Monday, August 29, 2016

Coin collecting

One of the most popular hobbies today is coin collecting. Coin collecting is a fun pastime that can be enjoyed by anyone.

The premise of coin collecting lies in the idea that certain coins are more valuable than others. Amateur collectors often save a coin if they notice it has a date that reaches back several decades.

Many adults and children enjoy coin collecting. For the majority of these people their collections are limited to old coins or coins from other countries. They take pleasure in finding something unusual and keeping it to show others.

There are amateur coin collectors who save a coin from each locale they travel to. They find the currency of other countries interesting and over time and through extended travel, they can compile an impressive collection.

Others only save coins that hold significance for them. This could mean a coin from the year they were born or the year their parents or siblings were born. Coin collecting in this way is a lovely testament to the person’s life and it makes a nice keepsake to pass along to the next generation.

Serious coin collecting is an art form onto itself. There are collectors who invest an incredible amount of time and money in pursuing the perfect collection.

In most cases of serious coin collecting the collector has a specialty that they concentrate on. For some it’s a certain time frame and they are always looking to obtain more coins from those years. For others it is a certain denomination of coin. They only collect quarters or pennies and they focus on finding rare denomination of these coins.

There are many places that a coin collector can go to find a new treasure. There are several auction sites online that cater to coin collecting. Images of coins are posted along with a description of their condition and price.

Many of these sites have hundreds of coins posted and for the avid collector it gives them an opportunity to contribute to their collection.

It’s often thought that in order to go into the hobby of coin collecting a person needs to be wealthy. Although it’s true that some coins are very costly the amateur collector can begin a collection on a relatively low budget.

There are affordable treasures to be found in the coin collecting market. One of the first things every coin collector should do is check their spare change on a daily basis. Although it’s not often that a valuable coin is in circulation it does happen.

Another area of coin collecting that many people are interested in is coins that contain errors. Although it doesn’t happen very often there have been coins placed into circulation that contained errors. The error might be an off-center coin or a coin that has a double mint mark. These coins can be very valuable mainly because they are one of a kind.

Finding these types of coins can be more difficult than general coin collecting but for the people who participate they get their enjoyment when they do find a coin with a mistake on it.

Coin collecting can be a fun and profitable hobby. You can start out small and once you begin to build a collection the sky is the limit.

How to be a good dog owner

How To Be A Good Dog Owner

Before making the decision about buying a new dog, here are some points you should consider :-

1. Is someone at home for most of the day ?

A dog, especially a puppy, should not be left on its own for more than a few hours at a time. If you are out at work from 9-5 don't get a dog unless you can make satisfactory arrangements with a friend to let the dog out.

2. What about holidays ?

It is sad to say that more dogs are destroyed at holiday time than any other. Unless you have a helpful family to look after your dog, be prepared for the expense of boarding kennels. Because of the increase in running costs, reputable kennels now have to make a higher charge - don't forget to book well ahead.

3. Are you prepared for the cost of keeping a dog ?

This includes not only the cost of food, and kennels at holiday time, but also the cost of vaccinations and also possible veterinary fees in case of illness. A dog, like a child, can fall ill quite suddenly and unexpectedly, so be prepared for any eventuality. Take out pet insurance for peace of mind.

4. Exercise

To keep healthy and happy, dogs need daily exercise, and this means a good run in a field or park, or a game with a ball, not just a stroll round to the shops on a leash. If you love your dog, be prepared to sacrifice some of your leisure time each day, whatever the weather. If you can't provide this kind of exercise to a dog, consider giving a home to an older dog. Your local dogs home may have just the right one for you.

5. Family circumstances

Dogs and children usually love each other and get on well, but don't make the mistake of buying a young puppy for a small child. Young children can be very cruel and a puppy may be badly thrown about. Worse still a young pup's bones may easily broken if a child treats it like a toy. Wait until the children are older and a little more responsible.

6. Grooming.

If you don't have much time to spare, choose a dog with a smooth or wire coat which needs little attention to keep it tidy. Long and curly coated dogs look beautiful, but they need daily grooming to keep them this way. Poodles need regular trimming, as well as grooming, so unless you are able to do this yourself be prepared for extra expense.

Author - John Moore - Please use my link pet-dog-cat. com As a responsible dog owner myself, I've experienced many of the problems mentioned in this article - I hope you've found it helpful.

Botswana safari- the haven of wildlife sanctuaries

Vast lands…wildlife…well, anyone may have those two in Africa but not definitely like the experience that may be had from Botswana Safaris.

This vast piece of land is only one of the few where wildlife need not compete for land and resources with man. The land area is as large as France yet the population counts only to mere 1.6 million people. As an outcome, wildlife has increased in great number that the place becomes a sanctuary for the finest games in all Africa.

Being the world's largest exporter of diamonds, Botswana no longer has to compete with the tourist market. Yet as grand as its land offers for safari fanatics, it can't help but attract as many tourists as its resources may allow. However, the government decrees the limited number of people allowed to penetrate Botswana safaris, thus the significant increase in prices, which ultimately made it as an exclusive safari destination.

Kalahari dessert dominates 84% of all Botswana. Though it is a dessert by name, Kalahari is not much like a dessert, as we may perceive Sahara. Except for occasional sand dunes, Kalahari is mostly covered with vegetation characterized by bushes, grasslands, trees and scrubs. However, water is meager thus the dessert label.

Visitors of Botswana safaris are almost always amazed at how creative and genius the creation and maintenance of its wildlife sanctuaries.

The finest games in the whole region are found in the Chobe National Park which is located somewhere in the north east side of the country. It harbors the most varied games in the country and is refuted to nurse the largest group of elephants in a single place. Elephants here are estimated to have reached up to 80,000 individuals.

Savuti Marshes, on the other hand (which is located in the Chobe National Park) is refuted to have the largest density of predators found in all Africa. Hundreds of wildlife species are found here, both preys and predators.

Its resources for water encourages buffalo, antelopes, zebras and the likes that are followed by predators such as the leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs, lions, and jackals. Some predators here have the tendency to become lazy and living in Savuti Marshes sounds more like a gift than anything else.

Botswana safari is simply a unique place for wildlife conservation. But this act is took time to accomplish. Botswana is a country that is bordered by neighboring countries. While great efforts and done to protect all its wildlife, it still needs other countries' collaboration to make everything working. After all, animals do not comprehend international borders.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Before you buy why get pre-approved

OK. You’ve made the decision. You’re ready to buy a house. Great! You’ve got that dream home pictured in your head. Now all you have to do is find a Realtor, make your offer and move in. Right? Wrong.

Your first step should be to find a trustworthy mortgage professional. But that’s not the fun part, you may say. Why start with a mortgage professional? In a nutshell, this can save money, time and increase your bargaining power.

Your mortgage broker is going to be able to tell you first if you can qualify to purchase a home at all. Second, if you are in the running for purchasing, he or she can tell you how much home you can qualify for. Think about it. Do you and your Realtor want to run around for a month or two worth of weekends, finally find your dream home, just to find out that you cannot afford it?! That’s a lot of time, and time is money (or at least a lot of wasted weekends). Wouldn’t it be better up front to know what you can and cannot buy, zero in on that, and achieve that wonderful feeling of success? Of course.

Well, you may have already thought of all that. However, did you realize that the seller of your dream home may give you preferential treatment if you’re pre-approved? The seller has a life too and time lines like the rest of us. They want deals that are going to work. They don’t want their home under contract, just to have the deal fall through because the buyer cannot qualify! So, let’s say you make a bid on a house and another party makes a bid at the same time for the same amount. The other bidder is pre-approved, you aren’t. Which bid should they accept? Obvious. Another scenario, let’s say you (not pre-approved) make a bid and another bidder bids slighter lower but is pre-approved. Which bid would you accept?

And one last matter to cover, there are different levels of pre-approvals. The lowest level might be called pre-qualification and this involves the mortgage professional taking your information (income, expenses, etc.), putting it all together and letting you know how much home you can qualify for based on the numbers you provide. Another level of pre-approval is for the mortgage professional to run the loan through automated underwriting (getting more technical, here) to get an approval provided that all your info can be verified. The highest level would be running the loan through a lender and actually doing all the verifications. Obviously, the higher level of pre-approval gives you more to stand on and carries the most weight when bidding on a home. In any case, your mortgage professional should provide you with a letter stating on what level you are pre-approved.

Hopefully by now the picture is clear, call that mortgage professional BEFORE starting your house search. And maybe, just maybe, the process might even be fun.

The challenge in diagnosing chronic appendicitis

Chronic appendicitis usually refers to a milder form of the illness. Chronic appendicitis is very rare and its symptoms are less pronounced, in some cases even undetectable.

