Thursday, July 14, 2016

Online pet stars what makes a great pet website

It goes without saying that Americans are wild about their pets. We spend an inordinate amount of time, money, and energy making sure our cats, dogs, fish, and exotic animal friends are happy and healthy. The pet industry is booming and it shows no sign of slowing down.

It was only a matter of time before this pet mania spread to the internet.

Today, people can log on to order pet food or custom-made clothes for their four-legged companions. Top notch veterinarians are available to answer specific questions via email and there are websites devoted to issues about animal health and nutrition.

Breeders from across the country are getting in on the game now.

If you are a breeder, a web site offers a one of a kind opportunity to advertise your services and show off your animals. A responsible breeder will take care to promote their business in the most tasteful and informative manner possible. Here are some of the elements you may want to include on your site:

- An attractive logo with your business name and an illustration of your animal

- Proof of your breeder certification

- Testaments from customers and reference information

- Striking photos of the animals

- Pedigree charts

- An online store where viewers can purchase merchandise

But you do not have to be a registered breeder to showcase your beloved animal. Pet owners of all kinds can illustrate their love for their creatures by creating a very special web site. A pet web site may contain:

- An introduction to your pet, including a time line of when you first came together

- Photos of different sizes and formats, with captions and without

- A daily journal highlighting your interactions with your pet

- A message board where you and your loved ones can exchange comments and bask together in the love you feel for your pet

- Pet memorials or special messages about the family pets of the past

But what if you are not computer savvy or you do not have a scanner? How can you share your pet’s photos, antics, and other unique qualities via the internet?

The answer is surprisingly simple: find a reliable web host that will help you to create a truly unique site that you will be proud to pass on to others. A good web host should offer to scan your photos and even offer advice on things like the size of your photo files and how to manipulate pictures so they have the best resolution on screen.

If you have more than one pet, go ahead and create a page that features all of them! Once again, a web host can guide you on the number of photos and the type of text you can include. Certainly, multiple pets can make for a stimulating and memorable site.

Clearly, there is no reason to keep your love for your pet to yourself! But in these modern times, carrying photos of your pets in your wallet is not enough. We urge you to design a web site around your special companion – whether it is for business or pleasure – and let your pets have the spotlight they deserve.

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