Friday, August 5, 2016

Fertilizing your flowers and the importance of choosing the right flower food

When buying fertilizer for your flowers, there are two basic approaches. Either of these methods is satisfactory and the approach you take will depend upon the types of flowers you have. The first approach is to have your soil analyzed and give your flowers the precise nutrients they need as determined by the results of the analysis. Very often you can have a sample of your soil analyzed by your local county extension office for a small fee, but the most convenient method of testing is to purchase a simple soil analysis kit from your local garden center and purchase flower food based on the results. This method is very effective and will undoubtedly give you the results you hoped for, although it does take some extra time and effort.

The second and most convenient manner of feeding your flowers is to choose a multi-purpose, balanced fertilizer that contains a full spectrum of plant nutrients. There are many brands of all-purpose flower food. One of the more popular brands is Miracle Gro. Most professional gardeners will attest to the effectiveness of Miracle Gro, but in most cases any brand of flower food will be just as effective if used properly. No matter the brand you choose, use the fertilizer according to the directions on the package. In the case of fertilizers, more does not translate into better. If you over-feed your plants you could cause damage to the roots or even kill the plant completely.

Some flowering plants will grow excess leaves rather than flowers if given an excess of nitrogen. Select a fertilizer formulated especially for flowers to avoid this problem. Any type of bloom-booster flower food will solve this problem. Remember that when you feed your flowers, mix the fertilizer exactly as specified on the package or simply purchase ready-to-use flower food to avoid any mistakes. Also keep in mind that the flower food should not be placed directly on the leaves or flowering parts of the plant. Fertilizers are designed to feed the soil surrounding the plants. You could cause severe damage to the plants if you get the fertilizer directly on the leaves or flowers. There are some types of flower food that will not harm leaves or flowers, but make sure you read the directions carefully so that you will know the effects of getting the fertilizer directly on the leaves or flowering part of the plant.

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