Judging by its gravity and rate of development, appendicitis can be either chronic or acute. Acute appendicitis is very common and it is characterized through intense symptoms and fast rate of progression. Chronic appendicitis has a very low incidence in people and it is characterized through milder, almost unperceivable symptoms and a slow rate of progression. The general symptoms of appendicitis have an unspecific character. While acute appendicitis is considered to be difficult to detect, chronic appendicitis is almost impossible to detect relying only on the patients’ reports of symptoms. For instance, while patients with acute appendicitis experience abdominal pain, high fever and nausea, people with chronic appendicitis may only experience a generalized state of fatigue and illness. The only effective means of diagnosing chronic appendicitis are blood analysis, endoscopy and abdominal computerized tomography.

Appendicitis in general refers to obstruction of the vermiform appendix and internal bacterial infection. The appendix is a tubular extension of the large intestine and its function is thought to be related with the process of digestion. When the appendix is blocked by calculus and feces or it is squeezed by the lymph nodes (due to bacterial infection, the lymph nodes usually become swollen and press against the appendix), it swells and usually doesn’t receive enough blood. Bacteria grow inside the appendix, eventually causing its death. Acute appendicitis involves complete obstruction and fast deterioration of the appendix. Chronic appendicitis, however, involves a partial blockage of the appendix and a less serious form of bacterial infection. The symptoms of chronic appendicitis are milder and have a recidivating character. Chronic appendicitis evolves slowly and it may take months until the illness is finally discovered.

Although it takes a long time to progress, chronic appendicitis is considered to be a serious form of appendicitis. Due to fact that it can be detected after long periods of time, the bacterial infection may slowly spread to the internal organs. Considering the fact that chronic appendicitis is not manifested through pain, nausea or fever, the infection might progress undetected. Therefore, both acute and chronic appendicitis can lead to serious complications. Patients suspected of having either acute or chronic appendicitis need to go through detailed physical examinations and laboratory tests in order to find out their actual diagnose. If left untreated, both forms of appendicitis are considered to be life-threatening and in many cases special measures are required in revealing the presence of the illness.

Considering the fact that chronic appendicitis has no specific symptoms, its presence is very difficult to detect. However, its treatment doesn’t necessarily involve surgery, as in the case of acute appendicitis. If it is discovered in time, chronic appendicitis can be overcome with antibiotics. However, chronic appendicitis has a recidivating character and therefore ongoing treatment is required.

Choosing an australian franchise opportunity

Purchasing a franchise is one of the best ways to start a business. It can definitely jumpstart your career as an entrepreneur. A franchise might as well be referred to as an “instant business”. If you are in Australia, there are a number of Australian franchise opportunities that you can check out for yourself.

Australia has a steady economy. Getting a franchise business here would absolutely be in your favour. Australia is known to have an organized system when it comes to the franchising process. Documentations and other requirements are clearly pointed out to you once you decide to get a franchise. The application process is relatively easy and fast as long as comply with your franchiser’s requirements.

If you are thinking of starting a franchise business in Australia, one of the key things that can help in choosing the right franchise is know your field of expertise. You should be able to know your business first hand as you would be responsible in training your employees and overseeing the operation of your franchise business.

One of the most popular franchise opportunities in Australia is in the food business. Food is very marketable simply because to eat is a necessity to everyone. A food franchise is a relatively easy business to market and operate because you have a number of options of what food types that you are about to sell. Popular food franchises are pizza, burgers, popcorns, health foods and drinks and other to-go food.

Food carts are becoming a popular thing in the franchising industry. It does not only have one of the lowest investments, but it also a versatile business and you can have your cart virtually everywhere you want. Just remember that foot traffic is very important in this type of business.

You can also try home-based business for franchise. These are the types of business that you can start from the comforts of your home. If you have a computer at home, you can start an internet-based home business. Most of franchise businesses of these types are affiliate e-stores where you act as a merchant of a direct manufacturer.

There are other franchise businesses that you can start from home like a cleaning service or repair service. You can have your home double up as your office and receive clients. The basic thing you need here is a phone line and a team that can work for you, you can either have a permanent employees or hire freelancers.

If you have a certain interest in things like photography or other creative stuff, you can find a suitable franchise opportunity for you as well. There are roving photography vans that are open for franchise. You can set up your mobile photography on-the-go during events like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays or corporate gatherings. Aside from these, there are also traditional photography shops, complete with studio that you can get for as a franchise.

Wellness, health and beauty are also popular in the franchising industry. You can set up beauty salons and offer a number of services like haircut, make-up and hairstyling. You can also open up a franchise spa where you can offer massage therapy and other spa services. Franchise opportunities can also offer beauty home services. You can commission “on-call” beauty specialists if you offer such service.

Communication is also a popular business for franchising. There are a number of documents and parcel courier services which you can have for a business. Manpower is important in this business, as you would be handling logistics plus sending and receiving packages all over Australia. Aside from courier service, you can also find a franchise that offers long distance telephone services from Australia to all over the world.

If you are looking for a franchise opportunity in Australia, you can do you a quick research on the Internet. There are various franchise directories in Australia where you would be given a number of options in different industries.

When choosing a franchise, remember that the business that you should run should be something that interests you. You should also have the expertise to operate your own business. Remember that a franchise business, although termed as an “instant business” would never give you instant success. You should also give sufficient time and effort to make your business profitable. If you already chose the right franchise for you, add in a strong determination to succeed and you are sure to turn your franchise business into something winning!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Raking in rewards with an american express air miles credit card

With over 9,600 merchants that accept the American Express AIR MILES credit card throughout Canada, accumulation of reward miles is really not that difficult. When you build up adequate miles for redemption, you will get a chance to travel for free, to and from the destination of your choice. Rewards may include stays at selected resorts, package vacations and cruises, travel and hotels, and merchandise rewards.

The American Express AIR MILES credit card allows you carry a balance every month. If you are a good payer, your credit limit could be set at a level of up to twenty-five thousand dollars. The minimum credit limit for an American Express AIR MILES credit card is one-thousand dollars. Although the American Express AIR MILES credit card does not carry an annual fee (which extends to the supplementary cards), the downside is that APR on purchases and on transferred balances from other cards will be higher than average.

As is the case with all American Express credit cards, you will enjoy features such as emergency card replacements, 24 hours customer service, online account access, and the option to transfer balances at low interest rates.

You can apply for an American Express AIR MILES credit card by logging on to the American Express website. You will need to provide your personal details such as name, existing credit card number (in case you have an American Express card), collector number of AIR MILES (should you have one), and date of birth. Contact details such as your home address, telephone number, and preferred e-mail address will also be requested.

Another set of information needed for the American Express AIR MILES credit card application, is your employment details. This will include your employment status, a brief description of your occupation, the telephone number at your workplace, the name and address of your employer, and your personal income per annum. During the submission process, you will be asked whether you wish to transfer any outstanding balances from your non-American Express credit cards to the American Express AIR MILES credit card. If this is your intention, provide the amount, your account number of the credit/charge card, and the name of the financial institution or the retail company.

After submitting your American Express AIR MILES credit card application, you should receive a response within one minute. If for any reason more information is required, an American Express employee will contact you within ten days.

Patio attachments and benefits

A patio is an outdoor place adjoining a house, which is often used for recreation. It is usually roofless and is paved. The base of the patio is formed of layers of sand and cement. On top of this base, the concrete and stone slabs are placed.

Since patio is an open space without any roof, it becomes difficult to enjoy yourself in the patio during rains and during hot temperatures. Thus, to enjoy all types of weather outside, a patio awning is essential. The patio awning gives your protection from adverse weather conditions. With the help of this shade, you can enjoy the patio anytime you want to without having to worry about getting wet, or the harmful UV rays.

The patio awning provides you the ideal way to have meals outside, under the shade. Under the protective awning canvas, you can enjoy meals with your family and friends. A patio awning is cheaper compared to a pool and a gazebo. The patio awning comes in different sizes, fabrics and colors to suit the style of your patio.

The patio gazebo is the ideal way of making your patio look more attractive and cozy. They are available in various shapes, sizes, materials and qualities. It is important to locate the place on the patio where to position the patio gazebo. If you have a small or a mid-size patio, then it is best to place it in the corner. In this way it will be out of the place and yet noticeable.

If you have a large patio, you can easily place the patio gazebo in any place you like according to the design. Being placed in the middle of the patio with the other patio furniture surrounding it can highlight the patio gazebo. The patio gazebo can be installed by bolting them to the surface. You can even cut postholes, place the poles and then cement the posts into the ground. The method of installing a gazebo on the patio depends totally on the design and the weight of the gazebo.

Certain metal or wrought iron gazebos do not require digging of the base to install it. They are simply placed on top of the patio and are freestanding. It is advisable to buy a heavy gazebo that will be freestanding to avoid it from being blown away with winds.

Colours of the soul colour therapy

Colour surrounds us, we live and breath colour often on a subconscious level. How many of us take colour for granted? We often are so busy in our everyday lives to stop and realise the kaleidoscope of colour that surrounds us. Imagine a world without colour; how would this effect our feelings and emotions, our creative expression and our perception of the world we live in?

