Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to visit a new mom and have her love you afterwards

Going to visit a new Mother and her tiny baby? As a Mom who has been there 4 times, I've had great and not-so-great experiences when friends came to visit postpartum. Make your visit a blessing instead of a drudgery with these tips.

1) Call beforehand and ask what you can bring her to eat

A new Mom, especially if she's breastfeeding, is hungry! Don't ask if she wants you to bring her anything. Most new Moms in our culture are unlikely to ask for help. Tell her that you ARE bringing her lunch and would she prefer Italian or Chinese? And make sure, if you're preparing something, that it's not loaded with empty carbs. New Moms have enough trouble going to the bathroom in those postpartum days! She needs good nutrition, not junk.

2) When you arrive, don't smell like a bouquet on overdrive

Newborn babies have sensitive skin. Some of them break out when they are held by someone with a lot of synthetic perfume on. When you go visit a new baby, don't smell like you've been attacked by Chanel No. 5. Skip the perfume. You're not on a date, ok?

3) Wash your hands

New Moms are particular about their babies, and neither she nor her newborn needs your germs. Wash your hands first and then ask if you may hold the newborn. And for goodness sakes, leave a sneezing, snotty nosed child at home!

4) Don't hog the baby

The new Mother's job is to rest and bond with her baby. Don't grab the baby and try to jolly her out of her cries when she obviously wants her Momma back. Hold the new baby briefly, perhaps while Mom uses the bathroom or cuddles her toddler, then give baby back. Now.

5) Do something useful

Ask Mom if you can watch her older child for a half hour so she can nap with the baby. Ask if you can load the dishwasher, or fold a load of laundry. Insist. Don't say "Is there anything I can do?". Say "What can I do?" At the very least, bring paper plates and disposable flatware. She may have forgotten to buy that, but it sure makes those postpartum days a little easier.

6) Keep your visit brief

Mom is tired, recuperating from childbirth and above all needs to rest and learn about her new baby. Counting fingers and toes, cooing, crying, breastfeeding and changing diapers takes all day! A new Mom doesn't need to play hostess. Don't stay more than about 15 minutes unless you're her best friend or close relative, and even then, keep it very brief.

If you remember these tips, the new Mom will really appreciate you, and she'll return the favor the next time you have a baby!

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