Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A technology degree offers endless opportunities

Every minute of every day some new form of technology is being invented. Technology is popping up all over the place and it does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Every year companies try to out do each other by coming up with the biggest and best product and knock their competitors out of the water. Now, if you buy a computer, IPod or any other electronic device, it is practically out of date before you even walk out the door of the store because a new company came up with a better idea. This is why the career field of computers and technology continues to grow making room for individuals with a technology degree.

When the IPod was first marketed, people all over the world rushed out to the nearest electronic store to purchase the latest technological craze. As soon as they took that product home and got used to the features, Apple was pushing out a new product, the IPod Nano. This IPod was smaller than the first and had more memory, making it more portable and easier to use. Similar to Apple, video game companies are coming out with new game systems and games before customers are used to the one they already have. With the high turn around of computer games and electronic devices, the need for experts with a technology degree continues to grow. That makes the technology career field one of the fastest growing career fields today.

With a technology degree, individuals can work in many different places and hold various jobs. These jobs include computer programming, network engineering, information technology, database technologies, network security and management information systems. All of these fields offer numerous jobs and opportunities for students. Because of the diverse curriculum and the wealth of knowledge available in these technology programs, students are not stuck in one dead end job for their whole life. Receiving a degree in a technology field allows students flexibility and the ability to adapt to any computer or electronic related career.

There are numerous institutions in the United States that offer a technology degree, but not all of them offer certification in certain programs as well. Not only do employers look for employee candidates who have a degree, they also look for candidates who are knowledgeable, have real world experience and are certified in certain programs. Gaining a certification will set students apart from other candidates who do not have these certifications or real world experience. By obtaining a technology degree, students can become a Cisco Certified Network Associate, a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator or a Microsoft Certified Application Developer among other certifications.

While obtaining a technology degree, there are also many opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience in the field of computers and electronics. Since there is a large job market in this particular career field, there leaves open the opportunity for a large internship market. Internships are important to students because employers look for individuals with real world experience. This career field is so fast paced that one minute an individual can be programming a computer game and the next minute they can be coming up with a new database. This makes it important to gain as much real world experience as possible before attempting to break into the work force. It is also important for individuals to stay on top of the current technology that is out there. New products come out every day leaving room for new improvements and advancements in technology.

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