Colours in our environment affect us on a daily basis, they can act as unconscious triggers that influence how we think, feel and react to the world around us. We are able to see around 7,000,000 colours, some combinations can create a clash of the senses where as other colour combinations create an atmosphere of harmony and balance. The ‘right’ choice of colours can create a haven for relaxation or an environment that can increase productivity, stimulate the mind and raise energy levels.

Colour affects us all on a very deep level, we often use colour to describe how we feel. Instinctively we know what a particular colour symbolises to us or how it makes us feel. Think of phrases such as ‘feeling blue’, ‘in the pink’ or ‘red with rage’.

Color therapy works on the principle that we all are in need of light and colour to keep well balanced and in good health. Natural daylight contains all the colours of the spectrum that our energy centres need in order to stay well physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is essential that we spend a minimum of half an hour a day in natural daylight whatever the weather, as we absorb light and the coloured rays through our eyes and skin.

How do we know which colours we are in need of?

Colour surrounds us everywhere, some colours literally jump out at us, instantly and instinctively we breathe in as we experience that ‘must have’ feeling. These are the colours that we need to surround ourselves with on that particular day. We can place coloured objects in our working space or decorate our living space with flowers of our chosen colour. We can wear scarves, clothes or pieces of semi precious jewellery in our chosen colour.

To find out more about colour therapy training and the transformational effect it can have on our everyday lives and overall health visit Colours of the Soul - register online to receive a free newsletter, receive a free mini reading, participate in an online forum, go shopping and access a variety of information and news on Colour Therapy.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Comparison shopping for barbeque grills

When you begin your comparison efforts for shopping for barbeque grills on the Internet, you will typically think that you will be sorting through an enormous amount of barbeque grills that you will not be interested in.

Your intense comparison shopping efforts for barbeque grills might have started because you wanted to get the best deal on the barbeque grill you would eventually buy. To some people, the best deal they could ever hope to find may be the lowest priced barbeque grill on one of the internet shopping sites.

The types of barbeque grills you discovered while doing your comparison shopping efforts for barbeque grills were gas and electric grills, grills that featured rotisseries that could be removed when they were not needed, and a variety of charcoal grills. The gas barbeque grills had many features you liked. The quick flame feature of the gas grills was very appealing. The quick lighting button was truly a miracle mechanism that would get your grill going in no time at all.

Many people look at size when they are comparison shopping for barbeque grills. The models of barbeque grills that were used for tailgate parties were simply too big for what you had in mind for your cooking needs. The functions and features were stellar, but you did not think you needed anything that was mounted on wheels, or one that had insulated stainless steel wells to keep your food cold.

Some of the barbeque grills that you looked at while comparison shopping for barbeque grills had brand names that have been on the market for years. Other barbeque grills bore name of a famous boxer whose name you readily recognized. Your heart problem would truly benefit if you bought any of the models under his brand. You knew you did not want a counter-top grill model for use inside the home.

One brand began to look very promising in your eyes while comparison shopping for barbeque grills. All of the grills in this brand category belong to a company that had a good history of making excellent camping equipment, and camping out was your favorite thing to do on long weekends with the kids. This grill could be purchased with a grill cover and the price was under $150, so you added this grill to your comparison shopping list.

While comparison shopping for barbeque grills you noticed a trusted brand from a leading retailer that matched the kitchen appliances in your home kitchen. The total cook area of this gas grill was 530 square inches, and it featured two stainless steel burners that heated up to 35,000 BTU’s. It was very decorative in its stainless steel top and had wheels on it. It was also priced under $150, so you added this to your comparison shopping list.

Looking at the grills side by side on the comparison shopping list, you noticed one big difference between the two that lead you to choose one model over the other. One of the items offered free shipping in the Continental United States. This is the barbeque grill you chose while comparison shopping for barbeque grills.

Attaining secure instant cash advance approval

It is often said that attaining secure instant cash advance approval is something that is very difficult to do, however this is not always the case. When it comes to attaining cash approval it is a question of assets versus liabilities. If you have more liabilities than assets then you will be unable to gain finance, however should you have the opportunity for attaining assets in the future then this makes attaining secure instant cash advance approval not only easier: but profitable for both parties involved.

When you attain a cash loan you will have to pay an amount of money similar to 2-3% of what you borrow, so if you borrow Ј100 then you will have to pay $100 back + 2-3%. This may seem unfair however you have to consider the following – You are being given a loan of money by a trading company that is looking to attain a return on their money. They have to staff offices, pay rent and consume other costs such as marketing in an attempt to be given business opportunities ie customers/ potential customers that are looking to borrow money.

This is why we have to consider another cost for cash advance services, and that is bad debt/doubtful debt. This means, the risk that the company takes in the form of you not paying your instant cash on time or in full. This means that if in total 5% of people do not pay their money back, then the company only makes $95 for every $100 that it makes in revenues to their sales ledger.

This risk has to be limited, and it is done so by a process known as credit checking. What is credit checking? Credit checking is the process of limiting risk for bad debt through vetting any potential customer. This is often done by ensuring the customer is within fiscal and other demographic categories that make paying back likely. Remember that attaining secure instant cash advance approval is all about ensuring mutual benefit for the instant cash company and the borrower.

Fall foliage scenic drive in rhode island

Rhode Island may be the smallest state in the union but when it comes to scenic drives it has one of the best. With over 400 miles of coastline and 20 percent of America’s National Historic Landmarks, Rhode Island packs plenty of distractions in this fall foliage coastal drive.

The trip is a one-way 61-mile scenic drive on Route 1A along Block Island Sound until turning North to follow the western shore of Narragansett Bay. You’ll eventually hook-up with Route 138 east and shoot over to historic Newport and the scenic 10-mile Ocean Drive.

Along the way are plenty of detours for lighthouses, wildlife refuge trails, beach walking, and quiet village rambles in autumn splendor. And if you’ve got an extra day, dock yourself at Point Judith and take the ferry across to Block Island and rent a bicycle to tour around and enjoy the stunning fall scenery.

But back to the drive, and let’s get going...

Start your scenic drive by heading south on U. S. Highway 1A from Westerly. Look for the sign to Watch Hill Road, which takes you out to Watch Hill, a marvelously preserved Victorian seaside town.

Attractions in Watch Hill include The Flying Horse Carousel, the oldest continuously operating merry-go-round carousel in the U. S., and the Watch Hill Lighthouse, a granite and brick-lined 19th Century masterpiece. The Lighthouse has no parking so you’ll park in town and stroll out the 15-minutes it takes to get there - but it’s worth it!

Continue the scenic drive by retracing the road back to US 1A and then heading east. Route 1A merges with Route 1 as you drive towards Charlestown and the Point Judith Area. This part of the drive has numerous beaches, long sand spits, inlets, coves, and turnoffs for salt ponds and wildlife refuges protected by the natural beach barriers on Block Island Sound.

Follow Route 1 until it intersects with Route 108 south and head down to Point Judith and the Junction of Route 1A. Drive the short distance to Point Judith Lighthouse, which was built in 1857. Here you’ll also get another great view of Block Island and its cliffs on the horizon. The island is just a short ferry ride from Point Judith and a popular daily excursion for many during the fall foliage season.

Take Route 1A North to Narragansett Pier and on to farms and countryside surrounding the Pettaquamscutt River. This area of stonewalls and forests once housed many Rhode Island plantations that gave the state its formal name of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. In the fall foliage season the forests are ablaze with autumn and add a satisfying splash of color to this coastline tour.

Continue the scenic drive north until it meets Route 138 and then head east on Route 138 over Jamestown Bridge to Conanicut Island, and then over the magnificent Newport Bridge into the city of Newport - once the home of the America’s Cup races, and still one of the sailing capitals of the world.

Newport is on the southern tip of Aquidneck Island, and the final leg of this fall foliage scenic drive. It is one of my favorite cities in New England - anytime of the year - but especially during autumn. There’s plenty to see and do, as you’ll discover...

After the Newport Bridge follow the signs to the Transportation Center. Stay on the main road as it winds through the harbor area, and which offers views of the alleys and passageways leading to million dollar yachts berthed at the docks. Eventually the road becomes Memorial Boulevard until it meets Bellevue Avenue on the right.

Bellevue Avenue is home to many of the famous Newport Mansions and when time allows worth a visit to a few on a return trip. For now admire the "summer cottages" as they were once called, from your driving view and work your way towards Ocean Drive.

Ocean Drive is a 10-mile route that starts on Bellevue Avenue and follows Ocean Avenue around a rocky peninsular with fishing coves, swimming beaches, and public parks.

The Ocean Avenue part of the drive is probably the most scenic with magnificent houses on rocky necks amidst the omnipresent Atlantic Ocean. A rest stop at the halfway point on Ocean Drive is Brenton State Park, and is popular for picnics and flying kites - it has tables and B-B-Q pits if you can remember to bring your own charcoal.

