to run on the green to the cup.

Playing out of sand traps is a harrowing experience for most high handicap golfers, and is the place in the golfing game where more shots are wasted than any other place on the golf course, except perhaps the putting green. Even though these trap shots are more difficult for the average player than some others , they can be learn, when one develops the proper coordination of mind m muscles and nerves which control perfect timing.

Finally, all the excellence of good pitch shots, chips and sand play will all be of little consequence if one cannot putt the ball into the cup with reasonable regularity. With proper initial professional instruction and a little regular practice anyone can learn to put well.

Web design of information portals

The internet is all about finding out information on a particular subject. There are many different types of website, some offer a service, some offer a product and some merely offer advice. In this article I write about this third type of site which I refer to as information portals.

I am not sure if you have ever heard of a program that the search engine Google run, which is called Google adsense. Basically people pay to appear on the front pages of results under certain keywords such as web hosting. Their advert then appears under the sponsored listing sections of the search results which can be above or to the right of the natural listings. This advertising program is called Google adwords and has proved to be very popular with advertisers who are attempting to attract more traffic to their site. This is also known as pay per click (ppc) and many of the other major search engines also run similar programs.

Google adsense is a bit different. This is where people who own a website allow Google to include these Google adword adverts on their site. When people who visit the site click on one of the ads, the website owner receives a percentage of the income received. This is paid to the website owner normally on a monthly basis by Google.

One of the problems with this program is that it is taking your visitors away from your site. You may be making some money but these people of course may have bought your product or taken up your service if they had spent longer at and reading your website.

This is where sites which are purely information based and do not offer a service or product can do well with Google adsense. The website owners of these information portals are quite happy for you to click on one of the Google adverts as they do not care if you move onto reading another site.

These information portals are becoming more and more popular with people who are trying to increase their monthly earnings on adsense. People who design this type of site should normally be able to offer their services for a very affordable fee. Typically you should not need to break the bank and I personally know of somebody who only charges Ј150 plus free hosting for a fifteen page information portal site.

The web designer is able to find the content for these information portals in the many article directories which are now out there.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Homes for sale - tips to help make your home more marketable

You've finally decided that you want to sell your house. Your house is on the market, and you've found a real estate agent you can trust. Now what? The next and most obvious step is to get your home sold. To help aid in the selling of your home, I will outline some tips that I personally believe will benefit in the marketability and potential selling of your home. The goal here is to obtain that all important "stamp of approval" in which the red imprint reads: "SOLD."

Usually, the first place your potential buyer is going to see, will be the front of your house. The goal here is to make it as attractive as possible, but more importantly, inviting. First impressions are very important. First positive impressions, if you will, are even more important. The key here is to make sure everything looks neat and clean. Cut the grass, pull out the weeds, trim the bushes, plant some flowers, and clear out the walkway.

Make sure your home is clean. These include things like steam cleaning your carpets, mopping your floors, dusting hard-to-reach areas, and cleaning your windows (both inside and out). Potential buyers are very picky people, and as such, they like to inspect as much as they can.

Try and keep both colors and styles neutral. The key here is not to influence your buyer with your own personal style. Someone might walk in, look at a red wall, and be immediately turned off. The idea is to try and make them visualize the colors for themselves. Keeping things neutral is a good solution to this "problem."

Check lighting. No one wants to look at a house that they can't see. Seems obvious, right? Unfortunately, as a real estate agent myself, I've had quite a few cases where this element has been overlooked. Check your light bulbs, and make sure they're working. Although I recommend checking all the light bulbs, I'd be more concerned with the areas in the house that are darker or that require more artificial lighting. These include places like the basement and bathrooms. It's also a good idea to open your curtains. Simply put, the more natural light, the better.

Make repairs if necessary. These include things like a fresh coat of paint, patching up of any holes in the wall, and torn patio screens. You want your buyer to feel like your home has been well taken care of. This is a big plus.

Try to avoid clutter. One of the worst things that can happen is when your buyer feels "boxed in." Try and keep clutter to a minimum. Remove any unnecessary items such as too many pictures and accessories. The goal here is you want to have your house feel like a home, yet at the same time have it as spacious and organized as possible. You want the buyer to get a good sense of the space and visualize it as their own.

After all is said and done, it is important to note that the aforementioned tips do not guarantee a sell of ones home, although it can certainly help. Everyone is different, and there are other variables to consider. But like I said, these certainly can help. As a final test, invite a friend over and have them share their opinions with you about the presentation of your home. In the best case scenario, it is best to invite someone that has never been to your house (or not that often). In this way, they can view your home with a "fresh pair of eyes." All of these suggestions boil down to one common goal: You want your home to feel inviting, and have your potential buyer view it as their own.