As you head out of the park you’re heading back to Newport Harbor, and you’ll pass the Castle Hill Lighthouse, Hammersmith Farm - where former Jackie Kennedy spent childhood years - and Fort Adams Park.

The Fort Adams State Park is on Harrison Avenue and another wonderful destination of its own another day. Turn left at the next intersection, and left again onto Halidon Avenue. Continue right onto Wellington Avenue and you’ll pass by King Park on your left, which is at the southern end of Newport Harbor, and leads you back into the city center where the tour ends.

There’s a lot of diversity packed into this fall foliage scenic drive and it’s in one of my favorite areas of New England, and after you’ve take the ride yourself I suspect it could be one of yours.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Yearly guide for anniversary gift giving

Is your anniversary here again? Don’t know what to buy your better half? Maybe the anniversary gift guide can help. The guide has been updated with a few gift ideas to make your shopping a little easier.

1st Anniversary - The first anniversary is the year of paper. Paper gifts are not as boring as one may think. It can be as simple as a handwritten poem or as lavish as an airline ticket.

2nd Anniversary – The second anniversary is cotton. A good cotton gift is clothing. Personalizing it makes it even more special. Nowadays you can personalize just about anything.

3rd Anniversary - The third anniversary gift is leather. Wallets and purses are nice leather gifts. There are also tins of leather items that can be personalized as well. (Ex. Personalized leather bracelets or briefcases)

4th Anniversary - Linen is the fourth anniversary gift. Linen gifts include table linens and vacation linen shirts also known as Guayaberas.

5th Anniversary - Wood is fifth anniversary gift. Gift ideas range from gift baskets to furniture.

6th Anniversary - The sixth anniversary is iron. Iron gifts include candleholders and picture frames.

7th Anniversary - Depending on who you ask, the seven year anniversary is either copper or wool. Cooper gifts include vases and bowls. Wool gifts include sweaters and scarves.

8th Anniversary - Bronze is the eighth anniversary gift. Bronze gifts can be anything from a candleholder or vase to a trinket or memorable keepsake being bronzed.

9th Anniversary - Pottery is the ninth anniversary. Sculptures, vases and bowls are the most common of these gifts. A great gift idea would be to enjoy a pottery class together.

10th Anniversary - Tin or Aluminum is the gifts for 10 years of bliss. Jewelry boxes or tin gift containers filled with goodies make great tin/aluminum gifts. Gift basket containers would be a great to incorporate tin or aluminum.

11th Anniversary - Eleven years of marriage equal a gift of Steel. Gifts can be anything from a stainless steel watch or pendant to stainless kitchen appliances.

12th Anniversary - Silk is the twelfth anniversary gift. Silk pajamas and sheets are a wonderful gift. Robes and clothing are also great.

13th Anniversary - The thirteenth anniversary is that of Lace. This anniversary gift’s element is more for the ladies. Lace table linens, hankies and nightgowns are wonderful gifts of lace.

14th Anniversary - Ivory is the gift fourteen years of marriage. Imagination is important for this gift giving year. An ivory broche is a worldly gift for your wife and if your husband is open to anything, try an ivory elephant tusk. Not likely huh? How about Ivory soap? At least I tried.

15th Anniversary – Fifteen years of wedded bliss earn you Crystal. Swarovski Crystals set in a pendant, watch or other piece of jewelry is a nice idea. For the simple folk, a crystal vase or personalized champagne flutes add that touch of romance.

20th Anniversary - Twentieth Anniversary is the gift of China. That is pretty self explanatory.

25th Anniversary - Twenty five years of marriage is also known as The Silver Anniversary. Silver jewelry or nice jewelry boxes are always safe bets.

30th Anniversary - Pearl is the gift of a thirty year anniversary. Pearls can be given as a necklace or placed in a ring.

35th Anniversary - Coral or Jade is the gifts for this anniversary. You can find coral gifts such as vases, sculptures, trays or games made or coral. Jade gifts are usually jewelry like bracelets and earrings.

40th Anniversary - The fortieth year anniversary gift is Ruby. Like many of the gifts, jewelry is a good gift.

45th Anniversary - Sapphires represent forty years of marriage. Jewelry

50th Anniversary - The Golden Anniversary is among one of the well known. Gold gifts can be anything from jewelry to golden vases, cups, frames, figurines and other trinkets.

55th Anniversary - Emeralds are the gifts of this year. Jewelry is a common gift.

60th Anniversary - Sixty years of being married most certainly deserves Diamonds. What could be better than diamond jewelry?

65th Anniversary - Blue Sapphires are the gifts of this year. Once again jewelry is appropriate…it’s deserved!

70th Anniversary - Platinum gifts are representative of seventy platinum years of marriage. Platinum gifts include jewelry, music boxes, figurines and gift boxes.

75th Anniversary - Once again Diamond is the gift of choice. After seventy five years of marriage, it is most certainly deserving. Best gift…Jewelry!

80th Anniversary - Oak represents eighty years of marriage. If you have been married eighty years than you marriage is stronger than oak. Nevertheless a fantastic oak gift is Oak Home! If you can’t afford it, there are tons of handmade oak gifts such as furniture, wall shelves and many more.

Flowers and gift baskets are great gift ideas for those of the more modern times, no matter which anniversary you are celebrating.

Cannabis and the void

Often when people give up smoking cannabis, a massive hole (or void) is made within themselves. They are left with a feeling of depression and emptiness. It's like something is missing. Something you love has now disappeared and you feel sadness because you want that feeling back.

Truth is you don't actually want marijuana back, but you do want the FEELING that marijuana gave you back.

I hear it often that many users are saying they find it difficult to cope with this change their body is going through. My advise for this problem is always the same ...

Learn something new.

You see, you feel like your missing out on something. Something has gone, its vanished off the face of the earth and you want it back. Well instead of going around in a hopeless loop and ....

Giving up then smoking a few days later,

Giving up then smoking a few days later,

Giving up then smoking a few days later,

... etc

Try and fill The Void! As an ex-user myself I know exactly what it is like and today I am going to share with you the exact thing that I used to fill my void with. There's two things actually.

1. Golf. I absolutely love playing Golf and because I used to smoke cannabis I never played as much as I liked to. So when I gave up smoking cannabis I went and played Golf several times per week. I got two great benefits from playing Golf. Firstly, I was outdoors taking some well needed exercise which also helped me to sleep at night, and secondly it was filling The Void.

2. Think and Grow Rich. This is a phenomenal book that gave me added passion to give up smoking but also to better myself in all areas of life. By learning and reading, it gave me purpose to my life and introduced me to a world that I never knew. The author Napoleon Hill was a wonderful sharing person and he shared this brilliant book with us back in the 1930's. It's power and potential is simply mind blowing.

Fill your own Void, make sure it is something you love doing. Make sure it is something you are passionate about and stick to it no matter what.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fayetteville newspaper

Prior to visiting Fayetteville, North Carolina, pick up a local newspaper. Here you can learn all about this beautiful southern city and all it has to offer for both visitors and residents.

The daily Fayetteville newspaper is the Fayetteville Observer. The Observer is published in both print and online media and is the oldest still running publication in North Carolina. The Fayetteville Observer has been publishing since the early part of the 19th century and published the news throughout the Civil War, despite having its offices destroyed in 1865 by General Sherman’s troops.

The Fayetteville Observer online gives you up to date local and national news. In addition to finding out news events, you can discover restaurant revues, job opportunities and real estate information; right in the comfort of your own home. Those seeking to find out what is going on daily in Fayetteville, North Carolina should pick up a copy of this Fayetteville newspaper or check out their website online.

In addition to publishing the Fayetteville Observer, the Fayetteville Publishing Company also publishes the Acento Latino. This monthly, Spanish language newspaper. The Acento Latino began publication in 1999 and now has a circulation of over 17,000. It offers news, events and advertisements in Spanish to the citizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding areas.

The Fayetteville Press Newspaper is another publication distributed by the Fayetteville Publishing Company. The Fayetteville Press has been publishing minority news for the people of Fayetteville, Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base for the past 11 years. It currently has a circulation of over 24,000 and is one of the fastest growing newspapers in the region. The Fayetteville Press Newspaper is distributed monthly.

One wonderful news publication is the Kidsville News that circulates through the school districts of Fayetteville, North Carolina. This Fayetteville newspaper is marketed to children attending Kindergarten through the fifth grade and gives them a comprehensive idea of what is going on in the world in language they can understand. In addition to being a valuable learning publication, the Kidsville News is also a fun publication for children as it contains pictures, puzzles and games for them to play. The Kidsville News has a publication of 33,000 and is published by Emmalew Publications in Fayetteville.

Emmalew Publications also publishes Up & Coming Weekly, a weekly newspaper for residents of the Fayetteville area with a circulation of over 15,000. Up & Coming Weekly has local features, information and news on what is going on in Fayetteville as well as surrounding areas. This hip publication is often read by young people as it features stories about popular music, fashion and local theatre as well as club and movie revues. Up & Coming Weekly also has an online publication where you can find out all about the art scene in Fayetteville and discover what is playing in the theatres as well as obtain live theatre revues.

One way to discover more about the industry and business in Fayetteville is to read the Sandhills Business Times. This bi-weekly publication has a circulation of over 20,000 and is dedicated to the businesses and industries of Fayetteville as well as surrounding areas. The Sandhills Business Times also has an online publication that gives you all of the up to date business news in the area. If you are thinking of relocating to Fayetteville, the Sandhills Business Times is a great way to learn about different opportunities for businesses in the area.

Whether you are planning on living in Fayetteville, North Carolina, or just visiting, a Fayetteville newspaper is a great place to discover more about this wonderful southern community.

Motorcycle rides and risks

Weather condition for instance has its sets of advantages and disadvantages.

Rainy days make riding pretty difficult. Imagine this scenario. The road is slippery and wipers won’t work plus the rain blurring your vision. The controls on your bike get soaking wet. What an agony!

Certainly, rainy weather invites preposterous outcomes. Your foot can slip off the pedal. Your finger can slide down the clutch lever. Thus, your control over the bike is affected.

The inconvenience is a bit lesser when traveling in a windy condition. When strong crosswinds attack, biker must swerve to compensate for it. Wind may cause a serious risk to the rider. Add in oil spillage. Now you can triple the risk.

The best weather condition to drive is sunny when the sun is permissive. Although said condition may leave you copiously sweating, it is still the best weather condition. Limited risks mean adventure and enjoyment. All you have to do is ride and enjoy! Great possibilities are just ahead of you!

Aside from weather, a rider must consider the risk management. What does it mean? Simply, risk management is understanding and circumventing risks. In order to do so, the rider must know the ins and outs of riding – the physical, environmental and vehicular limitations.

Risk management may be manifested by using quality motorcycle apparel, parts and having proper training in driving. Moreover, riders who practices risk management are less likely to experience collision. As a result, they enjoy a hassle-free ride.

There are three steps involve in risk management. The first step is to acknowledge the existence of risks. Damage to property as well as injuries and fatalities to persons can be the results of poor driving.

The second step is to assist said risks. This is a learned skill. Newbies might be groping when it comes to assessment skills. Thus, they have to exert more effort to increase their skills. Using protective gears is a manifestation of good assessment.

The last step is risk recognition. A rider cannot avoid a risk if did he not recognize it first. There are two kinds of risks – the subjective and objective.

Subjective risks involve those which are inherent in a rider’s attitude. Objective risks, on the other hand, are brought about by environment, road and vehicle conditions.

Risk management should be a natural effect of riding and it must be uphold all the time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

3 debt solutions you could try

Credit is so easy to gain nowadays – it's not wonder why so many people are in unmanageable debt. If you are slow in making payments or often miss payments, you are not alone. Before you file for bankruptcy, you should consider the following options.

Debt Consolidation Loan

One solution is to get a debt consolidation loan. Simply put, you will find a lender who will loan you the entire amount of your debts. You pay off your creditors and make one monthly payment on your consolidation loan. The purpose of doing this is to avoid having to pay many different creditors.

If you find a consolidation loan with a lower interest rate than the current rates that you are paying, you will save money in the long run.

Some individuals get consolidation loans in the form of home equity line of credit or a personal loan from the bank. Again, as long as the interest rate is lower, you will save from having to pay for finance charges. If you are having a hard time getting an unsecured loan, you might want to opt for a secured loan. A secured loan is backed up by collateral, usually your home or other personal possessions.

Credit Counseling

Another solution to debt problems is to contact a credit counseling agency. A qualified agent will review your current financial state and take the steps necessary to help you get your debt under control. They will most likely contact your current creditors to negotiate repayment terms in the form of a lower interest rate or reduced monthly payment. To find a good credit counseling agency, conduct a search online or browse your local phone book. Remember to check the agency for legitimacy by asking questions about fees and accreditation.

A credit counselor will also sit with you to discuss your financial future. They will teach you basic personal finance management skills and will help you create a budget you can live with. Sometimes, they may ask you to cut up your credit cards so you can avoid future debts.

Debt Management Programs

You can usually enlist in a debt management program through a credit counseling agency, or find one for yourself. In such a program, an agent will review your financial situation and ask you a few questions to make sure you qualify. They will likely negotiate repayment terms with your creditors to lighten your obligations. They will then add up the total amount of debt and figure out a monthly payment for all your bills combined. You simply send the agency a payment and they will make sure that your creditors are paid the right amount.

Again, you should do your research to find a good debt management program. Find a not-for-profit agency that has been accredited or recommended by trusted associations. Enlisting the help of a less-than-legitimate firm can get you in further financial trouble because some agencies will hold your payment longer than necessary so your money can gain interest for their own profit.

Itching to know about dandruff

Dandruff is probably one of the oldest ailment known to man and has always been regarded as a very embarrassing condition. Apparently, during the Medieval Ages, most people did not wash their bodies on a regular basis, and certainly not their hair. Due to poor hygiene and lack of knowledge about human illness, people have been afflicted with dandruff.

Many people have this chronic scalp disorder, which is marked by itching and excessive flaking of the scalp. Although dandruff isn't contagious and is rarely serious, it can be really irritating and surprisingly persistent.

According to Proctor and Gamble, dandruff affects more than 50% of the population of the USA, so it is more common to have dandruff than not. It can occur at any age, but is most likely in the early '20s. It is usually seasonal and it is most severe during the winter and mildest during the summer.

About 25 years ago, dermatologists started to blame a fungus as the cause of dandruff. Fungi are microscopic plant organisms that consist of cells, such as mould, mildew, and yeast. They cannot produce their own food, thus they behave as either parasites or saprophytes, absorbing nutrients from organic matter, such as humans and animals. Essentially fungi are infections. More commonly known as moulds and yeasts, fungi are found in nature, and they appear in the environment (Geophilic), on humans (Anthropophlic), and on animals (Zoophilic). A tiny fungus called Pityrosporum Ovale is said to be the main culprit why dandruff and other infections occur on human hair and scalp.

The vast majority of hair infections usually occur in children. Mild scaling of the scalp, or a very inflamed abscess caused by bacteria are evidence of dandruff. It is very important to diagnose scalp hair fungal infection in children as well as those in close contact to clear the infection as well as to prevent permanent bald patches or hair loss.

Because dandruff usually starts after puberty and is more common in men than women, hormones may also be involved. For unknown reasons, people with some illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease are more likely to have dandruff.

Dandruff particles are visible flakes of skin that have been continuously shed from the scalp. It is normal to shed some dead skin flakes as the skin is constantly renewing itself. The new cells are formed into the lower layers. They are gradually pushed to the surface as more new cells form beneath them. By the time, they reach the surface, the cells have become flat and overlap each other like roof tiles. These cells are dead then and are shed from the surface all the time. They are so small, that we humans do not notice this is happening.

With dandruff, this whole process of skin renewal (or skin turnover) speeds up, so a greater number of dead cells are being shed. The cells are also shed in clumps, which are big enough to be seen with the naked eye as embarrassing flakes, especially when they land on dark clothing. The scalp may also feel slightly itchy.

However, the good news is that dandruff can be controlled. Mild cases of dandruff may need nothing more than daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser. And stubborn flakes often respond to medicated shampoos. When regular shampoos fail, over-the-counter (OTC) shampoos can do the thing. The most effective medical treatment is an anti-yeast shampoo containing ketoconazole, which one can buy from a chemist without a doctor's prescription. But dandruff shampoos aren't all alike, and one may need to experiment until he or she can find one that works best.

How much is your credit card really costing you

Most people do not give much thought to how much the use of credit cards really costs. While you may think you are aware of the costs of credit, there are many hidden fees and charges that often go unnoticed by consumers until it is too late. If you do not keep a very close watch on your credit card fees, you could end up paying hundreds of dollars per years without evern realizing it. If you are trying to stay within a budget, hidden credit card fees can be a real drain on your finances.

Here are some of the most common types of credit card fees and what you can do to avoid them:

Your grace period may seem to be a period of time in which you can pay your bill past the due date without accruing additional interest of fees. While this may have been true in the past, credit card companies are making it more difficult to pay your bill late without any extra charges. In previos years, if you charged the maximum on your credit card but were able to pay your balance in full before the end of the grace period, it was like a loan extension that cost you no additional money. The majority of credit card comanies have reduced the grace period to less than 25 days and some have eliminated grace periods all together. A purcahse you make at noon today will usually begin accruing interest immediately. Check the fine print on your contract with the credit card company. If you find that you have no grace period before interest starts to build, consider switching to a more user-friendly card.

Late fees can really add up. Make certain you know what the late fees are for your credit card and under what circumstances you can be charged. Late fees have increased dramatically over the past several years. This fact combined with a reduction in your grace period means a hefty profit for credit card companies. Whenever possible, send your payment the very day you recieve your credit card statement. There are several reasons to never make a late payment on your credit cards. The most obvious reason is that you will avoid any late fees. Next, a late payment can be reported to the major credit bureaus, leaving a bad mark on your credit report. There is also the possibility that by making one late payment, your interest rate can be raised permanently.

You may not be aware that even with a single late payment, your credit card company can, and most likely will, increase your interest rate. One late payment gives your credit card company the right to raise your interest rate to the maximum allowed by law. This does not just apply to your credit cards. Any late payments reported on your credit report can give all your lenders the right to raise your interest rates. A late payment means higher risk to a lender and you may find that several of your interest rates go up due to a pate payment listed on your credit report.

Keeping your interest rates low and avoiding hidden charges and fees is the best way to save money over the long-term when it comes to your credit cards. Managing your credit is one of the most important factors in your overall finaincial stability. Make sure you understand completely the terms and conditions of your credit cards and all other credit accounts you may have such as your car loan, mortgage, and any other revolving accounts. By making your payments on time, you will save hundreds or more dollars each year in interst and other fees.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Making good debt decisions

Debt is no stranger to most Americans. Credit is becoming easier to obtain and people are charging well beyond their means and at interest rates reaching 20% or more. While “debt” is a scary word that usually is seen in a negative light, not all debt is bad. You can actually make intelligent decisions and use debt as a vehicle for building personal wealth.

Being intelligent with money and making good choices means you need to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt. Consider purchases “bad” that immediately lose their value as soon as you purchase it, or a purchase that has no potential to increase in value. Those are bad debts!

There are many times when it’s almost impossible to avoid bad debt completely. For example, if you need a new vehicle, you may need to obtain financing. A car loan is actually considered a bad debt, because once you drive it off the show room floor, it loses some of it’s value; and the car will continue to lose value every day that you drive it. If you’re unable to pay cash for a car, then you have little other options when it comes time to get another vehicle.

What about credit cards and store credit? Plastic money can be extremely tempting, with promotional offers for low or no interest repayment options and the ability to make smaller payments on a larger purchase when the money is tight. If used widely, many credit cards can actually help people leverage their spending power and their wealth. Unfortunately, most people aren’t always able to pay off their credit card balance in full each month, and the resulting interest charges from carrying a balance from one month to the next are often quite staggering.

For people who fall for the store credit promotional offers - the ability to save 10, 15 or even 20% off the current day’s order is tempting enough for most people to open a new store credit account. The problem with store credit offers and discounts like these is that if you miss a payment or carry the balance to the following month, often the interest rate is charged at a higher rate than the amount of money you will save on the purchase.

While most people can understand the downfalls of bad debt, many may be confused to learn that there is actually debt that is considered “good”. Any debt that is actually an “investment debt” and has the potential to create value is considered a good use of your debt. For example, real estate loans are usually good debts because the land and/or building can increase in value. Student loans are considered good debt because you are investing in the probability of obtaining a higher paid job once you graduate college.

Other debt that is considered a good choice is debts that are tax-deductible and have the potential to generate wealth over the long term. If you use a tax-deductible, home equity loan with a fixed, 6 or 7% interest in order to pay for a high interest credit card, your new debt is a good choice.

Unless you are independently wealthy, it’s almost impossible to avoid all types of financing and debt throughout your lifetime. In order to keep it under control however, you should limit the amount of “bad” debts you acquire and try to maximize your debt by financing your purchases with as much “good” debt as possible.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Sympathy for plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is becoming a common thing nowadays, with things like nose jobs and face lifts almost becoming everyday procedures in some large cities. Certainly, there are a number of psychological and emotional benefits to such procedures, but only if they are properly done. Also, even if these procedures are performed flawlessly by the surgeon, there are still some things that need to be kept in mind after the surgery itself, not the least of which is the need for post-surgery therapy. There are even a few things that need to be taken into account before something like this is even considered, outside of an emergency situation where the procedure is reconstructive and not aesthetic in nature.

The first thing to consider would be the reasons for the surgery in the first place. If the procedure is not meant to repair damaged tissue and is merely cosmetic, plastic surgeons will often have the patient speak to a psychologist before agreeing to the procedure. There are a myriad of reasons for this, not the least of which is to reduce the chances of mistakenly performing a procedure to “perfect” someone's appearance on a person who is psychologically incapable of recognizing an absence of flaws. The more ethical plastic surgeons are willing to perform procedures only on people who require them or do not have some sort of psychological issue that might cause problems if surgery is carried out. However, this is merely what needs to be done before one goes under the knife, with what needs to happen afterwards being a completely different scenario.

There can be any number of things that must be taken into consideration when it comes to post-surgery therapy, particularly for plastic surgery. For example, in the case of liposuction, there is usually a set number of days of minimal or controlled food consumption. This is because whatever was done during the procedure needs time to “stick,” as it were. Binge eating will not only damage what the liposuction was supposed to do, but it may also cause additional damage as side effects.

In general, the surgeons themselves will inform their patients of what needs to be done and what things should be avoided before they're discharged. Whatever they say must be adhered to almost religiously, because these procedures and limitations were designed to help the body fully heal after whatever was done. Yes, there is a recovery time in place after the surgical procedure itself, but the body needs more time to really “settle.” Some types of cosmetic surgical procedures might also require the use of certain medications, with various effects. Some are designed to help the body accept the changes, while others are used to reduce some negative symptoms, such as pain.

The precautions to be taken after the fact hold true even when the procedure is reconstructive in nature. These sorts of medical procedures can sometimes be rather invasive, with a number of available techniques requiring that areas of the patient's body be cut and pathways into deeper cavities opened up. In the end, these procedures require time for the body to fully recover from them, much like other forms of surgery.

Original concepts to market on your website

If you can offer something unique, that no other website has, then you will have original content for your website. You can start to achieve this by looking up information that would be of interest to your "target" or "niche" market. Start by looking for unanswered questions, and then try to answer those questions. Sometimes it can take a lot of time and research to come up with a solution, but when you do find a solution, what once seemed like non-existent information, is now easily found on your website.

Just because you have figured out a solution, that does not mean that the solution didn't exist at all, usually it just isn't readily available on the net. It could be that the information is being taught in seminars for very absorbent costs. If you can develop an ebook, or something of the like, you could be giving people the exact same valuable information for a fraction of what those big seminar places are charging for that information. This is just one valuable technique that my mentors have taught me about.

Also, if you find more valuable information on the same subject, you can always just add to your product, or ebook, and then re-release it as a second addition. This can make you even more money. Usually, the people who origianally bought the first version, will make comments, or ask questions, so all you have got to do is give them what they want, and then resell it to them.

It isn't hard to come up with new ideas, or seemingly unavailable information, you just need to keep your "niche" or "target" market in mind when trying to find a new topic of interest. You will need to ask yourself a lot of questions, and notice if any of these questions go unanswered.

For a more complete guide to picking the right market, and releasing new products in that market, go to my website. There you will find some simply awesome links, providing you with the invaluable information that you need to succeed! Register at my site, and you will receive incredible reports, and other awesome stuff, for FREE! Take action now! And take control of YOUR future! Go to my website, you deserve it!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to find out deceptive credit card offer

The internet is the place of limitless ideas, products, businesses and anything under the sun. It could also be a place of deceptive offers and persuasive advertisements?

Credit cards are already becoming a must-have item nowadays. People are seeking to own one to facilitate their shopping and traveling. Credit cards are very important properties that can be equated to cash. Almost every product that is available for sale can be purchased using the credit card. Restaurants are offering foods to be served for a credit card. Hotel rooms are made available in one swipe. Plane tickets and cruise line fees at hand provided by credit cards. There is nothing to ask for if one has a credit card.

Debts are natural to be included in credit cards. And these debts can be directly relative to the card issuer company. There are many things to look up to when credit card and credit card offers is being the subject of the conversation.

The internet, being the place of instant shop less the hassle, is also becoming the place of fraudulent offers be it form any product and even to credit cards. There are fake or marketing companies that use the internet to win attention from people who would want to their own credit card. There are a lot of them and they are drastically growing.

These companies are not actually lending companies. They can appear to be foundations that offer credit solution and the like but acts and talks the same way as a credit company. There are many ways and strategies that they are doing just to capture the attention of many and rob their money. What are the things that these fake lending companies are saying and what are the offers they frequently brag? Here are some pointers to consider on how to know whether a lending company is a fake or not.

-When companies are starting to offer zero interest and low interest at the same time but not telling what type of credit card is going to be given, chances are that the company is not giving away or is not a lending company but a marketing or sales company. This company maybe referring to one-time-credit-cards or gift checks that can be used to purchase products from the company. The card that they will give can never be used in any ATM around the world.

-When companies disregard your credit history or situation, then these certain companies maybe just pretending to be real. No lending company will disregard a credit situation of a client. Companies think first of the profits that they can get from the client and will not accommodate any losses due to non-payment.

-When companies disregard the age and employment status of a person, there is a higher possibility that these companies are just make-believing. The capacity of a person to pay is determined through his employment status. When this is disregarded, what good can it bring to the lending company? In addition, most banks and lending companies prioritize those younger person rather than the old ones. This is in lieu with the ability-to-pay scheme that lending companies are implementing.

There are still a lot of doubtful offers that you may encounter not just in the internet but also in newspapers and other media. To make sure you will not be victimized by these people, try to contact reliable banks and lending companies rather than infamous lending companies.

Viral marketing for online businesses

Viral marketing is one of the most creative ways of promoting a business. It can work wonders for any business although there are certain principles that play a lead role in making viral marketing for business websites so effective. Different businesses use different techniques while applying viral marketing to enhance their visibility and here are some of the best and time-proven techniques that can help your business too.

WOM Recommendations

WOM or word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways of promoting business and finding new clients. The very fact that it is unsolicited makes WOM one of the best advertising vehicles. If you can combine word-of-mouth with strong networking then it can reap long-term benefits for you. There are different ways you can do it and one of them includes asking your friend to recommend your business on his/her networking message board. The internet is a quick way of reaching across geographical boundaries and information regarding your business can pass from one message board to another in a short period of time.

You can also encourage your friends to send emails. You can design good e-mailers and provide information about your business and a link for your website. These e-mailers can be mailed by your friends to their friends and so on. Although it sounds a little primitive but this kind of campaign is highly effective and can create a lot of hits for any online business.

Enhance Linking

Linking is one of the most important aspects of enhancing search engine positioning and the visibility of any online business. There are different ways by which you can use your website links to get more traffic to your website. One of the ways is through reciprocal linking, which you can do by registering with some of the top directories and other non competitive sites (these reciprocal linking methods are quickly becoming less relevant and obsolete). The second method is through posting articles with links at various article submission websites. This is fast becoming one of the most popular methods of back-linking and subtle advertising. There are many article submission websites, directories or ezines that will allow you to submit your article free of cost.

The third method will be to set up different types of affiliate programs that will contribute to the increase in the number of links to your services or products. Affiliate marketing has become popular off late because it offers financial incentive to every other website who wants to link with your website.

Contests are another way of promoting your website services or products and can help visitors to use the link the contests to reach your website. People enter contests to win and if you prepare a contest where they have to visit your website using the link within the contest, then it will increase the number of hits and also bring meaningful traffic.

Free Services or Products

The last but not the least is advertising or promoting your website by offering free services or products. There are many companies who encourage 7-day free memberships, or free product trials. The word free has a lot of impact especially when you have launched a business that you would want to see as a successful venture. You can have a section that offers free Christmas cards or other greeting cards that can be mailed.

You can have sections where people can get free coupons for some of your specialized services or even discount coupons for some of your products. This will ensure that people use them and as a result, your business will gain a lot of visibility.

These are some of the best ways of viral marketing and has reaped success for many a business. These time-proven formulas are good but they need a little creativity and improvisation from time to time.

Honeymoon resorts

Depending on your budget the choice of a honeymoon resort to stay at while you celebrate the beginning of the rest of your life together with your special someone can be a world wide option. Honeymoon resorts can be found in the French Riviera and also in the Pocono Mountains so choosing your honeymoon resort will more than likely be based on the resources you have available. Choose wisely though as, hopefully, you will only get one chance to enjoy a quality honeymoon resort on your perfect honeymoon getaway.

If you are planning to travel out of the country to your honeymoon resort then you will need to make your arrangements with a professional travel agent. There is no such thing as a book it yourself option when you are dealing with traveling to a foreign country where you don’t know their customs, you don’t know their travel laws, and you have no experience in their hotels. A professional travel agent will help you make all of your arrangements and also take the time to explain the customs to you and make sure that you have all of the paperwork you need to travel out of the country. These are all essential when staying at a honeymoon resort out of the country.

Probably the two more famous honeymoon resort locations in the United States are Niagara Falls, New York and the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. I have personal experience in both and I am going to offer you some insight to each area. Niagara Falls, New York is an area that is making a comeback from years and years of government corruption and horrible misuse of public funds. For many years Niagara Falls laid dormant as scandal after scandal rocked the government and the city edged closer and closer to bankruptcy. Recently the Seneca Indian tribe was given land to build a hotel and casino close to the Falls themselves and now the area is making a huge comeback. With the help of the casino the area around the Falls is being revitalized and is becoming, once again, a vacation and honeymoon destination for people from all over the world.

The Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania were designed for honeymooners. The honeymoon resorts in the Poconos offer first class accommodations and can help to make your honeymoon one to remember. If you are within driving distance of the Pocono Mountains then I suggest bypassing the plane flight and driving through the mountains themselves to get to your resort. It is a beautiful way to start your honeymoon.

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Chronic scleroderma

What is Scleroderma? - Scleroderma is a chronic disease characterized by excessive deposits of collagen. In order to better understand Scleroderma it helps if you have some understanding as to what collagen is.

What is Collagen? - Collagen is a fibrous protein that occurrsn bone, cartilage and connective tissue. It is a major structural protein that forms molecular cables to strengthen the tendons and vast, resilient sheets that support the skin and internal organs. There is no organ or tissue which does not have collagen. Collagen acts as the important support structure in tissues around which cells live and function. Elements of our body such as bones and teeth are made by adding mineral crystals to collagen.

Scleroderma directly affects the skin, and in sometimes in more severe cases, it can affect the blood vessels and internal organs of the body. The most visible scleroderma symptom is the hardening of skin and associated scarring that goes along with it. This hardened skin will normally appear reddish or scaly in appearance. Often times this will allow blood vessels to be more visible.

The most serious aspect of the disease to take into account are: The total area that is covered, and the the level of internal involvement that is taking place. These are important to consider because a patient that only has minor coverage is much less likely to have damange to internal organs and tissues as someone with larger coverage.

Almost certainly, in cases where an entire limb is affected, future use of that limb will be jeopardized. If the coverage is over the torse, the heart and lungs will be affected which is more severe, than lets say an arm. Often times, internal scarring will occur which is more complicated and cannot simply be seen by the naked eye.

Friday, August 12, 2016

The chickadees rental war

After a long snowy winter as I get to work in the garden I discovered the need to completely redo the birdbaths, bird houses and other bird friendly aspects of my garden. Rain, snow and ice did major damage to the pond, the birdbath fountain, the decorative bird houses and all the bird feeders. Wow! I didn’t have this much maintenance on my own house. Of course the bears took out their spring energy on the decorative bird feeders and the raccoons keep hanging off the more unique bird feeder because they appear to love that seed mix. Is there a seed mix that doesn’t attract as much wildlife as it does birds?

I love fancy bird houses, so do my feathered visitors. They flock to the unique bird feeders and great designs of the decorative bird houses and argue over who gets to move in. I have a decorative bird house shaped like a lighthouse and 2 sets of chickadees got into a rental war before one moved in and made it her own. Some of the residents of my garden prefer the birdhouse feeders. I guess that way they don’t have to go far for food, live upstairs eat downstairs. I also appreciate the more unique bird feeders, especially those designed to thwart the squirrel population. Will someone please explain to me how I can have 4 different kinds of squirrels in one yard?

The raccoons keep taking the pump out of the pond to play with it and they burn out the motor so I decided to switch to a birdbath water fountain where they couldn’t reach the pump. This works great but make sure to place some rocks in the basin so if someone falls in they can get out again. Even if you have raccoons make sure to have running water in the form of a small birdbath fountain, a birdbath or a pond. Your birds need and enjoy the sound of bubbling water and the availability of fresh water especially as we go into the dog days of summer. Enjoy the finer things in life this summer, enjoy your garden!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Cheap credit cards - are they a myth

Cheap credit cards come in many varieties. In addition, there are many factors a consumer needs to take into consideration when determining whether or not a credit card is truly cheap.

The first factor most people consider when looking for cheap credit cards is the card's Annual Percentage Rate (APR). The APR determines the amount of finance charges that will be added to the account if the balance is not paid in full at the end of each billing cycle. Therefore, the lower the APR, the less finance charges the cardholder will have to pay.

When comparing low interest credit cards, it is also important for the cardholder to look at how finance charges are determined. Most credit cards use the Average Daily Balance method. Other credit cards, however, use the Two Cycles Average Daily Balance method. With this method, finance charges are determined at two different times during the billing cycle. For those that carry a balance on their credit card from month to month, the Two Cycles Average Daily Balance method is more expensive. Therefore, a low interest credit card may not actually be the least expensive card to use if it uses the Two Cycles Average Daily Balance method.

Some cheap credit cards have an annual fee in exchange for offering a lower interest rate. Depending on the interest rate, this annual fee just might be worth paying. In this case, it is necessary for the cardholder to be aware of his or her spending habits. In this way, the cardholder can determine whether or not the money saved with the low interest rate will pay for the annual fee. If the savings gained by the lowered APR will not pay for the annual fee, it is not worth paying to have membership to the card.

The grace period associated with a cheap credit card is also an important consideration. The grace period is the number of days the cardholder has after making a purchase before finance charges are assessed to the card. Twenty-day grace periods are common in the credit industry. The longer the grace period, the less money the cardholder will ultimately pay in finance charges. A cheap credit card with a low interest rate is not worth it if the finance charges begin to apply immediately after the purchase. The money saved by a low interest rate will soon be lost as finance charges build each day.

Some cheap credit cards even offer reward programs. Generally, however, low interest credit cards that also have a reward program are reserved for those that have good or excellent credit and will typically have an annual fee.

Even those reward credit cards that do not necessarily have a low interest rate can be considered to be cheap cards, mainly because the value of the rewards earned can be greater than the money spent on annual fees or finance charges. Those that pay their credit card balance in full at the end of each billing cycle, for example, may not be so concerned about the interest rate of the credit card. In this case, cheap credit cards would be those that offer discounts or special reward program that make the credit card pay for itself.

In general, credit cards come with a number of perks. These benefits can include purchase protection, extended warranties, roadside assistance, and travel insurance. When sorting through cheap credit cards, consumers also need to take these benefits into consideration. Those that will never utilize these perks will probably just be concerned with finding a low interest credit card with no annual fee. For others, however, it might be a better idea to pay a little more in order to gain the added perks. Similarly, if the consumer has several cheap credit cards with the same available interest rate to choose from, it only makes sense to go with the one that offers the greatest number of added benefits or that has benefits most meaningful to the person's lifestyle.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Spirituality information - john harricharan s interview with terri marie q2

Terri Marie: And I can’t wait to tell, it’s launched in the very, very near future and I know it’s going to be great. You’ve talked a lot about energy and how the universe is made up of energy. And I believe our goal is to get to the higher vibration sets where we can attract more of the things that we desire. How do we get to the higher vibrations? Can you give some simple steps or some guidelines to point people down the path towards raising their energy vibration?

John: Yes, the simpler answer is 848.

Terri Marie: Okay. And could you give me the complex part of that answer.

John: And the reason I said that is because there is no simple nor complex answer. There is just an answer, which we at this stage of our evolution have no idea of. We might think we know and we know a little bit more than we did five centuries ago. But I think it’s an evolution in spirit and mind maybe even in body and I won’t touch that part of it, but it’s a growth and a learning of the spirit because all the laws of the universe exist right now just like they did 10 centuries ago or 10 millennium ago.

The knowledge of how to fly an airplane or build a 747 jet existed millions of years ago, it just didn’t come up here, just didn’t appear in one blinding movement of truth, the art of flying given to the Wright brothers from which a lot of our flying evolved. But it was there, the concept and mathematics, that one plus one equal to two, existed forever, just like every other law exists right now.

We are given an opportunity to learn them, discover them for ourselves and use them and it will appear to me having spent some time or quite some time, if you will, with some of the masters of the Far East, some yogi masters and Shambhala masters, having one of them being my teacher actually in some little way.

I am convinced that this is an energy universe and energy has vibration, and vibrations and energy are interchangeable just like energy and matter are interchangeable. So what I am driving at right now, Terri Marie, is to say there is no difference and there is no disconnection between every life form on earth or in the universe and I am sure there are lots of others and we are in touch with one another and we can influence one another whenever we get into the proper frequency, because frequency again and vibrations and so forth they all have a scientific background. And it’s a matter of being tuned into the right station.

Right now as we speak, all the radio stations in your area are on the air simultaneously not sequentially, one doesn’t start and then stops for the other one to follow. They are all broadcasting right now. And if you have your beautiful little radio tuned into one of them, you will exclude all the others. If you want to change from that one, you just turn the knob or the dial or whatever is it to another frequency. And when you do that you will exclude the one you were just listening to.

So in the universe in all time space situations, there are various frequencies and we through meditation, through player, through quiet or the inner silence, could tune into these very stations.

For example, let's say one is having a difficulty with acquiring abundance wealth. One gets to the spot where you tune into the wealth channel. You become really still. As you do that, the frequency is such that data will flow to you, inspiration will flow to you, and you will be moved to do the exact things that will lead you to tremendous success in obtaining the money you want. Same goes for relationship and so forth.

Terri Marie: John, is that something that you're going to help people with on the Spiritual simplicity site?

John Harricharan: I will certainly give them tips and show them how they could achieve that. It's not very difficult. When I say it's not very difficult, I mean there is some effort. The very simple thing of getting into the silence seems so simple when I become quiet. No, saying so doesn't really make it so. You have to practice. I think anyone could become a master in about three weeks. Give or take a couple of days. Of course, I'm being

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Show me the money part ii

In the second of a two-part series, the author explains how to fund your business from within, via customers, consulting, and cost control.

Sometimes it's best to bootstrap before seeking a structured financing round with outside sources. In this column, I'll talk about financing your business without going to someone else for money — via customers, consulting, and cost control.


One of the most traditional ways to fund your company is to have your customers fund your growth. Wow, what a concept! In the days of the high-tech Internet boom, entrepreneurs all but forgot what spurred a lot of the biggest businesses around: selling products to customers and funneling the revenue back into the company's operations and development. This is a great way to maintain control of your company and generate positive cash flow.

Take this example: One of the startup companies I worked with had a client that needed its sales executives to be more effective at managing its third-party resellers. The startup company had a sales-force compensation product that, with a few enhancements, would have solved the customer's problem beautifully. Trouble was, the startup didn't have the funding to take on this project. Solution? We negotiated with the customer who agreed to fund the product development.

We knew that, in time, the startup could sell this enhanced product to other companies, so it was worth what initially appeared to be a distraction. The customer paid $200,000 for the product enhancements and agreed to license it on an annual basis. The startup agreed to give the customer an exclusivity period, meaning that it wouldn't sell the product to a short list of direct competitors for 90 days.

Dollars and Sense

Customer-funded product development deals have come in handy many times. The biggest deal I've seen was an $800,000 infusion to a startup from a chip manufacturer to fund the development of technology that the manufacturer planned to license. To make this type of deal happen, you usually need a couple of customers first so that the funding customer has confidence in your ability to deliver. You also should have sophisticated board members or advisers to help you negotiate the deal if you haven't done one before. If you must offer an exclusivity period, start with three months.

If you have to increase that to six months to get the deal done, make sure it makes business sense. Get a guaranteed order size (and make it big). And, of course, have your attorney involved in the entire process so he or she can make sure product-ownership is abundantly clear. You own it, and the customer licenses it for a period of time. You will also want to make sure you're filing patents for any key technology you develop.


If you can offer consulting services to fund the cost of operations and product development, do it. Your knowledge can be a valuable commodity. In the first example I mentioned above, the startup provided consulting on how to compensate both internal and external sales forces, how to track sales quotas, and how to administer payments. Many startups have self-funded this way.

Later, when the company was ready to release its first product, it was already in a great financial position. It had existing sales, happy customers, and a nice cash cushion. It had maintained full ownership and control of the company due to not needing outside investors. Now it could choose to take on equity or debt financing, and the company would have a higher value than if it had chosen external financing.

Cost Control

Whenever you can cut costs without reducing your ability to develop and sell products or services, do it. Potential financiers will want to know your "burn rate"—the rate at which your company is consuming cash on a monthly basis. Knowing this helps financiers evaluate the current and projected amount of cash your company will require for general operations.

If, for instance, your company has significant infrastructure expenses or complicated manufacturing, your financing needs will be larger and your deal will be scrutinized more closely. In this case, you will have to justify every significant expense and offer ideas for reducing them.

When I say "every significant expense," I mean it. Don't neglect the obvious. Full-time employees are expensive. Several roles can be filled by either part-timers or by hourly contractors. For sales and marketing needs, several companies I know have hired unemployed actors on an hourly basis. Actors are great at reading scripts and infusing their voice with enthusiasm. If managed properly, they can generate and qualify sales leads over the phone.

Take the ones with the strongest selling skills, the ones who are comfortable asking for sales orders, and have them do telephone or Web-based sales. Give them a quota. In my previous companies, we used contract salespeople and paid them commission only—20% to 25% on their sales. Contractors may not be as committed as employees, but you can offer incentives to increase their loyalty. Pay them bonuses based on results, refer other clients to them, and know what your contractors care about and help them achieve their goals. If you are a key source of business for them, they'll have a lot at stake in maintaining the relationship.

Check out Web sites such as elance. com, craigslist. org, and teamdoubleclick. com to find contractors with varieties of skill sets. Ask around, too. Through friends, we found a guy based in India for graphic design, marketing materials, and Web site design work. He does terrific work at a reasonable price.

Drop a Line

No matter which of the three Cs you rely on — and I've tried them all (often at the same time) — internally bootstrapping your business will help you keep control and will certainly put you in a powerful position. And if you do seek external financing later, you will do a better job negotiating knowing you can always walk away and fund yourself on your own terms.